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Man, what a shitty team. I didn't think they would lay down and suck so bad. Oh well, god for the rest of your conference
and you are?
Originally posted by dergillz
and you are?

+1. I had no clue but I didnt want to sound stupid lol.
probably a friend of someone on the team
Originally posted by dergillz
probably a friend of someone on the team

Or someone's multi.
No, no just some salty character. See I GMed for his team in Season 5. As soon as Season 6 started he up and just removed me, just like that. No explanation or anything. I was told my players would get a release when a replacement was signed. But it wasn't until I questioned why my players were on the Block that I got my releases. He messed up in that he forgot that he let us all know about his double accounts. Being that I was dealt with in the manner that I was, I decided to turn him in. He's been crabbing ever since. He's told me to "get over it", but then why he the one that has to go to these lengths to bager me? Pretty pathetic.

I have never once publicly trashed Rfink (until today, right here). He overlooks the fact that we've been competitive, played one tough first half schedule, and if it weren't for a few plays could be 3-5. His team Tokyo, would be in the same boat with our schedule.
Last edited Jan 19, 2009 17:55:26
you're a douchebag crybaby man. the only reason you left and your players, was because you know your builds are shit. I brought some players to the team and you threw a fit like a little girl getting her hair brushed. I looked back through some of the tactics you had the team set and I have to say that team would have been better if you would have never touched a single setting,

get off the internet and play with some crayons or something,
I am excited for this thread to die
will you to please kiss and make up and get the hell off the forums..
Originally posted by kenyon1977
you're a douchebag crybaby man. the only reason you left and your players, was because you know your builds are shit. I brought some players to the team and you threw a fit like a little girl getting her hair brushed. I looked back through some of the tactics you had the team set and I have to say that team would have been better if you would have never touched a single setting,

get off the internet and play with some crayons or something,

#1 learn some English. #2 learn the situation. There was no crabbing over the situation and your QB was brought in after I told I was being relieved of my duties. I didn't blast Rfink on the league or forum. I didn't resort to being immature and start the name calling. If Rfink wants to get other players in, oh well. It was the way it was done that displeased me. It's funny that after all this time, my players leaving still gets to you guys. I find it funny that it took moving your QB to a much lower league before your QB started putting up even decent numbers.

And yes, my builds are terrible. My LB is only one of the more consistent defenders in A #3 and I surely had no problem landing a team with my Kicker. Actually had it tough with deciding on which offer to take. You guys are hilarious that this still gets to you guys. Why can't you just move on? It's agame.
Last edited Jan 20, 2009 09:47:34
Originally posted by mattynokes
Originally posted by kenyon1977

you're a douchebag crybaby man. the only reason you left and your players, was because you know your builds are shit. I brought some players to the team and you threw a fit like a little girl getting her hair brushed. I looked back through some of the tactics you had the team set and I have to say that team would have been better if you would have never touched a single setting,

get off the internet and play with some crayons or something,

#1 learn some English. #2 learn the situation. There was no crabbing over the situation and your QB was brought in after I told I was being relieved of my duties. I didn't blast Rfink on the league or forum. I didn't resort to being immature and start the name calling. If Rfink wants to get other players in, oh well. It was the way it was done that displeased me. It's funny that after all this time, my players leaving still gets to you guys. I find it funny that it took moving your QB to a much lower league before your QB started putting up even decent numbers.

And yes, my builds are terrible. My LB is only one of the more consistent defenders in A #3 and I surely had no problem landing a team with my Kicker. Actually had it tough with deciding on which offer to take. You guys are hilarious that this still gets to you guys. Why can't you just move on? It's agame.

Hey Matty-Pukes. Tell the real story. I booted you off the team cuz you are fucking pussy and I had to listen to your PM's of, "well my beer barons do this and on my beer barons we do this" No disrespect tot he beer barons owner but Matty you can stick the beer barons square in your ass. You got dumped cuz you are a pussy, complained in the forum and called people out. Your QB, HB and K were hacks. Oh yeah then you went and "told on me". Thats right people this fucking guy told the mods I had multiple accounts. That's fine. Its against the rules and the accounts are now merged. But come one what a pussy to "tell on someone" Mattynokes, you are in college right?? Shocks the fuck out of me. Seems like by telling on someobe you are in 2nd grade. Classic, just wanted the rest of the league and the Barons to know waht kind of a GM you have here. O yeah and Mikeli?? The only player that went with him cuz the rest he recruited thought he was a fuck too. Have fun playing with this Douche bag. Shoulda stayed in Tokyo, you would have more than 1 win.
feel better now?

good, now go bother some other forum...
LOL, what a great thread! You know what's funny about Kenyon, if it's the same guy. We were in a tourney. I think there were like 16 teams or some shit, maybe more. Any ways, he thought he would roll Omaha b/c he was in EE Pro league, and was in 8th place. Yeah, we beat 'em 86-20. His Cincinatti Tigers sucked balls. After all that shit talking, he was never to be heard from again. I'm guessing that he was so destroyed that they lost to an A league team, that he realized how bad he was, and sold the team! LOL

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