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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #3 > WC game 8 power rankings 1/18
What a set of games. It was everything I expected to see. I just wish my team would have come out on top. All kind of new titles this week for the classes. We have reached the half way point and will also hand out my second half the season prejections with MVP awards after this.

Rk- Team----------record---------Last ranking------next game-------write up

-----Conference title contenders and the home 1st rd playoff guys-------

#1 NuvaNut Knights-----(6-2)-----(5)------------#13 RC Gladiators------Despite a 6-2 record they now earn the number 1 spot and is the team to beat. All the toughest games are behind them and only the Lights and Hunters stand in their way of running the table in the second half. The only 2 losses was close games that required the last minute to put them away. I still think they will only get the number 2 spot in the playoffs at best though because the Demons/Warriors winner will earn the number 1 but that does not matter as this is the team to beat.
#2 Whistler Warriors--(7-1)--------(3)------------#12 Ottawa Jaguars--------------Huge win for them has them setting up for a show down with the Demons for the number one seed.
#3 Northern Demons----(7-1)--------(1)-------------#5 Hogwarts Wizards-------------------A loss that was shocking in the fashion it happened. Well they can't wallow in their sarrows long as next up is a feisty Wizards team.

-------Just a notch below the tops------------------

#4 Vancouver "Pitbulls"------ (7-1)---------(2)--------#16 Toronto Red Devils-------------Lost but it is still ok. Not many challenges coming in the second half the season. Demons and Hunters are about it.
#5 Hogwarts Wizards--------(6-2)--------(4)-----------#3 Northern Demons------------Won but dropped a spot in the rankings because the hottest team in the league jumped everybody. It would be the Wizards turn to do some climbing if they win this one.

-----Bottom of the playoff latter------

#6 Vancouver Northern Lights-(7-1)-----(7)-------------#14 Cardinal Redbirds----------Great game from from the Lights to knock off the Hunters. I have mad respect for Max. He always seems to do more with lower level players. He is a gameplanning genius. If you have a hole in your game plan, he always finds a way to exploit it. The only good thing about losing to him is it is easy to find the plays we need to fix.
#7 Yellowknife Eskimo Hunters-(5-3)--(6)-------#11 Da Nang Gang Bangers---------------Trailing 19-17 and driving the ball early 4th quarter, this play happens to my sure handed TE that usually seems to catch everything: Also we got them into 3rd and long multiple times and it seemed like he converted every single time. If it was 3rd and short to mid it seemed like we stopped them every single time. Like I said though Max is a great game planner. Maybe one of the best I have seen in GLB.

-----The Battle for 8th--------

#8 New Cologne Bears---------(4-4)------(8)---------------#9 Montreal Mutants---------I wanted to move the Mutants here but they play each other so one more week here won't hurt. I think they lose to the Mutants and finsh the season in 9th place. They are what the Pitbulls were here last season. If they keep this team together they could have Pitbull like success next season.
#9 Montreal Mutants------------(3-5)--------(9)----------#8 New Cologne Bears----------Really it seems like the playoffs hang on this game for them. This is their season.


#10 Culver Eagles-------------(3-5)---(10)----------------------#16 Toronto Red Devils-----------------Bangers out yardage them but scoreboard is all that matters. 2 easy games in a row should get them back to .500
#11 Da Nang Gang Bangers-------(3-5)-----(11)-------------#7 Yellowknife Eskimo Hunters----------Tough loss to the Eagles. Next up will be a tough one as Yellowknife comes to town.
#12 Ottawa Jaguars------------(2-6)---(12)-------#2 Whistler Warriors--------------------I see 4 straight losses coming for this team.
#13 Cardinal Redbirds--------(2-6)----(14)-----#6 Vancouver Northern Lights----------------They won their second game and it wasn't against Alberta or Toronto
#14 RC Gladiators-------------(2-6)---(13)--------#1 NuvaNut Knights----------Pack it in. The Jags are your best chance of winning another game from here on out.

------Headed down to BBB-----

#15 Alberta Mounties---------(1-7)----(15)-----#4 Vancouver "Pitbulls"------------------------Celebrate your only win on the season.
#16 Toronto Red Devils------(0-7)-----(16)------#10 Culver Eagles----------------Only stat that matters. 28 points put on the Mounties.

Games of the week:

#3 Northern Demons (7-1) vs #5 Hogwarts Wizards (6-2) - can the Demons rebound after their first loss of the season?

#8 New Cologne Bears (4-4) vs #9 Montreal Mutants (3-5) - winner will pretty much be locked into 8th place.
Last edited Jan 18, 2009 10:00:59
Can't say i like where Ottawa sits in these rankings, but unfortunately its been accurate. If we could sign some players to build depth, we would be in contention. The free agent market is a bi@$*! Loaded with players expecting way to much money or idle players that never check the site enough. We will find those missing pieces slowly but surely, and be back in the mix.
I agree about the free agent market. That is why I posted this suggestion for GLB. It hasn't built up any steam though.
Keep plugging away guys. Its tough at first to get guys to sign to your team, but eventually they will come around.
hey crowbar, ive noticed it for a while its culver not calver
Originally posted by jschubert93
hey crowbar, ive noticed it for a while its culver not calver

My bad. I typed it once and then copy and paste for every other set of rankings. It's been fixed for the future.
thanks man
Great job.

I hope we can live up to your rankings
Your rankings are the BOMB - even though you dropped us....

well truthfully - we dropped us; scratch that - the Whistlers dominating us dropped us
Last edited Jan 18, 2009 13:05:01
The Demons have a few surprises for the rest of the season, we got a little relaxed with our game planning last game and it showed, that won't happen again.
How does a team with 2 losses become #1 that's comical. The #1 team in the conference will either be The Warriors or the Demons.. PERIOD.. The winner of that game gets the #1 seed in the playoffs.
Originally posted by BIG C
How does a team with 2 losses become #1 that's comical. The #1 team in the conference will either be The Warriors or the Demons.. PERIOD.. The winner of that game gets the #1 seed in the playoffs.

This is a power rankings not a college football bowl rankings. This is based on who I think is the best team. Not what team will get the number 1 seed. IMHO the Knights had issues early on, fixed them and is CURRENTLY the best team in the conference. I love it though. I thought these rankings would stir stuff up. Bottom line is the Warriors and Demons have nothing to complain about since they lost. Also this is just MY thoughts and doesn't mean that this is how it will turn out.
Nuva = Yawn
Packing it in
Originally posted by BIG C
Nuva = Yawn

So I take it you just got really bored while playing them, and they lulled you into a loss?

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