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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #3 > WC game 11 power rankings 3/18
-----The top 3------

#1 Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen----(10-1)--------(1)------#16 Ottawa Jaguars-------Easy win over the Bears. Next up is a bye week for RCKY.
#2 Montreal Rulers------------------(10-1)-----(2)--------#14 Vancouver Northern Lights-----Really destroyed the Wizards. They manhandled them like no team I have ever seen has. Another easy game against the Lights that might result in triple digits.
#3 Yellowknife Eskimo Hunters---(10-1)-----(4)-------#12 Medicine Hat Mavericks------A huge win for this team as they look to move into the playoff push. This is the only team returning from A last season that remains in the hunt in the West. Next up is the trash talkin' Mavs, and we will be ready.

--------2nd level teams----------

#4 Chilliwack Fighting Flapping Heads--(9-2)--------(3)-----#15 RC Gladiators------Tough loss for the Heads. They will have one more shot to beat one of the top 3 when they play RCKY. Another season in A would serve them well as they would be one of the favorites. Good way to get back on track is to play one of the leagues worst.
#5 Port Royal Acadians------------(9-2)----(5)----#8 Cardinal Redbirds--------Good win over the Mavs has gotten them back on track. They have to be careful to avoid an upset at the hands of the Redbirds though.

--------Bottom Playoff teams----------

#6 Hogwarts Wizards-----------(7-4)-----(6)-------#7 Montreal Mutants-----Hogwarts got utterly crushed by the Rulers and now need to figure out how to bounce back.
#7 Montreal Mutants---------(7-4)------(7)---------------#6 Hogwarts Wizards------Beat the Gamecocks ok but not great. Since moving up to A they have not beaten anybody in the conference with a winning record. This is their chance to chnge that.

-----Battle for the 8th spot-------

#8 Cardinal Redbirds--------(6-5)--(8)-------#5 Port Royal Acadians-------A pounding winning over the Lights. Next up for this team starts a murderous row of 4 playoff teams.
#9 USAORG Eagles--------------(5-6)------(9)------#13 Manitoba Direwolves------------Eagles continue to hold onto playoff hope as they remain a game and a half down of the Redbirds. They can't drop this one or all hope my be gone.

----------The playoffs seem to be out of reach-------------

#10 New Colgne Bears--------(4-7)----(10)-----#11 Saskatoon Fighting Gamecocks------Good futures game here. One of these 2 teams could be a force next season.
#11 Saskatoon Fighting Gamecocks--(3-8)---(11)---#10 New Colgne Bears---------I still think this is the best team not to make the playoffs and they can prove it with games against the Bears, Mavs, and Eagles down the stretch.
#12 Medicine Hat Mavericks------(3-8)-----(12)------#3 Yellowknife Eskimo Hunters------A chance to play spoiler to the guy who does these rankings. When DE Jay Sweetness of the Hunters was asked about going play at "The Hat", he had this to say, "Man, I hope they have a lot of Aleve down there. All that gum flappin' Bobby (McKnight) does gives me a head ache. I tell you what if he comes in my area, he is going to have a head ache of his own, and it won't be from my talking (as he flexes his 22" biceps). He will become one whipped puppy and I will have to go to Underfoot Kennels to get him a new home." As he shamelessly plugs his endorsement.
#13 Manitoba Direwolves------------(3-8)-----(13)---#9 USAORG Eagles-------------Hope to pull the upset.

------Headed down to BBB-----

#14 Vancouver Northern Lights----(1-10)-------(14)-------#2 Montreal Rulers--------Add another loss with this game against the Rulers
#15 RC Gladiators---------------(1-10)--------(15)------#4 Chilliwack Fighting Flapping Heads---------Didn't let the Eagles beat them bad, but the Heads will try to take out their frustrations on this team.
#16 Ottawa Jaguars------------(0-11)--------(16)------#1 Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen------------Bye week for the RCKY.

Games of the week:

#6 Hogwarts Wizards (7-4) vs #7 Montreal Mutants (7-4) - The top 4 teams all have easy games this week. The Wizards have struggled mightily this season as they should have been a solid playoff team. The Mutants have struggled ever since comng to A. This is a game for one of those teams to break out. The winner will probably get 6th place and the loser will probably get 7th place.

#5 Port Royal Acadians (9-2) vs #8 Cardinal Redbirds (6-5) - Port Royal has 2 winnable games left and 2 of the one loss teams left. So this game is ever so more important to them then the rest. They don't want to slip in this game and lose pace with the leaders. The Redbirds are trying to seal the deal on the 8th playoff spot. Pulling an upset in this game would go a long way to achieving that goal.
nice write up, thanks
Originally posted by crowbar832001

#1 Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen----(10-1)--------(1)------#16 Ottawa Jaguars-------Easy win over the Bears. Next up is a bye week for RCKY.
#2 Montreal Rulers------------------(10-1)-----(2)--------#14 Vancouver Northern Lights-----Really destroyed the Wizards. They manhandled them like no team I have ever seen has. Another easy game against the Lights that might result in triple digits.

The Yaksmen ended our streak with a beatdown... but with that loss came some necessary introspection and I believe we are better off for it as 16-0 was never the team goal.
It was a valuable learning experience... once I quit throwing things! RCKY earned the #1 rank and should feel good about they way they got to the hotseat.

There are some great teams, owners, agents and writers here in Canada A3 Western Conference. I am in no hurry for this season to end... although the Playoffs should be effin' great!!!

Thanks for write ups Crowbar
Last edited Mar 18, 2009 23:20:08
I'm just glad we got a bye-week. The Mutants game scared me, made me wonder if we blew our wad the game before and were going to be washed up for the rest of the season!

The playoffs are going to be effin' great. I think that each of the top 4 teams is able to knock off the others. We've already seen that with the Rulers who couldn't beat the Yaksmen, who couldn't beat the Hunters, who couldn't beat the Rulers. The Flapping Heads might not have beat another top 4 team (and hopefully won't), but they were able to hang with them. The Acadians aren't far behind them and the Mutants have some respect from me, underachieving or not. Some upset potential out there before the higher seeds start facing each other in playoff game 2.

Ok, I'm getting ahead of myself and even crowbar's prognostications with all of that...
Woo Hoo! Robert made the rankings! haha.
22" Biceps huh? Well I guess it's it's a good thing Roberts so much faster.
nice work
i always look forward to the rankings.. thanks for the work!
Last edited Mar 20, 2009 19:30:27
nice work but a rethink may be needed after this week
Sorry to hear you lost respect for us Crowbar, it wasn't my intention. I knew it was a good play, and our intention was to catch you off gaurd, we figured you would game plan for our passing game , and we wanted to expoit that. Looking back over the game , we will re-think using this game plan again. Or maybe tweek it a little so it's not so much of the game plan.
Do not blame this on willy or teryu, this was all my idea. I really didn't know it would work like that. We have never used it before, and we tested it with our other team and still got beat handly by our opponent, 101-10. So yes while I was looking for an edge , I wasn't trying to get a cheap win, we are not contending for a playoff spot, so another win will not make or break us.
Deleted that post. I really hate when that is done but it is part of GLB for now so congrats on it. Here is the thread that is going around about it.
Originally posted by crowbar832001
Deleted that post. I really hate when that is done but it is part of GLB for now so congrats on it. Here is the thread that is going around about it.

our main intention was to keep your offense off of the field, shorten the game and take you by surprise by running a game plan we've never run before... I'm sure looking at our history you expected a 60/40 pass/run ratio and punt every fourth down if out of field goal range.. this was a DRASTIC departure from that... we didn't actually expect running 4 plays in a row and never punting would 'work' so well as to get us a victory.. but rather keep us from a 70 - 24 type loss... (by keeping your offense sidelined)... the problem is ANY 4 runs (short of out of shotgun) will guarantee you a first down as the NT/DT never get any penetration on running plays. it's easy to avg 2.5 yards /carry for 4 plays if you know you are ALWAYS going to convert a 4th and 1.

we did pop two long TD's out of the 5WR....

Originally posted by crowbar832001
Deleted that post. I really hate when that is done but it is part of GLB for now so congrats on it. Here is the thread that is going around about it.

great now my post looks like an orphan. lol

Last edited Mar 20, 2009 20:11:38

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