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I would suggest too all you that you PM support immediately, they got our endorsements all screwed up, what 1 or 2 actually went to people still in our league here. All the rest were handed out to jabroni's not even in this league now. He is supplementing the upper tiers with our leagues endorsement money.
Originally posted by LithoMan
I would suggest too all you that you PM support immediately, they got our endorsements all screwed up, what 1 or 2 actually went to people still in our league here. All the rest were handed out to jabroni's not even in this league now. He is supplementing the upper tiers with our leagues endorsement money.

It's not our fault we were the people that don't move up get penalized?

Does Tom Brady get his modeling deals taken away because his team is very good? No.

Originally posted by DrunkenCowboy

It's not our fault we were promoted..

Originally posted by DrunkenCowboy
Originally posted by LithoMan

I would suggest too all you that you PM support immediately, they got our endorsements all screwed up, what 1 or 2 actually went to people still in our league here. All the rest were handed out to jabroni's not even in this league now. He is supplementing the upper tiers with our leagues endorsement money.

It's not our fault we were the people that don't move up get penalized?

Does Tom Brady get his modeling deals taken away because his team is very good? No.

If Tom Brady's modeling deals gave him increased strength and accuracy, they might.

Endorsements were not distributed as intended by Bort, that is a fact.
Originally posted by DrunkenCowboy
It's not our fault we were promoted.

Never has a truer statement ever been mumbled with less intent.
His endorsement were shit anyway. I am not sure what league to even look at to see who got the promotion over my TE. If it was Jar Jar Binks, then that is ridiculous. If it was Nick Robbins, then that is also ridiculous. I will be pissed if my TE does not get it when they re-do the awards.
What would be the point of getting pissed? Not like you have the most fame in the league for TE. Whoever gets the endorsement isnt going to make any sense because nothing ever does anymore.
It's a lottery and the number of "chances" you get is based on your fame. Hence, Nick Robbins, our backup TE, and Ben Heartstopper, our backup FS last season, both were lucky enough to score endorsement deals.

I'm not saying that the way endorsements are awarded makes any sense, just explaining how it stands right now. Seems to me only players above a certain fame level at each position should be eligible. We'll see what happens, though.

No, I like what Bort was saying last night in the GLB forum, to strip them away, and redo it for the league, so players of the league, get the league endorsements. SO, he proposed to hand them out at mideseason, so the league endorsements stay in league. Not supplement the upper tiers with lower tiersmoney. Which is exactly how it should be.
So they're only good half of the season? That's gay.

Of course what will probably happen is that he'll process them at mid-season, but they'll stay with the player until the next mid-season. Which of course means that when half of the endorsement holders' teams get promoted and demoted, that we'll be back to the exact same situation we have now.

He should just take the top 10 most famous players at each position on Day 1 and put them in a lottery.
Ya, it would roll over to the next season, or your idea has good side too it too. But, promo's dont think they have a chance to win endorsements at their next level, of course which is dumb also. But, thats what they are harping about, "thats not fair for us promo's to have to compete in the new league to get an endorsement".
Last edited Feb 27, 2009 02:34:37
Originally posted by LithoMan
Ya, it would roll over to the next season, or your idea has good side too it too. But, promo's dont think they have a chance to win endorsements at their next level, of course which is dumb also. But, thats what they are harping about, "thats not fair for us promo's to have to compete in the new league to get an endorsement".

The whole issue with your idea is that if the "promos" keep winning they'll never get endorsements because they'd be stealing from the scrubs(aka you)..

So teams like the Honolulu Hurricane Warriors who win every single season will have to wait until the Pro Leagues to get anything.

Flawed reasoning.
I think it overcomplicated. It would be far easier to base sponsorship directly from Fame.

In order to recieve an endorsement offer, a player needs 300 fame. For each 300 fame, there will be another offer. So, a player with 900 fame would get 3 offers to choose one from. Of course, the higher the fame, the sweeter the deals.

Naturally, fame points would have to be relevant to awards and championships, etc.
Originally posted by LithoMan
But, promo's dont think they have a chance to win endorsements at their next level, of course which is dumb also.

That's definitely not true though. I've done up a "Fame Snapshot" at the beginning of each season since Fame started for our team, and at the same time, I looked at how my punter ranks with others of his position in the league. I don't recall how my guy was stacked with the rest of BBB #8 last year, but this year he was the second most famous for his position in A#4. Heck half the top ten for his position came from AA #2, BBB #7 or BBB #8.

It might be a little different for other positions, but I'd think that the demoted teams would be more likely to be shafted than the promoted teams. After all, a lot of the promoted players will have just gotten some sort of trophy.

I think endorsements need to be lotteried among only the top ten players for each position in each league at the beginning of the season, last for one season only, and automatically go to someone else if that player leads the league.

But Sprocket's idea is a good one, too.
Last edited Feb 27, 2009 09:30:53
Originally posted by Sprocket
I think it overcomplicated. It would be far easier to base sponsorship directly from Fame.

In order to recieve an endorsement offer, a player needs 300 fame. For each 300 fame, there will be another offer. So, a player with 900 fame would get 3 offers to choose one from. Of course, the higher the fame, the sweeter the deals.

Naturally, fame points would have to be relevant to awards and championships, etc.

Everyone would have endorsements and there would be no point then IMO, it would just be standard equipment.

I think what Bort also did is calculate the amount of fame accrued in one season and add that into the formula.

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