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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #7 > 'Acceptable trash talk' versus 'unacceptable trolling'
I think we are getting closer to cleaning up this forum, but looks like I still need to explain some things.

Trash talking is OK, up to a point.

Personal attacks and name calling isn't allowed.

So let's get more friendly rivalries and less personal stuff.

Examples of good trash talking

-My WR burned your CB on that play, LOL (one possible response: True, but we still won the game!)

-Hah, we beat you, so much for your undefeated season (one possible response: You got lucky, we'll see you in the playoffs)

(OK, those are pretty lame examples, but you get the idea, right? Talk about the game and players, not the person)

Examples of unacceptable trolling

-Changing a team name to something vulgar. I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about, don't need specific examples. There might be some acceptable ones, but really, is it necessary?

-Calling people idiots, stupid, cursing, etc. Basically the stuff that's been going on in the locked threads.
Originally posted by
# We encourage debate and lively discussion. However, we will not tolerate hate speech, personal attacks, racism, disparaging remarks about others' sexuality, insulting posts, purposeless inflammatory posts, or other actions that degrade the site experience for other users. Please treat other people with respect, including the mods and administrators of this site.
# General trolling will not be tolerated. Unconstructive threads created with no other purpose but to complain or incite flaming will be locked or deleted.

We will enforce these rules to ensure that the experience of all our users remains at a higher quality. Please show respect to your fellow users and these rules should be second nature to you.

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