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Forum > Position Talk > O Line Club > Future progress for lv17 OT
Mobius Man

So far he's been good, but he'll be playing both LT and RT next season (though he was originally intended to be a LT).
you are so effed ... j/k j/k

you've done a decent job. work on 2capping attributes (agi, blk, str in that order) while training vis. That should get you a more solid set of fundamentals, which are more important than trying to bulk up secondary attributes (like vis)
Mobius Man
Originally posted by SyedAshrafulla
you are so effed ... j/k j/k

you've done a decent job. work on 2capping attributes (agi, blk, str in that order) while training vis. That should get you a more solid set of fundamentals, which are more important than trying to bulk up secondary attributes (like vis)

Lol! yeah, with the ever-changing battle of DE vs OT, it's hard to know where I should stick my points. More STR, AGI? What works one season might end up sucking the next. Though what does end up being more important after agility, STR or BLK?
you end up having to do both, but i always consider agi more important than STR when you're on the outside anyway (DEs are more agile than DTs)

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