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First off I would like to say good job to the Wizards. They impressed me more than any team we played this season. In our game they finally looked like the team I thought they would be all season.

Playoff predictions:

#1 Northern Demons (15-1) vs #8 New Cologne Bears (9-7)-- In the first match up of the season the Demons owned the Bears in every aspect of the game. Winning by a final score of 78-0. The Demons are on a 8 game winning streak that includes wins over 5 of the 7 other playoff teams. Since the Bears lost to the Demons they have won 3 straight games including an upset over the Northern Lights. I think the Bears are a better team than when the Demons played them last, but not good enough to even come close to winning this game. Demons win 65-7.

#2 NuvaNut Knights (14-2) vs #7 Yellowknife Eskimo Hunters (10-6)--The first meeting between these 2 the Knights beat on the Eskimo Hunters to the score of 48-19 2 games ago. The Knights hold the longest winning streak in the conference at 13 right now. They also have beaten the other top 2 teams in the conference and look like a well oiled machine rolling into the playoffs. The Eskimo Hunters come in on a losing streak and is one of the coldest teams coming into the playoffs, but so was Arizona. I think it will be close going into the 4th quarter and then the Knights put it away. Knights win 49-21.

#3 Whistler Warriors (14-2) vs #6 Vancouver Northern Lights (11-5)--The first meeting betwen these 2 gave the Northern Lights one of their worst beatings ever at 63-6. The Warriors come into the game having won 5 straight games and only giving up 9 points during that time. The streak included playing the 4 worst teams in the conference and the Lights. The Lights roll into the game having lost 3 of 4 and 4 of the last 7. This game has the recipe for a huge upset if I have seen one. Don't be suprised if the Lights do hang around this second time. I still can't pick them here. Warriors win 42-20

#4 Vancouver "Pitbulls" (14-2) vs #5 Hogwarts Wizards (12-4)--In the first meeting the "Pitbulls" won 35-20. The "Pitbulls" got beat late by the Demons and then shutout 2 nonplayoff teams to close out the season. This has been an overachieving team all season but recent additions has given a hit to chemistry and that will be a question mark. The Wizards were all over the place for most of the season. Sometimes looking excellent (wins over NavuNut and Yellowknife) and sometimes looking bad (losses to "Pitbulls" and Northern Lights). This team closed on a high note and looked very good doing so. If they play up to their ability they can play with anyone in this league. Closest thing to a first round upset. Wizards 27-21.

second round

#1 Northern Demons vs #5 Hogwarts Wizards-----Demons win 31-27

#2 NuvaNut Knights vs #3 Whistler Warriors-----Knights win 42-32

Conference championship

#1 Northern Demons vs #2 NuvaNuts Knights-----Knights win title 31-28
Last edited Feb 2, 2009 20:08:58
I still pick Demons over Warriors
Originally posted by bashemgud
I still pick Demons over Warriors

I don't know. I think the Wizards finally figured things out and I serously believe any of the 4 could win the west. I really think we will be splitting hairs here. After the first round it will be a very good and very competitve second round and conference championship.
Originally posted by bashemgud
I still pick Demons over Warriors

We shall see. I hope NuvaNut knows we are coming for them in the 2nd round. I have to prove that last game was a fluke.
Personally, i thing it is a crap shoot between the knights, warriors, and demons. All great teams. My thing is i just hope that if we do lose that the team we lose to go ahead and win the whole championship and rep the WC well.

I got some serious respect for the Warriors and Demons. Just hope we can play up to their level a second time
I second that.
Originally posted by Unforgivable395
I got some serious respect for the Warriors and Demons. Just hope we can play up to their level a second time

Damn over looking your first round game? That's cold blooded
Good luck to everyone!
Last edited Feb 4, 2009 17:14:30
Originally posted by crowbar832001
Originally posted by Unforgivable395

I got some serious respect for the Warriors and Demons. Just hope we can play up to their level a second time

Damn over looking your first round game? That's cold blooded

If the talent and level gap wasn't so big, I don't think we would ever do it. Since it is, its like a foregone conclusion.
Keep an eye on the Wizards and Pitbulls. I think thats going to be a bloody game.
I like the wizards over the Pit team.
Wow.....i really thought it would be much closer than it was.
Good game Jestix-

Time to move on to the rematch game-

This time it means MUCH more.

I'm praying for the upset.
Originally posted by mozzart23
Good game Jestix-

Time to move on to the rematch game-

This time it means MUCH more.


LOL You guys been game planning much for us?

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