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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #8 > Texan's Week 8 Picks (Eastern)
Texan DTD
Red River Chiefs v New Orleans Poison
This match-up has been going for many seasons now and it has usually been a good one. There aren't any games between teams at the top of the standings this time around, but there is one hell of a traditional pitch invasion. RR has looked extremely good so far this season and NO has looked ok. Imo, the difference in this game will be at o-line, where RR looks better. Red River 24, New Orleans 17.


Montana Grizzlies v Manhattan Massacre
Manhattan just seems to be missing something as their team looks better on paper than they have played thus far. Montana has not been challenged at all yet, even by RR a couple of weeks ago. That won't change here. Montana 56, Manhattan 6.

Miami Makos v Atlanta Wolves
The Makos have the most impressive list of quality wins of anyone thus far this season. They played incredible D against Maine and just enough O. The Wolves also played some really nice D against Houghton, but did almost nothing on the scoreboard. I expect this to be a similar-type game, dominated by defense, but with the upper-hand going where you would expect. Makos 24, Wolves 9.

Miami Hammerheads v Buffalo Beasts
Buffalo is really trying to circle the wagons as the "other" Buffalo was known to do years ago. The Hammerheads have only been pushed once and fell just a bit short against RR. Much like you might expect, Buffalo's o-line will have its hands full against the tremendous Hammerhead pressure. They aren't likely to be able to stand up to that for much of the game. Miami 37, Buffalo 17.

Houghton Gremlins v Da NOLA Brah!!! K&B Purples
The Gremlins did a really nice job on D against Atlanta. They don't have to worry so much this week. Houghton 76, Da NOLA 14.

Maine Hawks v Pittsburgh Powerhouse
Maine misses another late 4th quarter FG to lose, this time on a questionable AI decision to even kick it then. Pittsburgh is just reeling. Maine 60, Pittsburgh 14.

Vice City Mambas v Destin Pigskin Pimps
VC is looking to stay in the playoff picture and Destin is looking to get pimped. Vice City 255, Destin 0.

Bowdoin Polar Bears v Dakota Bison
Bowdoin seems to be the best of the worst, as they get absolutely rolled by VC. They do beat the bad teams though. Bowdoin 150, Dakota 0.
nice! we hope to not fall asleep vs manhatten. you are right, they look much better on paper then hoe they play on the field.
Great write up Texan. I appreciate the praise you give the Hammerheads defense. A bit over rated. But we are working to improve
Last edited Mar 10, 2009 21:05:34
Truly appreciate you putting the effort in Tex. We're in for a bit of a rough road in Atlanta, my OC deployed for Iraq over the weekend so we might struggle to put up points for a while until I figure this thing out. Well, that and there are some hella D's in the east
I hope this is the season we finally beat the NOP!
just hoping to remain competitive until we can get to the second half of our season! Thanks for these as well as the power rankings. And thanks for all of the shout outs you've been giving to the Buffalo D!
Let's hope Manhattan Massacre doesn't translate that "good on paper" into "good on the field" THIS week
Originally posted by S00NER14
I hope this is the season we finally beat the NOP!

I was honestly surprised at how our games played out last season. This season.. you guys look great and should be a force in the playoffs once again. Its going to take a helluva game plan to stay close with you guys in this game..
Nothing to see here, move along

GG Makos
Originally posted by Dome Patrol 51
Originally posted by S00NER14

I hope this is the season we finally beat the NOP!

I was honestly surprised at how our games played out last season. This season.. you guys look great and should be a force in the playoffs once again. Its going to take a helluva game plan to stay close with you guys in this game..

GG Dome. I'm glad we have a good K. He saved us today.

GG Buffalo..We got lucky in the 2nd and broke a couple of big plays..if it wasn't for that I say it would be a different game...those 2 plays set us up
Good luck in the 2nd of the season..I see a stretch where you guys will be hard to beat
Originally posted by S00NER14
Originally posted by Dome Patrol 51

Originally posted by S00NER14

I hope this is the season we finally beat the NOP!

I was honestly surprised at how our games played out last season. This season.. you guys look great and should be a force in the playoffs once again. Its going to take a helluva game plan to stay close with you guys in this game..

GG Dome. I'm glad we have a good K. He saved us today.

Good game guys =)

Your RB deserves a pat on the back as well.
Originally posted by Texan

Houghton Gremlins v Da NOLA Brah!!! K&B Purples
The Gremlins did a really nice job on D against Atlanta. They don't have to worry so much this week. Houghton 76, Da NOLA 14.

Woohoo we beat the spread, doubled my money!

GG Manhatten, we just came to play on defense today really, like every day with the defense so far. You guys got a great team, once you put the pieces of the puzzle back together. Gl the rest of the way.
Originally posted by

Houghton Gremlins v Da NOLA Brah!!! K&B Purples
The Gremlins did a really nice job on D against Atlanta. They don't have to worry so much this week. Houghton 76, Da NOLA 14.

Add those Da Nola points to Houghton and yer close. Held em to zero....lots of work needed there... Jimmy played pinball with em on the field today and our CBs were excellent receives today.
Last edited Mar 12, 2009 14:34:42

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