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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #3 > Game of the Week #3
Austin vs. Omaha, both 7-2 on the season. I look for this to be a close one with Omaha squeaking by. Too much speed for the Youngbloods
Originally posted by HSKRCHMPS
Austin vs. Omaha, both 7-2 on the season. I look for this to be a close one with Omaha squeaking by. Too much speed for the Youngbloods

So much for that thought.

Hey, we tried a couple of new things. I still have our date circled there krwynn. I am looking forward to that matchup, and think we can give you a game.
Originally posted by HSKRCHMPS
Hey, we tried a couple of new things. I still have our date circled there krwynn. I am looking forward to that matchup, and think we can give you a game.

You keep dreaming. The nightmare will come soon enough.
You know, you're undefeated, but you seem to think you are untouchable. I think you need to look out. We may not beat you as you are better in pretty much every category, but you ought to not write anybody off in the top 5 or so of the league. I would like to see how good you would be if you didn't have your whole team compiled of your own players. Probably wouldn't be on here talkin shit to everybody like you do now.
Originally posted by HSKRCHMPS
You know, you're undefeated, but you seem to think you are untouchable. I think you need to look out. We may not beat you as you are better in pretty much every category, but you ought to not write anybody off in the top 5 or so of the league. I would like to see how good you would be if you didn't have your whole team compiled of your own players. Probably wouldn't be on here talkin shit to everybody like you do now.

theyre not undefeated
My bad. I forgot they lost one. Regardless, they act like they are untouchable. Yeah, if I had 30 of my own players on my team, I would probably be just as good. I actually like socializing with people from all over the place, and definitely welcome the challenge of improving this team. Doesn't matter, we'll give them a game, if not beat 'em.
I don't understand the need to threaten to beat other teams. If I trash talk them and lose, I look like an ass. If I trash talk them and win, what do I win?

The Crush is *ridiculous*. Even if you *might* beat them, what do you gain from saying that you'll give them a game or that you might beat them? They also might beat you 56-0. If I'm being honest, I think that the PAIN can hang with the Crush, and with some big plays, maybe we knock them off. MAYBE. If I was betting on the game, I'd take the Crush.

krwynn having 730 players on his team doesn't make that any less true.

Your team is 7-3, and you've lost 3 out of 4 games to the top teams that you've played. Why would you make any comment at all about how you would fare, playing what is arguably the best team (or one of the best) in the entire league?

Y'all need to calm down. If you think you can beat them, then quietly go about your business and do it on the "field".

Like what the Falcons doing to the PAIN.

Last edited May 14, 2008 16:30:02
Originally posted by HSKRCHMPS
My bad. I forgot they lost one. Regardless, they act like they are untouchable. Yeah, if I had 30 of my own players on my team, I would probably be just as good. I actually like socializing with people from all over the place, and definitely welcome the challenge of improving this team. Doesn't matter, we'll give them a game, if not beat 'em.

You made the comment yet I'm supposed to sit back and accept that? I have NEVER started a post challenging anyone. EVER. Yet you do it to everyone in the league. The only trash talker around here starting posts is you. BTW..750? gonna be twice as many next year. more than just me doing it and I'd wager to bet more will follow suit.

Last edited May 14, 2008 18:07:50
Originally posted by RunningMn9
I don't understand the need to threaten to beat other teams. If I trash talk them and lose, I look like an ass. If I trash talk them and win, what do I win?

The Crush is *ridiculous*. Even if you *might* beat them, what do you gain from saying that you'll give them a game or that you might beat them? They also might beat you 56-0. If I'm being honest, I think that the PAIN can hang with the Crush, and with some big plays, maybe we knock them off. MAYBE. If I was betting on the game, I'd take the Crush.

krwynn having 730 players on his team doesn't make that any less true.

Your team is 7-3, and you've lost 3 out of 4 games to the top teams that you've played. Why would you make any comment at all about how you would fare, playing what is arguably the best team (or one of the best) in the entire league?

Y'all need to calm down. If you think you can beat them, then quietly go about your business and do it on the "field".

Like what the Falcons doing to the PAIN.

It's all fun =P doesnt really matter if anyone wins. I think its just fun talking crap but try not to take it as far as too be obnoxious or ignorant then it just gets annoying
howcome you guys blame bort for your loss? so he only made updates on your side of the ball, and not ours?
Originally posted by krwynn
Originally posted by HSKRCHMPS

My bad. I forgot they lost one. Regardless, they act like they are untouchable. Yeah, if I had 30 of my own players on my team, I would probably be just as good. I actually like socializing with people from all over the place, and definitely welcome the challenge of improving this team. Doesn't matter, we'll give them a game, if not beat 'em.

You made the comment yet I'm supposed to sit back and accept that? I have NEVER started a post challenging anyone. EVER. Yet you do it to everyone in the league. The only trash talker around here starting posts is you. BTW..750? gonna be twice as many next year. more than just me doing it and I'd wager to bet more will follow suit.

I'm not talking trash one bit. I could if you want me to. I'm confident that we have made great strides since I bought the team midway through last season. Is there anything wrong with being confident in my team? Didn't think so. I did not say anything about 750 players either. If you want to and have the money to do that, kudos. I think there is a far greater challenge in loading up a team with people you don't know and building a game plan. I guess my idea of fun and a challenge is different than yours. Obviously, reading and/or comprehension is a weakness for you. Maybe you should spend less time creating players and go take a refreshment course at your local elementary school in reading and comprehension.
Originally posted by RunningMn9
I don't understand the need to threaten to beat other teams. If I trash talk them and lose, I look like an ass. If I trash talk them and win, what do I win?

The Crush is *ridiculous*. Even if you *might* beat them, what do you gain from saying that you'll give them a game or that you might beat them? They also might beat you 56-0. If I'm being honest, I think that the PAIN can hang with the Crush, and with some big plays, maybe we knock them off. MAYBE. If I was betting on the game, I'd take the Crush.

krwynn having 730 players on his team doesn't make that any less true.

Your team is 7-3, and you've lost 3 out of 4 games to the top teams that you've played. Why would you make any comment at all about how you would fare, playing what is arguably the best team (or one of the best) in the entire league?

Y'all need to calm down. If you think you can beat them, then quietly go about your business and do it on the "field".

Like what the Falcons doing to the PAIN.

You and Krwynn must share a brain. You should try getting one that works. I respect his team and their accomplishments. There is nothing wrong with confidence. If you want to see trash talk, go to the Europe West boards, and see posts made by the Rival Pimps. There is a big difference.
Eh, some people just want to be babies. If trash talking was going on, then I'd bring in everyone's momma, but like HSKR said, it is more confidence. We take pride in our team, even if we do lose.
Originally posted by HSKRCHMPS
Originally posted by krwynn

Originally posted by HSKRCHMPS

My bad. I forgot they lost one. Regardless, they act like they are untouchable. Yeah, if I had 30 of my own players on my team, I would probably be just as good. I actually like socializing with people from all over the place, and definitely welcome the challenge of improving this team. Doesn't matter, we'll give them a game, if not beat 'em.

You made the comment yet I'm supposed to sit back and accept that? I have NEVER started a post challenging anyone. EVER. Yet you do it to everyone in the league. The only trash talker around here starting posts is you. BTW..750? gonna be twice as many next year. than just me doing it and I'd wager to bet more will follow suit.

I'm not talking trash one bit. I could if you want me to. I'm confident that we have made great strides since I bought the team midway through last season. Is there anything wrong with being confident in my team? Didn't think so. I did not say anything about 750 players either. If you want to and have the money to do that, kudos. I think there is a far greater challenge in loading up a team with people you don't know and building a game plan. I guess my idea of fun and a challenge is different than yours. Obviously, reading and/or comprehension is a weakness for you. Maybe you should spend less time creating players and go take a refreshment course at your local elementary school in reading and comprehension.

Guess you forgot your following post since it was 13 hours earlier.

Originally posted by HSKRCHMPS
You know, you're undefeated, but you seem to think you are untouchable. I think you need to look out. We may not beat you as you are better in pretty much every category, but you ought to not write anybody off in the top 5 or so of the league. I would like to see how good you would be if you didn't have your whole team compiled of your own players. Probably wouldn't be on here talkin shit to everybody like you do now.

Show me where I said or did any of that. All I did was respond to your #324th ignorant post about everyones impending doom when they play your team. Why is it when you run your pie hole its confidence, yet when someone responds its shit talking? Me nor anyone on my team would ever be arrogant or ignorant enough to start a thread titled "Game of the Week", or calling out another team. It's classless and childish. We need to look out? For what exactly? You talk as if there are real people on the field playing it out. lol they're lil green dots moving around based on computer algorithms. Are you really that shallow? Nevermind. I could care less.

Last edited May 15, 2008 10:53:39

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