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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #1 > USA A #1 Stadiums For Season 6/7

Team: Anonymous Assassins
Stadium Name: Rich Man's Lounge
Capacity - End S6: 33,740
Cash on hand on S6 D44: $5,813,218.00
Capacity - Start S7: 47,520 (29% increase)
Sections Completed: 1st tier built, home L2 sideline and left EZ.
Notes / Comments: Completed 2nd tier and were promoted from BBB 2 East. They maxed out the current seating configuration of the stadium early, an indication the management is eager the get underway. They should be financially stable for some time since they're just keeping ahead of the L32 equipment needs. We can expect the Assassins to conserve enough cash to finish the stadium for S8 since they'll need every dime for the L40 equipment costs that they'll have to contend with. They'll be competitive and should see the playoffs, how deep is another matter altogether. They won't have to wait long since they'll be a tough team to handle in S8 wherever they end up.

Team: American Freedom
Stadium Name: Patriot Field at Minuteman Stadium
Capacity - End S6: 55,520
Cash on hand on S6 D44: $5,404,406.20
Capacity - Start S7: 71,720 (27% increase)
Sections Completed: 1st and 2nd tiers
Notes / Comments: Completed 3rd tiers, added seats, stadium completed and were promoted from BBB 1 as the Eastern champions. Based on previous stadium reports, 27% stadium growth is mild for the Freedom, but only because they maxed out the seating capacity and managed to do it in 3 off-seasons - that's a testimony of player dedication. The roster is big and the player levels are up there, so they're going to be a handful for anyone, regardless of who you are. Their loss to the West's Fresno was a shocking upset to most and it's possible that we could see rematch this season. Recent trade activity shows that they aren't afraid of making hard choices and will pull the trigger to move talent if they have to (refer to DE super star DE Bubba Blaze). Financially, finishing the stadium so quickly was a necessity since they are in the front side of L40 equipment requests, so they got it done in the nick of time. With such aggression on the stadium over, the players should start seeing a windfall of equipment funding. They should make the playoffs, but how deep is up to them.

Team: San Francisco Demons
Stadium Name: The Pits of Hell
Capacity - End S6: 49,540
Cash on hand on S6 D44: $6,468,001.52
Capacity - Start S7: 68,640 (28% increase)
Sections Completed: 1st and 2nd tiers
Notes / Comments: Completed 3rd tier and promoted from BBB 1 East. They'll have the stadium finished without an issue come playoff time and it's not going to take much to do it. Regardless of the name change, it's still the management and squad

Team: Kentucky Jaguars
Stadium Name: The KFC Bucket
Capacity - End S6: 20,970
Cash on hand on S6 D44: $-421,743.88
Capacity - Start S7: 26,220 (20% increase)
Sections Completed: L1 and L2 sidelines
Notes / Comments: 2/4 L2 sidelines and promoted from the BBB 2 East. THey started out in the red, but solved that quickly with season ticket sales, but that's not going to be enough since they are probably way behind in L32 and L40 equipment. It's clear that they are trying to field a competative team now, which they will, but they won't be able to sustain the high level of talent that they have with such a small stadium. They can still fix it, but it's going to be a difficult road with that will require some on the field set backs. They've positioned themselve's well with all of the D40 contracts, so they'll have options nearing the end of the season, keep trying to field under equiped players, or take a season or two off and concentrate solely on the stadium. Keep it in perspective guys, you're not going to be able to have it both ways this season. A few roster moves here and there, a few INAs, but by and large keeping pace and competing. They've got a wide range of levels and a few positions have some big drop offs in talent between the starters and backups and the problem they are going to have is doubel edged sword because if they keep the starters on the field longer and completely gasses them at the end of the game, it alienates the backups since they get less playing time and can't level fast enough to catch up. Or, they take thier chances and rotate the backups frequently and hope that the inevitable mismatches don't cause too many issues. Their oppents will have to study the film closely and if Kentucky had thier smarts about them, they'd switch it up now and then to keep opponents off balance a little bit.

Team: Bortsville Mystery Nerf
Stadium Name: The Nerf Center
Capacity - End S6: 55,520
Cash on hand on S6 D44: $8,133,358.00
Capacity - Start S7: 71,720 (27% increase)
Sections Completed: 1st and 2nd tiers
Notes / Comments: Completed 3rd tiers, added seats, stadium completed and promoted from BBB 1 East. Another team, just like the Freedom, who planned far enough ahead to position themselves by making sure the stadium was finished by opening day. It's painfully obvious that they are a slow build team and it's also clear that the builds are top quality because history shows that they consistantly play above thier percieved level and have upset teams in the past. They were running monsters last season, but with the changes made in the sim, we'll see if they can contiue the running game exploit that they committed to using. L32 equipment is going to hit them all at once and that should be happening at the end of this season or very early next season and they'll be able to handle it financially without issue. L40 equipment will be interesting to see if they can cover it all at once or not, but they should since they'll have about a season and a half to collect it after paying out L32 equipment. It'll be interesting to see if they can make the pros before massive retirements start hitting them.

Team: Fort Worth Warriors
Stadium Name: The Conclave
Capacity - End S6: 33,740
Cash on hand on S6 D44: $3,705,954.06
Capacity - Start S7: 45,020 (25% increase)
Sections Completed: 1st tier, L2 home sidelines
Notes / Comments: Built L2 visitor sidelines, 2/4 L2 corners and promoted from BBB 2 - East. Respectable stadium growth and looking over thier roster, they'll be in fine shape to handle the upcoming L32 upgrades. They still need to maintain focus on the stadium because if they lose focus, L40 equipment costs are going to blind side them. The bulk of INAs are due to the holidays, which is understandable, but the key item to note on the roster is that everyone is on S7 D40 contracts. This is a sign of a very methodical ownership who keeps the team in a position to make off-season moves with as little inconvenience as possible, for both the players/agents and team. This as a double edged sword though since nobody is locked up long term, there's the risk of a mass exodus should the team stumble badly, the Warriors made a abrupt 180 degree turn between seasons 5 (4-12) and season 6 (13-3), so doubt the exodus will happen. The roster looks clean, but there are some depth issues which is going to be their achilles heel. I think they'll be tinkering with the playoff bubble all season.

Team: Tri-Cities Fever
Stadium Name: The Fever Dome
Capacity - End S6: 36,110
Cash on hand on S6 D44: $193,961.52
Capacity - Start S7: 48,460 (26% increase)
Sections Completed: 1st tier, L2 EZs, right visitor corner
Notes / Comments: Completed 2nd level and were promoted from BBB 1 East. Tri-Cities are in a good position. They can stall some L32 equipment for a bit in order to conserve for seat constructions and won't be over whelmed with L40 equipment requests until Season 8. If they can complete all of the seating for the current stadium this season, before the playoffs, they'll be in decnet shape. They'll get a golden star if they can conserve enough to actually build both L3 sidelines after S7, which is probably on thier radar anyway. Personal experience shows that they have the ability to catch a team napping if the opponent is on cruise control. They aren't slouches and have a decent handle on the franchise's growth and development, so Blurr27 deserves credit for taking his time and doing it right instead of heading off to the races without any order of control. Three of their losses last season were within 3 points and came down to the wire. So it's clear that when they show up, they intend to fight and won't go down easily. As a personal warning to the folks who haven't seen Tri-Cities before, don't under estimate them - you'll pay for it.

Team: Eleven Wise Monkeys
Stadium Name: The Jungle
Capacity - End S6: 71,720
Cash on hand on S6 D44: $4,083,784.00
Capacity - Start S7:
Sections Completed: Entire Stadium
Notes / Comments: N/A, stadium already completed and are a hold over from last season. Same as Louisville, a financial juggernaught who charged out of the gate in season 6. The difference is, the Monkeys steam rolled through the season and had a complete meltdown late in the season. Clearly something changed, but what was it? You have to know the team is pissed and itching to prove themselves this season, without any financial worries, they only have to concentrate on performing on the field.

Team: New York Warriors
Stadium Name: Warriors Field
Capacity - End S6: 55,520
Cash on hand on S6 D44: $279,408.44
Capacity - Start S7: 63,620 (13% increase)
Sections Completed: 1st and 2nd tiers
Notes / Comments: L3 home sidelines and are a hold over from last season. They didn't build much, but it's understandable since the L3 sidelines have such a low rate of return on the investment. The roster looks solid with a few contract issues here and there, only one INA (and that's recent), so this team means business this season and they'll be a tough competitor in all phases of the game. What puzzles me though, is how they did not get promoted. The team that eliminated them from season 6 playoffs looks like they're disbanding or are rebuilding, which has to be disheartening for NY. But that's not their problem, but everyone else in A1 is the their problem, eesh. I'm guessing that they started chipping away at L40 equipment last season with a few players and probably have already started allocating for the rest of the players. They consistantly do well and we should expect the same this season, so get your game on folks because if you want the Eastern title, you'll probably have to deal with the Warriors at some point.

Team: Megatropolis Tigers
Stadium Name: AMEX Reliant Tiger Stadium "The JUNGLE"
Capacity - End S6: 20,900
Cash on hand on S6 D44: $698,669.80
Capacity - Start S7: 33,740 (38% increase)
Sections Completed: 1st tier, L2 home sideline
Notes / Comments: The Tigers got aggressive with their stadium by posting a 38% increase in capacity. The extra revenue is going to be badly needed since I've guessing that they are behind in L32 equipment with a L40's staring them in the face as well. They can't slow down now though because that aggression with the stadium is what's going to make this team survive the long run. They'll be competitive and win a few games, but they won't be at full potential, not just yet, but they will be if they can keep fueling the stadium. Owner ship looks be committed deep into season 8 with a lot of contracts due late in the season and several more season 9. There's been no trade activity for sometime and they still have a CPU player to replace, so there's evidence that there's still some work to do. One suggestion would be to bring in a few more GMs to help with recruiting.

Team: Bristol Bullets
Stadium Name: Steve Jones Memorial Ground
Capacity - End S6: 63,620
Cash on hand on S6 D44: $10,684,772.00
Capacity - Start S7: 71,720 (11% increase)
Sections Completed: 1st and 2nd tiers, L3 home sideline
Notes / Comments: Completed 3rd tiers, added seats, stadium completed and are a hold over from last season. Wow, talk about a team that's gotta be pissed. THey charged out of season 6 at 5-0, struggled, and ended up 9-7, which should have been good enough for a playoff game, but they missed out. They've got a decent cash supply, so the L40 equipment shouldn't be an issue as they look to fix what broke in the middle of last season. They might have to work with the players to balance out the payments to all L40 players or at least just manage it on a first come first serve basis. They've been stuck in A ball for two seasons now and they want to move up, but looking over the roster, they've got thier work cut out for themselves.

Team: Louisville Nighthawks
Stadium Name: Riverfront Stadium
Capacity - End S6: 71,720
Cash on hand on S6 D44: $28,941,347.44
Capacity - Start S7:
Sections Completed: Entire Stadium
Notes / Comments: N/A, stadium already completed and are a resident from last season. They're a financial juggernaught and don't appear to be slowing down anytime soon and are still making deals to improve themselves. Most of the L40 equipment is probably already paid for and what's left should be done this season. However, I'm actually a little surprised at last season's 8-8 record after seeing them charge out of the gate at 4-0, struggling mightily in the heart of the schedule, and finally putting it back together down the stretch. But it was too little too late. It should be a different story this season though since they appear to be one of the conference favorites as old BBB rivalries begin resurfacing. I think Louisville has an axe to grind and has a chip on thier shoulder and they should be poised to take out their frustrations on the conference this season.

Team: Space Coast Storm Surge
Stadium Name: Surge Stadium
Capacity - End S6: 34,970
Cash on hand on S6 D44: $2,511,125.40 (08% increase)
Capacity - Start S7: 37,730
Sections Completed: L1 corners, L1 left EZ, L2 sidelines
Notes / Comments: Completed L1 and appear to be a hold over from last season. There are some holes on the roster, mostly with depth at a few positions, but they've got it where it counts with the starters. L40 equipment is going to be hitting them pretty hard soon and it's unlcear if they even have the L32 equipment paid for yet. They're going to be a competative club for sure, but issue is if they can sustain thier competative level deep into games and looking at their recent trading activity, they got busy at the end of last season aquiring badly needed talent in the trenches with a HB to run behind that line. It's also clear that they have no issue making trades in the middle of the season if they have to. So, I expect the Storm to continue being competative, but their aggressiveness is going to catch up to them sooner or later. I think they need to slow down a bit and develop the stadium a bit more. If they can hold onto the talent that they have now, they'll be stronger next season if they can save enought cash to build 4 more sections to the stadium.

Team: Compton Panthers
Stadium Name: Joe Paterno Field At The Compton Cage
Capacity - End S6: 31,380
Cash on hand on S6 D44: $2,472,284.84
Capacity - Start S7: 35,930 (13% increase)
Sections Completed: 1st tier, L2 home sideline
Notes / Comments: Added both L2 EZs, 1/4 L2 corners and appear to be a hold over from last season. Compton just had a name change, maybe the were figuring that 'Nilla Wafers just wasn't intimidating enough? And the Panthers would strike fear into thier opponents? The did expand the stadium with three sections, but they've got to get more aggressive than that in the next off-season. I'm guessing that a lot of the roster is hurting for L40 equipment upgrades, namely on offense. That's not thier only problem though, they have over 10 playes with expiring contracts on S7 D1, meaning that they're likely going to get high leveled CPU players to fill in the roster gaps, which isn't healthy since it's only going to drain them of badly needed cash and the CPU players play like crap anyway. On the plus side, those expiring contracts are going to trim off a lot of INA players, but not enough to remove concern with the potential FAs. They'll compete, but they're going to struggle until the roster is squared away. Keep the new name guys, cats > cookies imo.

Team: French Lick Dirty Whorns
Stadium Name: Pluto Water Stadium
Capacity - End S6: 28,350
Cash on hand on S6 D44: $3,726,704.00
Capacity - Start S7: 32,180 (12% increase)
Sections Completed: 1st tier, L2 sidelines
Notes / Comments: No new construction since they only added seats and appear to be held over from last season. I'm not sure why they didn't build anything since they could have built 2-3 sections and looking over their roster, that was a huge mistake. They're currently under the gun for L40 equipment and those extra sections would have brought in need revenue to help cover it. As a result, the players are going to suffer have to forgo EQ on a first come first server basis or on a key personnel pecking order. Either way, some players are going to be disgruntled and French Lick will have some damage control to start spinning. It's clear that other agents see the same issue since the still have some expensive CPU players in their midst, suggesting recruiting troubles that they've got to over come soon. They'll be competitive this season and a lot to handle for even the top dogs of the conference, but they won't be playing up to their potential.

Team: Home Town Shockers
Stadium Name: Stinky Pinky Stadium
Capacity - End S6: 71,720
Cash on hand on S6 D44: $29,517,725.00
Capacity - Start S7: 71,720
Sections Completed: Entire Stadium
Notes / Comments: N/A, stadium already completed. This kinda of a wierd scenario. The owner has his only two players on the team and one of the GMs is the agent for the bulk of the roster with contracts that expire S8 D38. Talk about your one man show... Equipment will never be an issue with this team, but competing will be. One person can't do it all, so there are going to be holes in the game planning and not to mention the INA status of nearly the entire roster. They will compete, but it won't be well and think that they'll just squeeze into the playoffs so that they can have enough time to say farwell.


Team: Fresno Fire
Stadium Name: The Inferno
Capacity - End S6: 48,170
Cash on hand on S6 D46: $1,052,403.20
Capacity - Start S7: 63,620 (24% increase)
Sections Completed: 1st tier, 3/4 L2 corners, L2 sidelines
Notes / Comments: Completed 2nd tier, L3 home sideline and are last season's BBB 1 champions, getting a well deserved promotion after upsetting the heavily favored Freedom. Fresno got a huge boost from last season's playoff run and made major progress on their stadium and it looks like they made some recent trades to help recover some costs too. Player equipment shouldn't be a burden for the Fire since most of the club won't be hitting L40 until S8 or very lat in S7, so they have a solid financial future. Competitively, they're tough and aren't scared of anyone and as previously stated, were seriously under estimated by American Freedom, so expect some healthy competition from this team for a very long time. Expect to see Fresno get deep into the playoffs again.

Team: Olympia Dollar Ninety Nines
Stadium Name: Boti-Face Field
Capacity - End S6: 37,160
Cash on hand on S6 D46: $4,704,249.76
Capacity - Start S7: 51,690 (28% increase)
Sections Completed: 1st tier, 2 right corners, right EZ
Notes / Comments: Completed 2nd tier and they appear to have been promoted from BBB 2 West. They've made some healthy gains with the stadium, but with L40 equipment coming due with several players, they'll need to get some cooperation from the players to make it work and given that they are the BBB 2 champions, they should be able to accomplish that without an issue. They're at least in a position to be able to handle it tactfully without losing or alienating the players. After all, a championship says a lot. They've still got a way to go to finish the stadium, but getting it done this season and after S7 is certainly within their grasp and is a choice they can make. Looking over the roster, they've got a few issues to fix, but overall look ready to go and should be competing for the title run.

Team: Cincinnati Stallions
Stadium Name: Wild Horse Field
Notes / Comments: I don't get it. They get promoted, build the last piece of their stadium, and then go belly up. Any hoo, it looks like the vultures have already swooped in and have been picking apart the carcass since there isn't much left. So let's get the word out folks and help the remaining warm blooded players find some non-silicone owned teams.

Team: Jacktown Smackdown
Stadium Name: Frank Melton Memorial Stadium
Capacity - End S6: 26,780
Cash on hand on S6 D46: $2,367,404.60
Capacity - Start S7: 43,680 (39% increase)
Sections Completed: 1st tier
Notes / Comments: Built entire 2nd tier and recently promoted from BBB 1 West. Jacktown got serious with it's stadium this season, even more so that it was last season, which a good sign for a healthy and competitive team. It still looks like they've got some roster issues to work on before the season starts, but I suspect they will be almost ready by game time since Duncan345 is rather tenacious. Jacktown will fine financially as long as they keep up the aggressive building on the stadium. Finishing the L1 and L2 seats before constructing the L3 sections will most likely be the best return for the money in the long run. Competitively, I know from experience that they play better than they look and can't be taken for granted, so expect a few scraps with them and an upset or two.

Team: Reno Marauders
Stadium Name: Marauders Stadium
Capacity - End S6: 14,740
Cash on hand on S6 D46: $134,543.60
Capacity - Start S7: 17,550 (16% increase)
Sections Completed: 3/4 L1 corners
Notes / Comments: Built L1 left EZ and recently promoted from BBB 1 West. Reno is struggling to expand the stadium due to player equipment costs and it's clear that Reno is choosing this path to stay competitive. However, they've got a major problem on their hands in that the bulk of their contracts are running out on S7 D1. I don't see evidence of recent signings and the trade history show no signs of activity. I think Reno is is trouble and that it's owner, sifuhall, finally needs to start recruiting a staff to help run the team. As the game gets more and more complicated, the more and more it will be necessary to have specialists with the team. I hope Reno sticks with it, they've been a good competitor.

Team: Los Angeles Majors
Stadium Name: Majors Field
Capacity - End S6: 27,700
Cash on hand on S6 D46: $258,483.52
Capacity - Start S7: 36,963 (25% increase)
Sections Completed: Tier 1, L2 home sideline
Notes / Comments: Built, L2 visitor sideline, L2 left EZ, 3/4 L2 corners and look to have been promoted from BBB 2 West. They showed healthy growth with the stadium, which is a good sign of dedicated management and don't have any serious roster issues looming. So, this is one of the few teams that's been working it's ass off to get their ducks in a row before the season starts. It's looks like they're okay financially since they're ahead in the equipment game, but they've got to keep up the aggressive stance to finish the stadium or the equipment problems will be on their heels before they know it. Expect the majors to be one of the conference title contenders.

Team: San Jose Chupacabra
Stadium Name: The Lair
Capacity - End S6: 20,050
Cash on hand on S6 D46: $2,949,979.76
Capacity - Start S7: 20,050 (0% increase)
Sections Completed: L1 EZs, 2/4 home right corners
Notes / Comments: No new stadium construction and recently promoted from BBB 1 West. Whoa, big mistake. I wonder that the hell happened because with 2.9 million in the bank, they could have finished the 1st tier without a loan and maybe 4 sections with a loan. I like the Chupacabra, but they've got some issues developing that's going to bubble to the surface after S7 as L40 equipment comes due, which is going to affect their defensive roster with all of the S8 D1 contracts they have. The offensive side of the ball is mostly secured through season 8, so those players will likely be getting the L40 equipment as it comes due. San Jose competes well, but they've got some roster issues that need addressing quickly if they want to maintain their current competitive level.

Team: D.C. Sonics
Stadium Name: Sonics Stadium
Capacity - End S6: 18,000
Cash on hand on S6 D46: $286,711.40
Capacity - Start S7: 21,250 (15% increase)
Sections Completed: L1 corners
Notes / Comments: Built L2 home sideline and they appear to have been promoted from BBB 2 West. They didn't build much, but they built the right one for their situation. Things are still going to come to a head this season as players start barking for L32 equipment and the choice that scoop20906 has to make is fund equipment to keep the players with the team or build stadium sections to stabilize the future of the franchise. Sometime before season 9, he's going to have to make a hard choice - I've been there and it's not easy, but all of those INA players should make the choice easier. Competitively, I expect them to be somewhere in the middle of the pack and on the bubble come playoff time.

Team: North By Gawd Texas Tornado Humpers
Stadium Name: Tornado Alley
Capacity - End S6: 71,720
Cash on hand on S6 D46: $31,210,423.40
Capacity - Start S7: 71,720
Sections Completed: Satdium completed.
Notes / Comments: N/A - Stadium already completed. No much to say really, they've got a very healthy financial war chest, a stable roster, and a complete stadium. Tripping in the first round of the playoffs last season probably cost them their promotion, so they remain here and are now looking to be the league title favorites, but they're going to have to fight for it in the home stretch.

Team: Pontiac War Kittens
Stadium Name: The Scratching Post
Capacity - End S6: 49,570
Cash on hand on S6 D46: $1,475,726.24
Capacity - Start S7: 60,920 (15% increase)
Sections Completed: 1st tier, all but 1 corner of L2
Notes / Comments: Completed 2nd tier, built L3 home sideline and appear to be a resident from last season. Respectable growth with the stadium and a stable roster. So, it looks like we've got another contender for the title here folks. They've put in their time with the league and appear primed for their awaited run. Don't underestimate the War Kittens, their cuteness is their deception.

Team: Bay Area Bastards
Stadium Name: the S.O.B.
Capacity - End S6: 31,520
Cash on hand on S6 D46: $1,818,965.00
Capacity - Start S7:
Sections Completed: 1st tier, L2 EZs, L2 home sideline, 2/4 L2 corners
Notes / Comments: Completed 2nd tier. The Bay Area Bastards and it appears that they were in this league last year. I've got a story about getting caught smack dab in the middle of the National Gay Pride Parade in San Francisco on day many years ago when I lived there. It was a rather unpleasant experience for me since we had to escape the parade by cutting through the heart of the tenderloin to get to Fisherman’s Warf, so the team's name is rather fitting. Sorry about the dig guys, but it's a true story. Financially, they're doing fine, but they'll need to replace those CPU players fast if they want to be competitive.

Team: Omaha Mavericks
Stadium Name: Canigula Field
Capacity - End S6: 18,310
Cash on hand on S6 D46: $1,320.00
Capacity - Start S7: 20,840 (12% increase)
Sections Completed: 1/4 L1 corners, L2 home sideline
Notes / Comments: Built L1 right EZ and it appears that they were in this league last year. Things are going to com to a head sooner rather than later because Omaha doesn't have the stadium revenue to be able to fund the L32 and L40 equipment that they'll need to be shelling out. From personal experience, I know that Avondell as a GM is a major asset to the team and his presence alone can rally the players behind a common cause, but the team will still need to make some serious choices this season and next regarding the future of the franchise. Either the players will forgo equipment upgrades to fuel the stadium or the team will continue to wallow in mediocrity as they slowly build the stadium. I don't see the Mavericks giving up or disappearing, but they'll need to make some hard decisions after season 7 if they want to grow the revenue stream moving into high gear and get serious with competition for season 8, which will take a major recruiting push as well.

Team: Allen Zephyrs
Stadium Name: Zephyrs Stadium
Capacity - End S6: 25,650
Cash on hand on S6 D46: $1,742,999.80
Capacity - Start S7: 25,650 (0% increase)
Sections Completed: 1st tier, L2 home sideline
Notes / Comments: No new stadium section construction with lot's of S7 D1 contracts and it appears that they were in this league last year.. This team looks to be in serious trouble and might be on the verge of folding or restructuring for a slow build and the owner hasn't logged in for over a week. Either way, the volume of INA players on the team shows that this team has no internal support at the moment and I really feel bad for the guys that are stuck past S7 D1. The team is going to be a patsy all season and I expect it to hit CPU, then the active players can be rescued.

Team: The Militia Minute Men
Stadium Name: The Minute Men's Cabern
Capacity - End S6: 43,280
Cash on hand on S6 D46: $149,177.20
Capacity - Start S7: 45,880 (06% increase)
Sections Completed: 1st tier, missing L2 EZs
Notes / Comments: Completed 2nd tier and look to be a hold over in the league from last season. Looking at their trade history, they've been making efforts to improve the roster and completed a milestone with the stadium. It doesn't look like they'll be having equipment issues, so they should be stable financially, but it's going to be some time before they're able to start making a serious run for the title unless they make some wonderful roster moves and find a game plan that works for them. Not all doom and gloom though, I still expect them to make the playoffs.

Team: Riders On The Storm
Stadium Name: Stormy Stadium
Capacity - End S6: 23,700
Cash on hand on S6 D46: $556,888.60
Capacity - Start S7: 26,300 (10% increase)
Sections Completed: 1st tier, 1/4 corners
Notes / Comments: Built both L2 EZs and it appears that they were in this league last year. It's only a 10% increase in stadium construction, but given the circumstances, it was the best they could muster. The team won't be competitive at all this season since they have too many CPU players, an incomplete roster, and an unsettling number of INAs. They avoided relegation last season due to CPU teams getting dropped in to BBB, but it will take a lot of work to avoid it again.

Team: West Scranton J.V.
Stadium Name: Disasterpiece
Capacity - End S6: 55,520
Cash on hand on S6 D46: $24,444,879.20
Capacity - Start S7: 71,720 (23% increase)
Sections Completed: 1st and 2nd tiers
Notes / Comments: Both L3 were built and it appears that they were in this league last year. West Scranton took care of business and finished the stadium right off the bat, getting the burden off the team. Now, all revenue can be focused on player equipment upgrades, new contracts, and FA acquisitions. But, some might really be puzzled by the roster. It's not a typical slow build where everyone is the same evel (or close to it), there's too many/too few at certain positions, contracts are all over the place, and they hawked off their talent to raise 19+ million. The trade history doesn't really support evidence of a farm system as of yet and the max trade offers doesn't suggest an owner totally giving up, so I'm guessing that they are overhauling themselves this season to get ahead on the financials for future competition or the team is getting ready to be turned over to one of the GMs since somebody is handling the financials and the trades. Don't expect them to be competitive this season and they'll probably get relegated when it's all said and done.
Last edited Dec 31, 2008 03:17:32
Kinda suprised not more full stadiums at this level
Originally posted by Vortus
Kinda suprised not more full stadiums at this level

Think about it a little harder and you won't be so surprised
Last edited Dec 24, 2008 21:32:21
We never had a playoff game until this season when we had 4 home playoff games. Needless to say, that was huge for us and we will have a big enough stadium next season with a full one being completed after next season.

Nice work here, norseman.
Originally posted by Vortus
Kinda suprised not more full stadiums at this level

Well I have a team of over achievers. 2 seasons ago made playoffs in BBB and got bumped up to USA A#1because we actually won our first round playoff game. We are a small town team moved to a big city without much funds its tough but we try to put a good competitive product on the field.
Hehe if you were insulted, then I apologize as that's not what I intended. I have no doubts as to the competition levels of the teams I have played, and no doubts we will learn about the new ones. To pay the higher level players and gear cost's is pretty high, and its more a testament to the owners and players of those teams making more with less resources.

If you look at the teams I play for, I do understand, as this statement was not just for A1, but in general for teams above BBB.

And I refuse to think today.
Originally posted by cabrasher
We never had a playoff game until this season when we had 4 home playoff games. Needless to say, that was huge for us and we will have a big enough stadium next season with a full one being completed after next season.

Nice work here, norseman.

Thanks and it's not even done yet. Once the season is rolled over and new sections are built, I'll wait a few days for everyone to add seats if they have plans for it, then I'll update and put in a few notes. I did this last season and one team actually folded after they realized how bad of shape they were in.
Originally posted by norsemanvike
I did this last season and one team actually folded after they realized how bad of shape they were in.

I heard a rumor the American Freedom were folding up...
Thanks again Norse, really added to last season in BBB.

You need us to update this thread? or do you have spiffy tool that collects the data?
Originally posted by Farn
Originally posted by norsemanvike

I did this last season and one team actually folded after they realized how bad of shape they were in.

I heard a rumor the American Freedom were folding up...

Liar. Now where did that Puma go again...

Originally posted by hsk1998
Thanks again Norse, really added to last season in BBB.

You need us to update this thread? or do you have spiffy tool that collects the data?

I've got two spiffy tools called eyes and fingers. I've got two of each.
yeah, and One brain. great minds think alike

I'll have preseason rankings on the private USA forum in a few days perhaps. those of you that dont have access, send me a PM for access. Its basically like here, but you can cuss and say more stupid stuff, and have discussions that might get locked here.
Kiwi Davidz
You've only got 2 fingers Norse?

Is it a pointer and thumb-pinky thing?

Oh and Bluur, hit a nice way
Last edited Dec 25, 2008 13:15:32
sent Kiwi
blurr I'd be interested.

I assume we can curse out Norse in the private forum right? He won't let us do in the Freedom forum.
Originally posted by Kiwi Davidz
You've only got 2 fingers Norse?

Is it a pointer and thumb-pinky thing?

Norse crab claw ftw.


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