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Forum > Oceania > Oceania AA Leagues > Money donīt buy the Trophy
How much money do the teams have ?

3,4 mill - Samoa ..........(fantastic gameplanning, but next year in AAA they will need cash)
12,6 mill - Williamsport .....(big stadium = salary/equipment money)
1,9 mill - West Canaan ......(big stadium, but they need a playoff homegame = ticket money)
16,4 mill - Bay City .......(STADIUM done)
13,9 mill - Guam ..........(STADIUM done)
19,6 mill - Easter Island ....(STADIUM done)
7,8 mill - Vanuatu .......(big stadium)
3,5 mill - Darwin .......(need to build)

1,2 mill - Hometown ......(STADIUM done - but do they have salary for the rest of the season?)
3,0 mill - Cook Island ......(big stadium)
3,5 mill - Cairns City ......(need to build....)
16,5 mill - Newcastle ....... (STADIUM done)
11,6 mill - Melbourne ........(STADIUM done)
22,4 mill - Vero ............(STADIUM almost done - saving for next year ?)

CPU - Johnston
CPU - Heard Island

I can tell that one of Cairns City`s big problem has been to sign players for this season - we have to look a every dollar
We would probably come out with + 1,5 mill and trade should give us 0,5 mill = two level-200 endzone, but still very far away from having a BIG stadium.

Last edited Mar 19, 2009 04:38:32
It helps having the stadium done i sold 43 million in tickets the first day of ticket sales, making it very easy to sign people when they see you have money for equipment costs.
Definitely true guys. I bought my last 4 upgrades possible until level 3 for the offseason. I am ready for them to get finished and get more money.

It is so expensive now days with equipment. I have payed over 7 million and I still have not payed for all the equipment.
Originally posted by rimfalk
How much money do the teams have ?

12,6 mill - Williamsport .....(big stadium = salary/equipment money)

Has nothing to do with a Trophy. Our spending and stadium building is focused around making more money in the future. I agree only 2 things give you a chance at a trophy. A Solid team, a solid Game plan.

P.S. we're down to about 9.6M now, we did a bit of financing this morning with the stadium.
Last edited Mar 19, 2009 12:13:45
Samoa needing money is no joke. I have a team full of guys who have sacrificed equipment to play for a winner, which makes it that much more amazing that we are where we are.

I do have all of my level 200 paid for and built. So if I make it to AAA, we'll be a little better off.
Originally posted by supgreg
Samoa needing money is no joke. I have a team full of guys who have sacrificed equipment to play for a winner, which makes it that much more amazing that we are where we are.

I do have all of my level 200 paid for and built. So if I make it to AAA, we'll be a little better off.

My sentiments exactly about Williamsport tbh. We have a great group of team players who've made sacrifices to be where we are now.
I can say the same thing about Port moresby.Guys have been patient and we do the upgrades as we can. The nice thing we have is a network to fall back on to fill holes when needs arise.
Originally posted by jayman
It helps having the stadium done i sold 43 million in tickets the first day of ticket sales, making it very easy to sign people when they see you have money for equipment costs.

It just makes players comfortable when they know you have money for them its run well and there equipment is always upgraded.

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