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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #1 > Alpha season Midpoint Power Rankings and who makes the playoffs predictions
So we reach the midpoint of the season and look at the standings. I was very interested prior to the season seeing all the new A teams coming in and some even thinking they could get up to 4 of the playoff spots. Well, at the moment the young A teams are finding out that the AA Vets are a handful to deal with. The youngsters have done very well in my opinion. I expect 2 and possibly 3 to make the playoffs and still think that happens. The backside of the season is filled with some interesting matchups, particularly at the top of the league. Here are the current Power rankings and where I project each team to end up:
1. The Great Danes- I said prior tot he season the one team I felt had the best opportunity to go undefeated was the Danes. Well, I am halfway there. I still dont think they go undefeated. Too many landmines. After dispatching Telstar they now have Cobden who is reeling after two straight losses. Games still with Taylor, GCMM, Bendigo and PM. I think they lose 1 game and end up winning regular season championship. 15-1.
2.PM- In my opinion as the owner, this team has Overacheived. By the matchups and bars, we should have lost at least 2 games already. I credit my DC for doing an excellent job. He may have been the best pickup I made in the offseason. Still, 5 games with playoff teams and I think we drop a couple to go 14-2 for the regular season.
3. Trilla- This team has just cruised along and had a GREAT season. They still have 4 tough, tough games left and wont come out unschathed, but thus far, their running game has been amazing and their defense has been stout. Outside of the tough loss to the Danes, Trilla has been pretty consistent all season and I think ends up 13-3 when all is said and done.
4. Taylor- Staring a really difficult run. Thsu far their season has been pretty good outside of the tough loss to Trilla, but, even that game was a nice game and a credible loss. Now they start the three game stretch which has really hurt some teams as of late. There is a 3 game stretch that most teams will have to play-- Bendigo, PM, Danish- So far teams that run that Gauntlet are 2-16. Taylor also gets a couple of teamsworking for the playoffs to end the season. With one loss already, Taylor has to get through this 3 game stretch with minimal damage. 3 losses would be a disaster, 2 would hurt but be OK, 1 would be great, No losses would be amazing. I think bsed on their track record, Taylor has a solid season but still drops a couple more games before the end of the season and goes 13-3 getting the #4 seed due to their tiebreaker with Trilla.
#5 GCMM- 2 losses to solid teams. One head scratcher, one understandeable. HUGE game with Trilla on the horizon. This A league upstart is rigtht here with Bendigo as the best of the group. After Trilla a one game break before running the gauntlet. With 2 losses already, they dont get through here unschathed and drop 3 More before the season ends to go 11-5.
#6 Bendigo- Has played a solid season but has a lot fo work to do coming up. They still have Taylor, GCMM and maybe the worst gauntlet of all- Trilla/PM/Danes back to back to back. Gonna be a tough back half of the season for the upstart Bendigo team as they drop 4 games for a .500 back half and end the season 10-6. The early loss to the Nuggets will come back to haunt them.
7- McNuggets- HUGE wuin over Siracusa. While I think it is safe to say the teams through 6 are pretty much assured of the playoffs, the 7 &8 spots are pretty up for grabs and schedule will play a huge part in it. The Nuggets have 2 games still with the top 6 and 2 games with other teams wanting one of the last two spots. I think they drop 3 and end 10-6 holding the tiebreaker over Bendigo, steal the #6 playoff seed.
8. Norfolk/Cobden- The Knights have had some ups and downs, but, are in a battle and the fact they are tested at AA level will serve them well. Cobden has a tough road still ahead. The two play one another and that will determine who gets the last playoff spot..Maybe...Experience beats out the newer team Norfolk loses 3 the back half of the season to end 10-6, Cobden loses 4 to finish 9-7.
9- Siracusa- Despite the loss to the Nuggets. Siracusa hs a better back half schedule than most but they still drop 3 to finish 8-8 and prove me wrong that they would make the playoffs. The schedule and close loss after close loss has been tough on this team and they will be a force to reckon with in AA next season.
10. The Shrooms- Talk about having a schedule that is back loaded... In a row they get GCMM, Trilla, Bendigo, PM, Danes..Geez, why not just add Taylor to that list and see how bad a team can get on a roll in the wrong direction. The Shrooms drop 6 games in the back end of the seaosn to finish 6-10.
Records for teams out of the playoffs:
Puerto Rico- 4-12
Guam- 2-14
Australian 1-15
Suva- 0-16
I would take 6-2 for Trilla the rest of the way in a heartbeat...we got quite a few tough opponents left

Ted Buckland
great write up larandtra, were hoping to steal a few games in our tough stretch!
Trilla. Coming to a town near you.
Frozen Heat
Thanks for your time and energy.

great write up, nothing encouraging for us.
Ted Buckland
Originally posted by masterrdogg
great write up, nothing encouraging for us.

you guys should be a much better team next year, along with alot of the lower teams that aren't getting a fair shake because of how loaded Alpha is in AA2 this year
well i hope so.
Yeah, unfortunately Alpha ended up flat out nasty, partially because Taylor and PM both had off seasons last season and are back to season 6 form. The Danes and Trilla are always solid. Then you add GCMM and Bendigo moving up from A and this league is very top heavy. I think Guam, Telstar, Siracusa, and Puerto Rico will make serious noise next season and be the teams looking around going wow, this is cool.
Ted Buckland
Originally posted by larandtra
Yeah, unfortunately Alpha ended up flat out nasty, partially because Taylor and PM both had off seasons last season and are back to season 6 form. The Danes and Trilla are always solid. Then you add GCMM and Bendigo moving up from A and this league is very top heavy. I think Guam, Telstar, Siracusa, and Puerto Rico will make serious noise next season and be the teams looking around going wow, this is cool.

yup... depends on how many get moved up too.. with any of the top 8 being able to beat each other, you could end up with Taylor and Trilla still in AA next season.
AAA looks brutal, I would rather not look forward just yet
Ted Buckland
Originally posted by Tentitans
AAA looks brutal, I would rather not look forward just yet

i'm sure some teams will go CPU... lol
Guam wont i own the rights til season 14.
I just really hope we (Danish) can bring home a dang trophy before i have to retire my LB. I want to win the playoffs and i really hope its this year
Ted Buckland
Originally posted by kappa977
I just really hope we (Danish) can bring home a dang trophy before i have to retire my LB. I want to win the playoffs and i really hope its this year

why do you have to retire him?

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