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Forum > Position Talk > O Line Club > how do you counter shed block
run block/pass block, strong arm, get low, speed/agility, ....etc ???
My opinion based on the text and on-field results, in order of importance: Protect, Agility/Blocking, Strength, Foundation.
I've been perplexed by this also for a while, as there doesn't seem to be a SA that naturally opposes this.

I think it would be something like high blocking, high agility, reasonable speed, high Pass Block SA.

Good confidence to stop this happening multiple times in a game.

Possibly Strong Arm or Shot Block would help also, although their wording doesn't explicitly state it. I am yet to see a G really take these high to test them.

Also, on Pass Block focus you should get a boost to all these to really try to hold the blocks.

In these situations I always quote Havoc who I feel has the best analysis of the blocking dynamics, although it is possible to interpret his comments in more than one way.

Originally posted by Havoc

Originally posted by

Originally posted by ggezhb
i hear talk of OG's needing 100+ agi to combat these super agile DTs and i think that's just a joke..

Have you seen anyone who has stopped a quality DT talk of needing 100 AGI on an OG or has it been the people getting killed by the DTs?

Edit: I am not trying to be cocky.

Here is what I see in the game in terms of pass blocking mechanics.

For power rushers, it mostly comes down to a strength (DL) versus a strength & blocking (OL) check.

For speed/agility rushers, it comes down to the OL having enough speed & agility to engage the DL in a block.

Once a block is engaged, the DL uses agility and SAs to break the block and the OL uses blocking and SAs to hold the block.

If a block is broken, the DL uses speed/agility to go after the QB unless he runs into another blocker or is re-engaged by the original OL.

The original OL, if he has enough speed and agility, might be able to re-engage another block.
so for a guard Foundation would help in pass protection....well that and the regular Pass Block SA? What about run blocking and trying to avoid the DT just rip/swim/or whatever that dot does to shed a block on first contact? I have Run Block at 7 but it still happens and Cut Block doesn't seem to activate as often as i would like it to.

i'm just going to pump agility and speed i guess....get speed to 60+ and agility to 68 then think about putting equipment in it instead of blocking since those DTs seem to "only" have around 70-something total strength
You're a LG I take it? Foundation is the Protect for LG, IMO. Only the LG needs it, and he also SHOULD have it. 68 agility and high foundation should suffice. If the DT has 70 strength, and you don't go to 68 and add equip on strength, you're out matched. Being outmatched on strength is NOT a good thing in the new o-d-line sim. Even if he's an evasive rusher, if he's the same strength as you prepared to get bowled over.

My personal opinion is that you want something around 85 blk, 75 str, 70 agi as MINIMUMS. If you have more equip to throw around, I think blk/agi are the places to go from there. 75 str is both necessary and sufficient. You don't need much more than capped speed I don't think. I'd just get foundation and pass block up high.

dang that was long winded, I apologize, I'm tired
foundation makes sense
I am of the opinion that foundation SA directly counters Strong Base, based on the SA descriptions.

I might be wrong though, the descriptions are a bit ambiguous.
Pass Block.
Shock Block.
Cut Block.

To be honest, with my guys, I plan to get all those to 5+.
"directly counter", what does that even mean? SAs have a particular effect that's calculated based on the level of that given SA and modifies either base attributes or the chance of a given event occurring. There's no "counter" to anything.

That said foundation should increase the chance of a block being held.
I'm a newb to GLB with a RG on a pee-wee team, but wouldn't Hold-Block be a direct counter to Shed-Block?
Originally posted by Darren McFadden
"directly counter", what does that even mean? SAs have a particular effect that's calculated based on the level of that given SA and modifies either base attributes or the chance of a given event occurring. There's no "counter" to anything.

That said foundation should increase the chance of a block being held.

Directly counter for me means that in the rolls in the game sim, the modifier as to whether Strong Base fires or not for a defensive player is some sort of multiplier of (Strong Base - Foundation) in the blocking interaction.

You even say it yourself - Certain SAs modify the chance of a given event occurring.

Of course, as we don't know how the sim is written this is purely speculation, but having coded a fair amount of stuff over time I am aware that sometimes the simplest/easiest solution to an issue is the one that is often done. Bort can write one piece of code for 2 SAs so save time.

I'm sorry I didn't explicitly state this earlier. I thought it was obvious.
Last edited Mar 9, 2009 13:58:55
*needs to learn the difference between "post" and "edit"*
Last edited Mar 9, 2009 13:59:46
Here is the way I interpret it. The game works in ticks. Just pause and click FF/RWD to see them.

1) SA firing check - based on the level of your SAs, do they activate?
2) Calculate OTs blocking score, including any SAs that fired
3) Multiply bonus for +% hold block chance
4) Do the same for the DE break block score, including any SAs that fire and AEQ
5) Compare two scores
6) Random number generator based on the comparison that will return "hold" or "break"

If the OT holds the block, now we talk about direction.

Compute the direction and force vectors of each player. This could be based on get low, strong base, etc., assuming they even fired, la de dah. At the next tick, you've moved everybody.

So much happens in every tick it is ridiculous. You're talking about jumping from the line, determining each player speed, checking if they are engaged, determining if the block is held, determining how far the OT or DE moves the other, if the block is broken where did the DE go, etc. Next tick you're doing it all again, if the block was broken now the OT needs to re-engage the DE and all of that jazz.

We see evidence of this all over, from Bort talking about SAs "firing" and computing your "score" on something, and that the % AEQ modifies your "score" and that your score is compared to the oppositions, etc. Catching a ball works in a similar way, first the defender tries to catch it, then the WR, then the defender gets a deflect chance as well. If the VA fires to reroll catch for the WR, now the WR gets his second shot, etc. If the CBs roll puts him in the position to make a catch, now he has an interception roll, where AEQ might get modified, etc.

There is soooo much happening every tick, it is no wonder the games take 30 minutes to sim
good input Octowned

I see a lot of people trying to pile on Agility to counter the DT Agility, and this is almost counter productive.

D-Lineman use Agility for basically 3 things
1.) Acceleration
2.) Turning/Changing Direction
3.) Break block formula

O-lineman only use Agility for 2 things
1.) Turning/Changing direction
2.) Acceleration

The only direct counter to the break block rolls, is MOAR blocking.

So when the OL stacks Blocking + Agility, there's not much else a D-Line can do except Speed and/or SA's.
If he tries going more strength, any normal Guard/Center build should put it to shame.

The key to remember about GLB is that it's a game of dice rolls... it's Dungeons & Dragons recreated for the gridiron.
Last edited Mar 9, 2009 15:54:44
High agility and blocking? would it be worth sacrificing equipment from strength and move it into agility?

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