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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #4 > Zeta Predictions - Season 8 Game 3
Swift's Predictions for Season 8 Game 3

Time has been difficult for me to come by these last couple of weeks, but I am going to step back into my role as the AA 4 Zeta big mouth (or at least most wordy fingers) and see if I can go without sticking my foot in it too far.

DECATUR STALEYS (2-0) vs Devonport Devils (1-1)
This will be a major early battle of two favorites. DECATUR has marched to 2 very decisive wins early. Going 3-0 in decisive fashion will announce that they are here and expect to take it all. Devonport tried to make a late game comeback in their first game, but dropped it to alpha and had a tough fight in the second one against a tough Honolulu team. The Matchup Comparison says DECATUR has the better… no Devonport has the better… oh wait, here it is – Devonport has the kicking advantage by the nose of the football. It is really too early for predictions, but DECATUR has looked dominant so far and Devonport hasn’t. So until someone proves otherwise, the STALEYS are the team to beat. DECATUR takes it over the Devils with a solid showing by 11, 34-23.

Fiji Rage (2-0) vs Lexington Armada (0-2)
Fiji has started off with a quick 2-0 and are getting noticed. They had a strong win against their alpha opponent and demolished the very weak Suva Sparkless. A 3-0 start will get them a lot of press. Lexington has fallen fairly convincingly in two straight and are in need of a victory to right the Armada or quickly find themselves sailing towards the Davey Jones locker of Zeta. I think Fiji was a little mad at me all last season and are looking for a little R-E-S-PE-C-T. They are going to take their Rage out on Lexington this week. Fiji sinks the Armada by 42, 55-13.

Komodo Dragons (2-0) vs Honolulu Skulls (1-1)
Komodo has also jumped to an early 2-0 start and want their recognition. But have their opponents been worth of capturing the recognition for the Dragons? The wins have been quite comfortable. A victory over the Skulls will definitely give them the recognition that they seek. Honolulu started with a crushing of alpha and then a tough loss in their fight with the Devils. The Skulls are considered a top team and certainly don’t want to start out 1-2 and have to fight uphill from there. Will the Dragons blast Honolulu with fire or will the surfing Skulls rattle the bones of Komodo? This will be a close game, but I think the more experienced Skulls get the advantage early in the season. Honolulu by 4, 24-20.

Samoa Savages (2-0) vs Ayers Rock Krakens (2-0)
A battle of the unbeatens – Samoa vs Ayers Rock. Both teams have taken care of teams that have a combined record of 1-3. It is hard to get an early read on these two teams. Samoa had a really good win in game 1 against alpha and played well in their victory over AAC. Ayers Rock is one of the promoted teams and has played well, but their competition hasn’t been too tough yet. How do they stack up against AA Zeta teams? Samoa is consider a pre-season playoff team. Ayers Rock is a possible playoff team, but they have to show that they can compete. This is their first game to make a name for themselves. The Savages fought hard all last season and proved they are a quality team to be watched. Early in the season, I’ll go with the known team (and the stronger defense). Samoa over the Krakens by 13, 30-17.

Dunedin Drones (2-0) vs Dayton Gunslingers (0-2)
Two new teams each trying to state their case for why they are a AA caliber team. So far, Dunedin has shown they belong with 2 wins and a tie for the conference lead; however, all their opponents are winless - but that's not their fault. After all, they did earn their right to be here. They look like they are a playoff contender. Dayton has lost both games so far, but they were to a decent alpha team and a good and improved Port Moresby team. I don't think they allow guns on the field, but if Dayton can manage to smuggle a few in, then the Gunslingers may want to think about using them (hint - maybe you should try to take out Quillo Serra and Laszlo Killens before the game. I was talking about for a drink of course!). In the end, the Drones prove they are a real playoff team and Dayton gets another bump in the AA welcome. Dunedin moves to 3-0 by 13, 33-20.

Port Moresby Scallywags (1-1) vs An Album Cover (0-2)
Port Moresby looks improved over last season and has already won one game. They have certainly strengthened their team and have a solid defense. A second win will definitely give them some much sought after respect. An Album Cover has yet to win this season, but they have played two very good teams to respectable showings. AAC has a nicely balanced team and should make some noise this season. Will this be their breakout game? This should be a pretty good game to watch and see what the middle competition looks like. Both teams will have a shot at the playoffs. tttbrian thinks I don't like him, but I am really just looking for a few key wins for the Scallywags. AAC was inconsistent last season, but I see IU Hoosier is along for the ride now. I think Port Moresby defense will be tough, but I think AAC's defense will hold PMS's offense even better. An Album Cover in a close game that could go either way. AAC by 3, 27-24.

Rochester Iroquois (0-2) vs Christmas Islanders (0-2)
I would never have predicted Rochester at 0-2 and Christmas at 0-2 before the schedules came out, but both teams have played two difficult opponents. Rochester has lost 2 games by a total of 3 points - that's tough! Especially when you miss a FG inside the 20 like the last game. Their opponents are 4-0, so they have played tough teams. Christmas was one of my pre-season favorites and I was really surprised to see them go 0-2. But just like with the Iroquois, the Islanders opponents are 4-0, so they too have played tough teams. The good news for these two teams is one of them will get their first win this game; however, the other will be starting the season 0-3. And neither team has an easy game next either as Rochester faces Devonport and Christmas faces Dunedin. But DECATUR showed last season that you can make a big comeback. This is one of many great games to watch this week. It's early and I haven't had a good look at the Islanders yet, but I think that Rochester has a years experience in AA under their belt and will use that experience and their strong rush defense to prevail in this one, but just barely. Rochester pulls out a close one by 6, 30-24.

Alaska Wild (0-2) vs Suva Sparkless (0-2)
Alaska Wild has fought two tough battles, but has come up short in both (but not for long). Suva hasn't found the field yet to play a game. Alaska is much improved and this week will be a fun one for them as they get to pummel the Sparkless. I expect Lance Ball and Brock Masters to have great days this game as they destroy Suva. Alaska wins by 63, 73-10.

Good luck to all and feel free to disagree or just talk some smack!
Last edited Feb 28, 2009 12:12:54
D vs. D and not a single response? Sam vs. Crack Rock and blah..................?

Swift is the end all be all around these parts. Show some respect.

Originally posted by Swift
Swift's Predictions for Season 8 Game 3

DECATUR STALEYS (2-0) vs Devonport Devils (1-1)
DECATUR takes it over the Devils with a solid showing by 11, 34-23.

I hope to prove you wrong boss...
Last edited Feb 28, 2009 04:31:35
Swift is building suspense making us wait on these predictions!
I know, I want to see what he writes about our game,even though I have a feeling he will be wrong in his prediction. But he puts alot of thought in these and they are fun to read.
Last edited Feb 28, 2009 11:20:33
Originally posted by Bert28
I know, I want to see what he rights about our game,even though I have a feeling he will be wrong in his prediction. But he puts alot of thought in these and they are fun to read.

So I assume that is what you meant by wrong?
Haha take out Quillo and Laszlo =) I like the individual player attention Swift.
Originally posted by Swift
Originally posted by Bert28

I know, I want to see what he rights about our game,even though I have a feeling he will be wrong in his prediction. But he puts alot of thought in these and they are fun to read.

So I assume that is what you meant by wrong?

Yeah, I figured you would pick the Drones. I would have picked then too. Hope we are both wrong.
Lets be honest Dayton lost their star player Santana at WR and now they just aren't the same team. You've gotten worse after getting promoted, bad management as always by Dayton
It was nice to have Santana for a season, but we are just as good without him!
Shock will not catch a pass on Bert this game.
Last edited Feb 28, 2009 11:20:14
Originally posted by SpreadThePink
D vs. D and not a single response? Sam vs. Crack Rock and blah..................?

Swift is the end all be all around these parts. Show some respect.

Originally posted by Swift
Originally posted by Bert28

I know, I want to see what he rights about our game,even though I have a feeling he will be wrong in his prediction. But he puts alot of thought in these and they are fun to read.

So I assume that is what you meant by wrong?

I think you are warranted in your prediction, you have to win to get some respect round here!
Reckon the Krakens/Savages call is about right unfortunately, although we have some tricks up our sleeve which will either get us close or fail spectacularly.
Great writeup Swift, but your team is better then what you have them at, and you sir, are one of the best at gameplanning, so though I hope that your prediction is correct, we will have to wait and see if it rings true, glad to have you predicting again, and thanks for taking the time. -The Staleys!

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