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What a week this should be in Alpha with 4 of the top 5 facing up against each other

Stockholm Black Death @ East Cairo Argonauts
ECA the number 1 rushing team and still undefeated this season get a visit from Black Death. In the olden days that would mean painting a cross on your door and people declaring you were unclean but what that has got to do with football I have no idea. Black Death match up well to the Argonauts and could cause them some problems, but at the end of the day Argonauts win another game and move to 12-0

Ingolstadt Hat Tossers @ Passion Fruits

Hat Tosser got their first shut out last week and rightfully are ranked the number 1 D. Fruits have a very powerful passing game and the 3rd ranked O. On the other side of the ball Fruits have a great D and Hat Tossers have a highly efficient balanced O. This is a classic match up that has all the makings of a great game. My money is on Hat Tossers though to pull this one out in a very close game

Zurich Lions @ Vatican City Fighting Popes
Can not see the Lions causing much trouble for the Popes but the Lions are an improving team and should be a force to be taken very seriously next season. Popes win comfortably

Inverness Monsters @ Warfield Hellbringers
Complete mismatch. Hellbringers win while still wearing their PJ's and carpet slippers

Red River Ruminants @ Tilburg Dream
Dream still continue to under achieve, even I was shocked when I looked at their record and realised that they have never won two consecutive games. How does so much talent be so inept ? RRR win and move to 8-4

Heidelberg Hitmen @ Nikopolis Stoic Hedonists
After going 23 games without a win HEdonists have won their last 3 by an amazing 238-10. That winning feeling vanishes for the Hedonists as Hitmen move to 7-5 and look to secure a playoff spot

Cambridge hieftains @ Qidan Beggar's Sect
Fresh from a humbleing (see avatar for said pie) and humiliating defeat at the hands of ECA, cambridge have now lost 3 straight games and their playoff hopes are rapidly vanishing. This is a must win game for them, luckily they are playing Beggar's Sect so should get that very much needed victory

Barcelona Cock N' Bulls @ Amsterdam Dragon's
Cock N Bull take this one and the game is of so little interest to me that I can not be bothered to write anything else about it.

prediction record 42-6
Last edited Jan 24, 2009 07:31:22
is this kinda like how we'd barely edge out stockholm and red river in nailbiters?
Every time I look at your avatar I get hungry. A very funny and enjoyable read Skvan.

Originally posted by Lambda
is this kinda like how we'd barely edge out stockholm and red river in nailbiters?

I believe we will give the Fruits a great game. This will be a nailbiter. I especially hope to expose ibomb.
pls dont disrespect us like that we are bad but no team can beat another team whl wearing pjs and slippers
Originally posted by Jwalker
pls dont disrespect us like that we are bad but no team can beat another team whl wearing pjs and slippers

Not even in a cyberspace make-believe mmorpg game?
Originally posted by s00n3r_nAti0n

Not even in a cyberspace make-believe mmorpg game?


Last edited Jan 24, 2009 09:41:03
Originally posted by Jwalker
pls dont disrespect us like that we are bad but no team can beat another team whl wearing pjs and slippers

Not even in a cyberspace make-believe mmorpg game?

I don't think he meant any disrespect there JJ. He was only trying to get the reader, you and I to visualize the great chasim of desparity between your team Iverness, and the other opposing team. That being Warfield.
Originally posted by Jwalker
pls dont disrespect us like that we are bad but no team can beat another team whl wearing pjs and slippers

And why do you say you know your team is bad? You won't hear anyone else in this league say that about your team except you. Your team isn't bad JJ, only beginning. Your a new team in a powerful league.

Your monsters will get there in a couple of seasons; So have some faith in your team. Because if you don't.... who will.
Originally posted by s00n3r_nAti0n
Originally posted by Jwalker

pls dont disrespect us like that we are bad but no team can beat another team whl wearing pjs and slippers

And why do you say you know your team is bad? You won't hear anyone else in this league say that about your team except you. Your team isn't bad JJ, only beginning. Your a new team in a powerful league.

Your monsters will get there in a couple of seasons; So have some faith in your team. Because if you don't.... who will.

yea our team is bad we arent god we wrent horrible for a team probably only having one layer above lvl 20 but e are bad for this league ive played this game to long to not understand that and btw no it couldnt even happen in a make believe mmorpg
ty for the nice words though
Last edited Jan 24, 2009 11:12:46
Originally posted by Jwalker
Originally posted by s00n3r_nAti0n

Originally posted by Jwalker

pls dont disrespect us like that we are bad but no team can beat another team whl wearing pjs and slippers

And why do you say you know your team is bad? You won't hear anyone else in this league say that about your team except you. Your team isn't bad JJ, only beginning. Your a new team in a powerful league.

Your monsters will get there in a couple of seasons; So have some faith in your team. Because if you don't.... who will.

yea our team is bad we arent god we wrent horrible for a team probably only having one layer above lvl 20 but e are bad for this league ive played this game to long to not understand that and btw no it couldnt even happen in a make believe mmorpg
ty for the nice words though

What would you say if i'm wearing pjs and barney slippers when I gameplan & watch my teams games?
Originally posted by PrizzLeTaSTiC
What would you say if i'm wearing pjs and barney slippers when I gameplan & watch my teams games?

Who doesn't?

Originally posted by merenoise
Originally posted by Lambda

is this kinda like how we'd barely edge out stockholm and red river in nailbiters?

I believe we will give the Fruits a great game. This will be a nailbiter. I especially hope to expose ibomb.

you certainly are much better than stockholm and r3 but i'd be a little surprised if it ended up being a nailbiter
Should be a gg, gl merenoise.
When you say the offensive ranking are you doing rankings for all of Western Europe or are you talking Alpha? If you're talking just Alpha fairly certain we're the #1 offense.

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