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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #4 > ZETA Team Breakdowns and Pre-Season Predicitions........
- The Honolulu Skulls -

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The Skulls seem to crack everyone's Top 3 that I have read, and were sent down from AAA, so they were not strong enough for up there, but should be a contender down here. Their owner seems to be a great guy, and the team looks to be good. Mark my words Depth will cause them losses this season. This is one of the best in Zeta by competitive standards but in the 3rd and 4th Quarter's they can be beat. Their success will come down to great gameplanning. Their DB group is one of the very best in all of AA #4!

Roster Grades : (Grades include Depth plus Starters)
QB - B+
HB - B+
FB - A+
WR - B+
TE - B-
OT - B-
OG - C+
C - C
DT - A
DE - A-
LB - B+
CB - A+
FS - A-
SS - A+
K - B
P - B+

-The Alaska Wild-

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The Wild have been a mysterious team to me. They should be way more competitive then they are, and if they gameplanned better they would have been in the thick of things for 3 Season's now. That 3rd season is including this one, and I just don't get it. I love their resilience and I am a fan of theirs. Great owner, and good team. They need to clean that roster up, for that wasted money on 22 OG's and so on, would have given them more of their stadium, which would give them more money to sign stud FA's to come in and help.

Roster Grades : (Grades include Depth plus Starters)
QB - A+
HB - A+
FB - B
WR - B
TE - C+
OT - B+
OG - A+
C - B
DT - B+
DE - B-
LB - A
CB - B-
FS - A+
SS - D+
K - C
P - F

-The Suva Sparks-

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Just BOOOOOOOO! BOOOOOOO! You would have a tough time in a LV.13 capped league. That is all the time this team gets from me......

Roster Grades : (Grades include Depth plus Starters)
QB - F-
HB - B
FB - B+
WR - F-
TE - F-
OT - F-
OG - F-
C - F-
DT - F
DE - F
LB - F-
CB - F-
FS - F-
SS - F-
K - F-
P - F+

-The Lexington Armada-

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Stadium Link -

The Armada are another team that has always baffled me. They got dropped down from AA when we were in A, and they were accompanied by the Wellington Assassins. Well, the 2 have taken totally different strides since then, and Wellington turned into a powerhouse, while Lexington, to quote MgoBlue, doesn't seem as though they have done anything to improve their roster. With a few FA's they could be a cream of the crop team, but to no avail they don't. I like the team, but they will be a middle of the pack team this year, and if they don't gameplan then they will drop down to A again, and I think that is their plan, to continually pick on the newer teams. I do wish them luck, and once again I have a soft spot for this team, I seem to root for underdogs.

Roster Grades : (Grades include Depth plus Starters)
QB - D-
HB - C-
FB - C-
WR - C-
TE - C-
OT - B
OG - B-
C - B
DT - C+
DE - C-
LB - C+
CB - C+
FS - B-
SS - B-
K - C+
P - D-

-Devonport Devils-

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The Devonport Devils are a greatly run team, and they seem primed to do great things this season. I have a feeling that they will have their best shot ever to get a title this season, but there are some teams in Zeta that will push them, and there are actually some really good teams in Alpha too. Devonport is a team that if running on all cylinder's watch-out, but it seems in the past that they let some games drop that they shouldn't have. They beat Top Notch teams but lose 1 or 2 to teams that they should beat. Swift is one of my favorite owner's in this game, and I wish him the best, that is except when Devonport vs. Decatur, for we have both one a game against each other, and lost a game. So, this season, we will see who takes the regular season series.

Roster Grades : (Grades include Depth plus Starters)
QB - A+
HB - A+
FB - B-
WR - A
TE - A+
OT - A
OG - A+
C - A-
DT - A-
DE - A
LB - A+
CB - A-
FS - A+
SS - A+
K - B+
P - A+

-An Album Cover-

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Stadium Link -

The Anal Bum Cover Crew, well, this is a team that seems to be alot like Atlantis in Alpha. They don't look like this or that, but they pull their fare share of upsets, but now they need to beat those teams that they are supposed to week in and week out. I think this is a definite Dark Horse team to make the playoffs with a BIG if. They Gameplan very well, but need to be overall more consistent. They have ties to one of the very best gameplanners in all of GLB, and that is IU Hoosier, and if you don't know who that is, then you will soon. The Cover Crew will be in the playoffs if they become more consistent. Great bunch of agents here, but if they don't get some Defensive help they won't be making anything this season.

Roster Grades : (Grades include Depth plus Starters)
QB - B+
HB - A
FB - B-
WR - B-
TE - B+
OT - C+
OG - A-
C - B-
DT - A
DE - D+
LB - D-
CB - C+
FS - D
SS - C-
K - C+
P - D

-Samoa Savages-

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Samoa, Samoa! The Savages were one of the best surprises from last season. They are a very well ran team, and seem to be in the thick of things no matter what league they have been apart of. I feel that they will be in the Top echelon of teams for Zeta this season, and those who play them, should gameplan for them, they will smack you in the mouth if you overlook them. They have very few weaknesses, but I look at their WR total, and I see that they are going to try to ride the cheat in the Shotgun 5WR formation this season, that is unless they sign another WR. It is combated by setting up a Defense for the Shotgun that will cover the TE, and HB in those formations. If you don't know what I mean, you will after you play them, lol. Great overall roster, and they are a favorite for homefield advantage along with Devonport, and Honolulu.

Roster Grades : (Grades include Depth plus Starters)
QB - B+
HB - B+
FB - A-
WR - C+
TE - A+
OT - A+
OG - B+
C - B+
DT - A
DE - A
LB - B+
CB - B
FS - A+
SS - A-
K - A+
P - A+

-Ayers Rock Krackens-

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I don't really know much about this crew, but they got promoted by making the A #7Con. Championship Game, and sorry for bringing this up, but they have to have had one of the worst beatings in that game. Must have been a bad line of code or Christmas was of the Billy Bob nature, and not of the St. Nick nature. All said and done, that was last season, and they made it farther then 28 other teams, so they should make some noise this season in the middle of the pack. They will have a rough season with the levels and depth they have, but who knows, where there is a will there is a way.

Roster Grades : (Grades include Depth plus Starters)
QB - B+
HB - B-
FB - C+
WR - B+
TE - B+
OT - B+
OG - B-
C - B-
DT - C+
DE - B-
LB - A-
CB - A-
FS - A-
SS - B-
K - B-
P - D

-Christmas Islanders-

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Stadium Link -

Okay, Christmas will be here all season long! They have alot in common with the Arizona Cardinals, in the fact that they got beat by the Pittsburgh Steelerz in the Championship game, but they made it there, and they should do well in AA. They are a favorite to be one of the very best that came up from the A's. Let's just hope that they aren't like Alabama's OT and go AWOL. I think that they will be pretty competitive, and will have a chance at the playoffs in AA, which is a accomplishment. This team IS THE TEAM TO BEAT IN ZETA!

Roster Grades : (Grades include Depth plus Starters)
QB - A
HB - A+
FB - A+
WR - A+
TE - A+
OT - A+
OG - A-
C - A+
DT - A+
DE - A+
LB - A+
CB - A+
FS - A+
SS - A+
K - A+
P - B

-Rochester Iroquois-

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Stadium Link -

Roster Grades : (Grades include Depth plus Starters)
QB - A
HB - B-
FB - D+
WR - B-
TE - B
OT - A
OG - A
C - A+
DT - A-
DE - B+
LB - B+
CB - B-
FS - A-
SS - B-
K - A+
P - D-

-Dunedin Drones-

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The Drones, man o man, I am glad that you made it. I always rooted for you guys when my team was down there, and it is good to see that you guys never gave up. Good to see you up here, and Congrats on your run last season. This season the Drones will be competitive but they will take some lumps as well, but who knows, that is why we play the game, bottom line! I think that Dunedin may have a major long shot at a chance at a playoff spot, for it seems that this season they will have a tough time in the Mighty AA Zeta. The Roster depth situation really should worry them, they might want to find some studs in F/A at some point, otherwise it will be a very long season in the AA #4.

Roster Grades : (Grades include Depth plus Starters)
QB - A-
HB - B
FB - B
WR - C+
TE - C+
OT - C
OG - C
C - B-
DT - C+
DE - C
LB - B-
CB - C+
FS - B-
SS - C
K - A
P - A

-Komodo Dragons-

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Stadium Link -

The Dragons took their lumps last season, but I know Gameface, and that isn't good enough of a showing for his standard, so with some roster adjustments, and some refocusing they will be in the thick of things this season.They are my pick to be another Home Field Advantage team, along with Honolulu, Christmas, and Devonport. Do not sleep on these guys, after looking through their roster they are just as deep as the Jollytime Christmas Crew! Komodo seems primed to make a major statement this season! Great recovery Gameface......

Roster Grades : (Grades include Depth plus Starters)
QB - B+
HB - A
FB - A-
WR - A-
TE - A+
OT - A+
OG - A-
C - A
DT - A-
DE - A+
LB - A+
CB - B+
FS - A-
SS - A+
K - A-
P - A+

-Port Moresby Scallywags-

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Stadium Link -

PM, not only the main way to message but a great team in Oceania. We grew up with these guys, and have always looked up to and forward to our counterparts from the Original Oceania A #8, where the greats were born! Anyways, the Scallywags are always a competitive team, and that shows the leadership skills of the owner Mr. Brianttt. I think that PM will be in the playoffs, and if they don't make it then some of the other teams will have overachieved in our league, or fixed their problem positions on their respective rosters. I will have to say that after going over their roster they should be able to put their name in on the home field advantage talk, it will be hard, but if they gameplan with the best, then they will be one of the best.

Roster Grades : (Grades include Depth plus Starters)
QB - A
HB - A+
FB - A
WR - A-
TE - B+
OT - A-
OG - A-
C - B+
DT - A
DE - A+
LB - B+
CB - A-
FS - A-
SS - A+
K - A-
P - A+

-The Fiji Rage-

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Stadium Link -

Okay, I will have to say this from the beginning, what the hell is going on with your stadium Fiji, you should have a couple of Championships with overpaid hired hands for the lack of stadium, but I am not trying to attack, just surprised because you guys are usually in the Top 8, so it just makes me wonder. Alright, the Eruption a.k.a. Rage look to have pulled off one of the biggest agents on the market, and thanks to Flandole, Fiji's line has become one of Oceania's best. Now, that I have looked over their roster, I will have to say that unless everyone that they play doesn't stop the run, then it will be a long season. I am sure that Mgo will get busy on the deficits, but will the team's Chemistry suffer from the timing of those moves. I think it will be tough for Fiji to make the playoffs, not impossible, but way harder then the road needs to be. I will say that if Flandole didn't sign, then I would have to stand by my statement that Mgo might have had the feelings of selling his team, not meant as disrespect, but if you are getting beat more often then you win, you will lose interest.

Roster Grades : (Grades include Depth plus Starters)
QB - A-
HB - A+
FB - B
WR - C-
TE - D
OT - B+
OG - A-
C - B
DT - A-
DE - B+
LB - A
CB - A+
FS - F
SS - B+
K - B+
P - B+

-Dayton Gunslingers-

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Stadium Link -

The Gunslinger's, another of A #8's finest, glad to have you guys up here, and congrats on your season last year as well. Dayton was a pushover when we met them last, but it seems that either the league got watered down, or Dayton pulled it together. I think it is the latter. Dayton always had the fire, but not the firepower. This season will be rough, but the Gunslinger's might win some key showdowns this season, and that is the key ingredient to a Playoff Berth. After looking over their roster, I will have to say that they are going with a method that has only worked for Sydney, and I think that will stay true, you guys are in a new league, and you have a decent and deep Offense, but you neglected the Defense, and I don't know but I have a feeling that it could come back to bite you guys in the butt, and when you react to that bite, you will have turned around and fell out of the playoffs.

Roster Grades : (Grades include Depth plus Starters)
QB - A+
HB - B+
FB - B+
WR - B-
TE - B-
OT - B
OG - B
C - C+
DT - B
DE - B-
LB - C+
CB - C
FS - C+
SS - B-
K - B-
P - C-

-The Decatur Staleys-

Team Link -
Stadium Link -

I am going to try my best to look at my team the way that I looked at everyone else's. First, I will have to say that last season was a Gemini season, the beginning shooting ourselves in the foot was apparent, and the 9-1 ending was the complete opposite. Don't know, but the Staley's seem primed to also be mentioned with the Top teams in Zeta. If they gameplan with the best effort ever, it still could be tough, after looking at all the teams, there are 5-6 contenders this season. Decatur has a shot, but who will we see - Dr. Jeckyl or Mr. Hyde? After looking over Decatur's roster, and comparing it to the league, they are also a team that should be hunting for Home Field during the playoffs. I love the Staley's, but now that they have the pieces to be a Champ, Can they?

Roster Grades : (Grades include Depth plus Starters)
QB - A
HB - A+
FB - A-
WR - A-
TE - A+
OT - A+
OG - A
C - A-
DT - A+
DE - A+
LB - A+
CB - A+
FS - A-
SS - A-
K - A-
P - A+

Now, for my predictions on the season and who will be where, when all is said and done. This is for fun, and not taking builds into effect, nor the fact that people will possibly sell their team, and that is not a shot at anyone, because I came close to it myself last season, as have some others that I have talked to, but the competitiveness we all have been infected with, keeps us coming back.

I know that recruiting is hard, but some of you are missing ALOT of pieces, and there is really no excuse. There are other teams that have started on the same day as you, and you are far and away behind.

Here is where I think everyone will be at the end of the Season, and my Playoff Team Predictions -
DISCLAIMER! - This is taking into consideration these things :
1) The teams actually gameplan
2) The teams use more then the Basics for real opponents
3) Roster Depth
4) Team Chemistry
5) Dropoff in Levels

~BONUS! - These are listed in NO PARTICULAR ORDER!~

~TOP 5 TEAMS~ Will be vying for Home Field Advantage in Playoffs!

The Decatur Staleys
The Christmas Islanders
The Devonport Devils
The Komodo Dragons
The Port Moresby Scallywags

The Teams that are just as good, and will make the Playoffs this season!

The Samoa Savages
The Honolulu Skulls

These are the Teams that are fighting for the last spot in the Playoffs!

The Ayers Rock Krackens *
The Rochester Iroquois *
The Alaska Wild * (Yes, hire a OC, and you will go, your DC did a good job last season!)

I just don't think that they can do it, nothing meant by it, but that is how I feel, sorry! I think that it is possible, but there are really good teams above you guys, but once again that is why we play the games!

The Fiji Rage
The Dayton Gunslingers
The Dunedin Drones
The Anal Bum Covers
The Lexington Armada


The Suva Sparks
Lol, our stadium is the result of the financial mistake i made two season in a row. I got someone to look at it, and we realize what we did wrong. Not a hard fix, but it will take time. Thank you financial advisers!
Originally posted by mgoblue71
Lol, our stadium is the result of the financial mistake i made two season in a row. I got someone to look at it, and we realize what we did wrong. Not a hard fix, but it will take time. Thank you financial advisers!

Thanks for not taking it as an attack, I was really blown away, for you guys are always competitive, and I know that player's bail if their Equipment doesn't get taken care of, so I was just surprised.
Jesus, Chief. You bored?
Originally posted by SpreadThePink
Jesus, Chief. You bored?

Yeah, just alotta bit, lol
awesome post love to see overviews on teams like this, seems fairly accurate all around =)
great write up chief
Great writeup.
Best writeup I have seen on any league forum in any season.... tbh
The only complaint I have (and it is a purely self-centered and minor one), is that he ranks 3 teams' DEs as an A+ and Devonport's as an A.

Last season, our 3 DEs had 51 sacks. Decatur's DEs had 48. Port Moresby's DEs had 15. Christmas' DEs had 38 against A league competition.

Clearly I am biased as one of the DCs and agent to a DE on our team, but we did that with the same 3 DEs that we have now, so I see no reason to think we will do any worse than anyone else this season.
Last edited Feb 25, 2009 08:30:47
No offense to PM, but I never understood how they get rated so much higher then us. We've had their numbers the last two times we've played them, even if they are higher leveled and we finished ahead of them last season...I guess we'll find out.

And how they have better OT's then us.

Great writeups though.
Last edited Feb 25, 2009 08:42:04
Originally posted by Plankton
The only complaint I have (and it is a purely self-centered and minor one), is that he ranks 3 teams' DEs as an A+ and Devonport's as an A.

Last season, our 3 DEs had 51 sacks. Decatur's DEs had 48. Port Moresby's DEs had 15. Christmas' DEs had 38 against A league competition.

Clearly I am biased as one of the DCs and agent to a DE on our team, but we did that with the same 3 DEs that we have now, so I see no reason to think we will do any worse than anyone else this season.

This rating, had NOTHING to do with stats, it had to do with levels, and depth, so they are not accurate since I can't see builds. NO STATS AT ALL went into this, it was me looking at rosters, that is all.
Originally posted by mgoblue71
No offense to PM, but I never understood how they get rated so much higher then us. We've had their numbers the last two times we've played them, even if they are higher leveled and we finished ahead of them last season...I guess we'll find out.

And how they have better OT's then us.

Great writeups though.

They might not have better starter's but you all have to read what went into the rankings, they have better depth, or little dropoff from starter's to backups, and the backups would be competitive vs. the B+ and above DE's.
Awesome write up. Finally some respect in this league
Originally posted by Chief Bootnaka
Originally posted by Plankton

The only complaint I have (and it is a purely self-centered and minor one), is that he ranks 3 teams' DEs as an A+ and Devonport's as an A.

Last season, our 3 DEs had 51 sacks. Decatur's DEs had 48. Port Moresby's DEs had 15. Christmas' DEs had 38 against A league competition.

Clearly I am biased as one of the DCs and agent to a DE on our team, but we did that with the same 3 DEs that we have now, so I see no reason to think we will do any worse than anyone else this season.

This rating, had NOTHING to do with stats, it had to do with levels, and depth, so they are not accurate since I can't see builds. NO STATS AT ALL went into this, it was me looking at rosters, that is all.

No worries Chief. It is a very nice write-up. It is like I tell my Russian co-workers when they apologize about their poor English (Their English is better than my Russian since i only know 2 words of Russian). I haven't taken that much time to look at every team, so it is clearly better than anything I would put together.
Last edited Feb 25, 2009 09:36:24

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