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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #1 > Western Conference
John Clancy
By my count there are only 5 of us left from last season. Pretty big turnover.
Yeah, but the western conferece, from the demoted teams from AA to the promoted ones from BBB, appears to be extremely tough.

I mean we went 13-3 in BBB2 last year and this conference blows us away level wise, even the lower teams.
John Clancy
Yeah, you're right. It was no picnic last season here, either. There are a lot of very decent teams in BBB 1 and 2. But, just glancing at some of the teams, even going by levels, and we all know how that can be misleading, a few teams are going to need more depth.
Don't let Trinsic (eastern conference) levels fool you, they have been a slow build team that has stuck together for quite a few seasons now.

They are a good 5-7 levels better than what their levels appear to be.

We, here in McLuney, are one of the teams that probably should have stayed in BBB2, we were the 6th team in line to move up and I thought they would take 4 or 5, but they took 7.

This season will be about working our way into the playoffs, we would have been in championship contention down in BBB2, but oh well, so is life.
John Clancy
I remember Trinsic from season 6 in BBB2-If I recall, there was some disagreement among some teams as to whether slow building was worth it. The team I own is a slow build and we made the playoffs in our 3rd season which was pretty much what I had hoped for. I'm a believer in slow build (and we were able to build out the first and second sections of our stadium this past season). I remember you guys from season six also. Congrats on making your way up the ladder. While it might be nice to stay ane xtra season in the lower league, it is satisfying to work your way up.
Good to see some friendly faces around here. I see some old friends that we will be getting re-acquainted with and some past friends that will keep our fights going, from the BBB#2. Glad to be here and lets see what we can do. Assassins, I will be looking forward to our rematch.
Korhor, too bad we got moved with USAORG to the west, if we got moved up was looking forward to playing you guys again.
Originally posted by jmog
Korhor, too bad we got moved with USAORG to the west, if we got moved up was looking forward to playing you guys again.

Instead, you'll have us, Missouri, Pasadena, and JC to deal with
Originally posted by uvaman9
Originally posted by jmog

Korhor, too bad we got moved with USAORG to the west, if we got moved up was looking forward to playing you guys again.

Instead, you'll have us, Missouri, Pasadena, and JC to deal with

Meh, after looking breifly at the 2 conferences I would rather deal with the east (opposite of last year, the east was deeper than the west in BBB2 IMO).

Originally posted by jmog
Originally posted by uvaman9

Originally posted by jmog

Korhor, too bad we got moved with USAORG to the west, if we got moved up was looking forward to playing you guys again.

Instead, you'll have us, Missouri, Pasadena, and JC to deal with

Meh, after looking breifly at the 2 conferences I would rather deal with the east (opposite of last year, the east was deeper than the west in BBB2 IMO).

Without a doubt. Pasadena, Missouri, New Orleans, and maybe JC were the only competitive teams in BBB2 West, imo. Consequentially, those were the teams that got promoted. A1 West looks deep this season with 12 teams who went 12-4 or better, should be tough...
Originally posted by jmog
Korhor, too bad we got moved with USAORG to the west, if we got moved up was looking forward to playing you guys again.

I would have liked you and USA to stay to represent the East, but we will play the cards dealt to us. The west looks very competitive, but don't count out the east. There are more then 1 hidden sleeper in the east that I know of.
Last edited Feb 12, 2009 10:04:18
I want to know where the lower teams from AA1 went to, because it sure wasn't A1 west
The way I look at it is you shouldn't move up a level and dominate that level. Realistically it should take two seasons to move up to the next league. That isn't always the case with CPU teams being leftover at the end of the year. There is a lot of solid competition coming up to challenge the guys that were already here. I think this league will be much more competitive than the BBB's last season. Its going to be fun to see how we stack up.
No doubt you shouldn't dominate, I'm hoping to just get in the playoffs right now.

There are no gimmes this year like there were last year. BBB2 east had 8 great teams, and 1-8 was really close, but 9-16 was a gimme. There will be 0 gimmes this year.
Originally posted by jmog
Don't let Trinsic (eastern conference) levels fool you, they have been a slow build team that has stuck together for quite a few seasons now.

They are a good 5-7 levels better than what their levels appear to be.

We, here in McLuney, are one of the teams that probably should have stayed in BBB2, we were the 6th team in line to move up and I thought they would take 4 or 5, but they took 7.

This season will be about working our way into the playoffs, we would have been in championship contention down in BBB2, but oh well, so is life.

Happened to us last season. Don't give up to soon. I think we just missed the playoffs because I blundered after thinking like you.

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