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The playoff picture is starting to shape up and there is a new member to the top 8. The rankings and first post are by Greystone, the response in italics is from AllTalent for an out of conference perspective. Look for the Zeta edition sometime tomorrow.

1.) Reyjavik Vikings
With a blow out win over a playoff ranked team, the Vikings has put a nail in the coffin of the Alpha Conference. 3 More wins and the Vikings secure a playoff berth. The Vikings are on easy street with no challenge in the next few games, but they will have to make effort in a games verse the Sharks and the Zombies, and then a potential 1 vs 3 matchup with the Demon Knights

AT - This week's game had all the makings of a classic but couldn't have turned out more one sided. Alpha's last undefeated team is looking strong with no signs of faltering. They've faced some tough opponents up until this point and can now safely be considered the class of Alpha until further notice. Further notice probably being their week 15 game against the Demon Knights. I have a hard time imagining any one even keeping it close with these guys.

2.) Toledo Scarlet Fever
First of a few tune up games the Fever dismantled the Dollar Bills, in a quirky kinds of art imitates life situation. The Fever face a stat padding game against the Mighty Dukes. you know the Zeppelins will be watching these next few games in prep for the matchup in a few weeks.

AT - The brain trust over in Toledo must appreciate the time off that their two opponents afford them to continue to disect their week 7 beating they received from the Vikings. I am sure they will make some necessary adjustments for their next matchup because that game will probably be their only loss since they are pretty heavily favored in their final 8 games. But you are right, Greystone, they better not let the Zeppelins catch them looking too far ahead or things could get a little too close for comfort

3.) Dusseldorf Demon Knights
The Demon Knights were able to add some stats to their league leading players in a blowout of the London Cardinals handing them their worst defeat of the year. There is a little buzz going on about the OC and the WR corp looking to have a meetings of the minds about the future of the offense.

AT - Sounds like Greystone is getting some serious insider information over there. I wonder if he'll spread those VIP locker passes around for his own team or he plans to be to the Demon Knights what Ed Werder is to the Cowboys. Regardless they have the aerial attack to put up big numbers and that is what they are going to do in the next few games. They will cruise for a few weeks before hitting their toughest stetch of schedule this season.

4.) Zurich Zepplins
The Zeps jump a spot after the Aces had a slightly more poor than expected loss to the Vikings. The Zepplins are now in postion to be better masters of their own destiny, they must win 3 out of the next 4 games verse the Goldfish,Lions, Fever, and Aces. With beating the Aces a very high priority.

AT - Hopefully this team left their poor second half performances in Cologne with their old team name. The Zeppelins have a new city, a new name and hopefully a new outcome. Greystone hit it on the head though, they need to be playing their best football now and peak against the Aces. A top 4 seed and a home playoff game would do a lot for this franchise.

5.) London Aces
Many people thought the Aces would give the Vikings a better run than they did. The aces have 3 games to get their program running smooth before they play a 3 game series against the Zeps, Fever, and Lions. Its a MUST that they win 2 out of 3 of these to secure a home playoff spot chance. Losing all 3 puts their playoff chances in jepordy.

AT - I am not as pessimistic about the Aces' playoff fate as Greystone. Even if they drop all three games they'll end the season 10-5 and won't be playing their first game at home but they'll still grace the post season. That being said, the Aces' star running back's vocal agent should probably have dignity to walk softly for a week after he was held to a measly 20.5 yards on 6 carries. I am also looking forward to the big avatar bet in a few weeks in their game against Bellingham. It is almost too bad that all the talk around this tough playoff team is centered around one loudmouth agent.

6.) Schuylkill River Sharks
The Sharks have the next few weeks to prove that they are a playoff bound team. They have the Zombies, Demon Knights, Lions, and Viking, 4 out of their last 5 games. They need to take 2 of these games to stand a chance and a must win over the Lions and Zombies to make the playoffs.

AT - the Sharks have talent but I don't think they have enough to make any noise in the postseason. So even if they do win the games that Greystone has outlined, I think they are destined for an early exit. To quote the great Herm Edwards though, "THEY CAN BUILD ON THIS!" They have some talent to work with so with a few upgrades they could possibly make their presence felt this season but definitely the next.

7.) Luxemborg Lions
The lions 6 wins come off the Billy Beat Me Ups of the league. This all changes when they have the Zombies who have the potential to make the playoffs. Its all uphill from there as they play the rest of the alpha conferences positive on the winside teams in the following weeks. Their matchup with the zeps in my opinion will set the tone for the rest of their season.

AT - Sometimes just winning the games that you should can be underrated. They may not have played anyone great but they are currently in 4th place and with some good gameplanning they can get a solid seed in the playoffs. A poor second half could see them missing the playoffs entirely, but beating the teams they should is all they have to do to make it.

8.) Bipolar Leprechauns
These guys are on the bubble for the playoffs. They had better outtings against some palyoff bound teams int he Alpha conference than the Zombies did and that gives them the bump to the playoffs final spot. Look for the little green men to have 1 tune up game before they have a brutal 4 game sereies against the Lions, Demon Knights, Sharks and Vikings. 4 losses here could spell doom for this team.

AT - the Leprechauns are far from elite, but they are of a better pedigree than the Zombies and I am pretty sure they'll beat them out for that last playoff spot. That being said, it is very realistic that they will go 3-5 over their final 8 games to back into the post season. Keep an eye out for their game against the Zombies in two weeks as that is their potential spoiler game. A loss there and their playoff hopes will be in doubt.
Nice....a good read.
Kudos gentlemen
Originally posted by RedDawn excellent read.
Kudos gentlemen

give up on zeta?
nope he is writing Zeta and giving it to me to comment on then i will post it.
Good write up I agree a lot of it. It shows you did your homework on the teams
"They may not have played anyone great..."

Well, we did get our clocks cleaned by the Smugglers and Vikings who happen to be the top two teams in both Alpha and Zeta this season, so I would disagree with this statement. As for winning against the six "Billy Beat Me Ups", we certainly do not control the schedule we play because if we did, we would've split up the rest of the games this season and wedged some easier games in between the tough ones. Besides, AllTalent called it right. Beating the teams that you should be beating and focusing on one game at a time is how you avoid upsets and get a playoff berth if you have the talent to get you there.

Great write-up, though.
Great job guys. I love it! How 'bout them Double Z's! jk
Last edited Jan 17, 2009 06:28:04
as always, first class job!
Mask Murderer
I think you did a horrible job... this guy is a hater to when you thought he was on your side he turns on you! the shreader is waiting for your apology on what you said about him.
Originally posted by F00TBALL ROCKS
I think you did a horrible job... this guy is a hater to when you thought he was on your side he turns on you! the shreader is waiting for your apology on what you said about him.

As a journalist, never going to aplogize. As a Owner/Coach...i dont need to apologize we held the Shreader to 76 years and no TD's.
You never have to apologize for telling the truth and stats don't lie:

Automatic Shreader - 6 rushes for 20.5 yards against the Vikings

If anything, you should be apologizing to all of us for talking smack that you couldn't back up. Have another slice of humble pie and keep the weak-ass smack to yourself.

Originally posted by F00TBALL ROCKS
I think you did a horrible job... this guy is a hater to when you thought he was on your side he turns on you! the shreader is waiting for your apology on what you said about him.

Hey man, I don't have a problem with you talking, that is your right in these public forums. You can talk all day about how great the Shreader is and he is a good and productive player, but if you don't produce, you have to eat those words.

Shit, it is probably good for your team that everyone has it out for your guy because then they can catch them napping in other areas, but you are going to hear about it with a game like that. If I was in here every day talking about how my DE is going to tear everyone up and he is second in sacks in the Zeta, blah blah blah, I know that I am going to have it waiting for me in these forums after a Game that he doesn't register a sack. That's life. Do what you do though, I'm not stopping you.
Originally posted by PeteTSSF
You never have to apologize for telling the truth and stats don't lie:

Automatic Shreader - 6 rushes for 20.5 yards against the Vikings

If anything, you should be apologizing to all of us for talking smack that you couldn't back up. Have another slice of humble pie and keep the weak-ass smack to yourself.

kinda depressing... The Vikings are the only team I did not have a touchdown or 100+ rating.. :'(
great defense
Originally posted by hyunsuk
Originally posted by PeteTSSF

You never have to apologize for telling the truth and stats don't lie:

Automatic Shreader - 6 rushes for 20.5 yards against the Vikings

If anything, you should be apologizing to all of us for talking smack that you couldn't back up. Have another slice of humble pie and keep the weak-ass smack to yourself.

kinda depressing... The Vikings are the only team I did not have a touchdown or 100+ rating.. :'(
great defense

Thank you sir...

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