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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #3 > Mavericks come out smellin' good in Cologne
Mavs kick their way to an OT win.

"New Cologne" (cp)...The Mavs rolled into "New Cologne" in a bad mood, after getting destroyed in their games against the Montreal teams. After a bus trip that lasted the entire 48 hours between games, cause the teams' GPS could not locate "New Cologne", a fired up Mavs team finally departed the bus.

The scene at this road stadium was far different than Montreal. There were no rumors flying about before hand, to the delight of the team and particularly the owner, security was much lighter in "New Cologne".
DC Teryu said" we walked through "New Cologne" like it didn't even exist".

"Maybe it was all the rest we got on that bus ride, or maybe it was just the warm and fuzzy feeling here in mystical "New Cologne", but our team was in a fightin mood today." said the Mavs kicker Digital Daggers, who went 5/5 in field goals ,including the OT game winner, enroute to the offensive game ball. "There's nothing like the pressure of kicking an OT field goal, it almost makes a kicker feel like a football player, unlike certain WR's who like to run out of bounds....I aint sayin no names"

Ernie Mcrakin, the defensive palyer of the game, was overheard saying, "when that SOB QB Robert Palmer called me Phil Mycrackin, that was it, I just lost it, and the rest of his team paid the price"

Asked about the controversy swirling about in the East over some trades , outspoken WR Robert McKnight had this to say. "I don't care about any controversy in some other conference, we have enough of a controversy on the Mavs right now. Who the HELL would give a game ball to a kicker, I mean c'mon man he's a kicker. He trots his skinny ass out there 5 times in a game , and he's a hero?! Man....I had 16 catches today.....whatever....we're talkin bout a kicker!" After being pressed on the issue all he would say was " Swiftus does have the best avatars on GLB"

Asked about Crowbars prediction that the Mavs would get rolled over by the bears, Mavs owner Dan had no comment, and just kept eating his chicken, cause he has "no beef".

The Mavs travel home to face the Ottawa Jaguars next.
Rumor has it that Robert McKnight and Digital Daggers won't be on the same bus.

Last edited Mar 9, 2009 09:09:21
In Crowbar's defense, he did say that they could be tested.
You know how the press is , they try to make a story out of everything.
You crack me up adam. You have made this forum a lot more interesting and look forward to your write ups after every game.
That was pretty damn good. I love the mix of overt and subtle humor.
I want new avatars but can not come up with a good theme.
Funny nice read..
Originally posted by NoSkillz
Funny nice read..

Hopefully I'll be writing a winning one after our next game......

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