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Forum > Position Talk > O Line Club > What's prototypical Guard build
I hear they're easy to build but I would still like to know. Also I'm making a Pure run-blocking Guard. He's probably gonna suck on pass protection.
90 STR
80 Blocking
70 Agility
60 Vision
50 Speed
50 Stamina

Take Blk and Str to 68 as soon as poss.

Then take Conf to 48 .

Then take Agi to 48, then 60, then 68.

Close out Spd and Vis at around 48-55. Stamina? Doesn't seem necessary to cap.
120 str
90 speed
90 agility
20 pancake.
what i did/doing with my guard
str to 60, block 48, str 68, agi 48, block 68, working agi to 60

str right now is naturally 75
blocking is now naturally 69, but i have it trained up and will finish the training once it hits the 5:1
agility is now 57
What SA's in run block tree are good. Is the actual Run Block SA good
Goal before SA's in the late 30's(raw):

73 STR
73 BLK
68 AGI
49 SPD
49 VIS

Originally posted by joeflex73
Goal before SA's in the late 30's(raw):

73 STR
73 BLK
68 AGI
49 SPD
49 VIS

if you take out the vision, it will be easy to get
Its ashamed that Stamina is so under utilized. Honestly you should HAVE to have stamina to 61+ to be nearly effective at levels 30+.

Stamina, once again, is the laughing boy of GLB.
Originally posted by mandyross
Take Blk and Str to 68 as soon as poss.

Then take Conf to 48 .

Then take Agi to 48, then 60, then 68.

Close out Spd and Vis at around 48-55. Stamina? Doesn't seem necessary to cap.

i like this plan. it's close to the plan I took. I eventually took conf to 60 just cause I could, but I have no idea if it was worth it.
Originally posted by xxsyrusvb
Its ashamed that Stamina is so under utilized. Honestly you should HAVE to have stamina to 61+ to be nearly effective at levels 30+.

Stamina, once again, is the laughing boy of GLB.

No way. My LB has 50 and comes out of every game with 80+ energy. There's no benefit of going that high.
I dunno about agility to 68 for a pure run blocking RG. I'd rather spend those 24 points from 60->68 and go to 73 strength instead early-on, to be honest. He said pure run blocking, after all!

see-saw str/blk to 73/68
cap agi/vis
cap conf
return to 60 agi, cap speed
go to 3-6-6 in the run block tree, get AE for "get low" to bring it to 10
return to 60 speed

That's 13 caps + moderate SAs, so say 14 caps. Using the 4 level/cap generalization, you're looking at basically your career right there, but G gains are so good you'd get that done around lv45 probably.

Guess there is room for 68 agi after this plan, but I like my plans to mature around lv35, improve with SAs and whipped cream around lv45, and then play at a very high level from 45->end of career, and not worry about what my plans are that late anymore.


anyway, equip/VA makes me visualize this build as....

130 str
95 blk
70 agi
61 spd
55 vis
55 conf
40 sta
3-10-6-0-0 SAs
Last edited Apr 10, 2009 09:26:41
Originally posted by Octowned
I dunno about agility to 68 for a pure run blocking RG. I'd rather spend those 24 points from 60->68 and go to 73 strength instead early-on, to be honest. He said pure run blocking, after all!

see-saw str/blk to 73/68
cap agi/vis
cap conf
return to 60 agi, cap speed
go to 3-6-6 in the run block tree, get AE for "get low" to bring it to 10
return to 60 speed

That's 13 caps + moderate SAs, so say 14 caps. Using the 4 level/cap generalization, you're looking at basically your career right there, but G gains are so good you'd get that done around lv45 probably.

Guess there is room for 68 agi after this plan, but I like my plans to mature around lv35, improve with SAs and whipped cream around lv45, and then play at a very high level from 45->end of career, and not worry about what my plans are that late anymore.


anyway, equip/VA makes me visualize this build as....

130 str
95 blk
70 agi
61 spd
55 vis
55 conf
40 sta
3-10-6-0-0 SAs

That's probably about a level 48-52 build.

Not terribly far off from my level 46 who was built with decent but far less than optimal efficiency (though my actual distribution is not quite how you have things listed...I think you can have a little better performance with a slightly different array ).
Last edited Apr 10, 2009 16:40:30
Originally posted by tautology
(though my actual distribution is not quite how you have things listed...I think you can have a little better performance with a slightly different array ).

maybe I did something wrong, but I don't think I'm going to have anywhere near 130 str/95 blk by the time my G gets to lvl 48 or even 52. I have over 100 blocking including VA, but even if I had maxed workout warrior, I'd only be at about 108 str right now.

(and did I miss it? was that build opened and now closed again? and are you willing to share any of your ideas, or are you just enjoying taunting us? )
Can't tell you what it is, all I can say is that I don't like it.

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