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Forum > Europe West BBB Leagues > Europe West BBB #14 > Championship Game Highlights: Reading Football Club 48 - Florence Flying Dutchmen 10
Posted on our team board, thought I would share with the league.

Job done mates! Job done! After a shaky pre-season and an early season loss we just rolled through the league. And we are getting promoted with a trophy. Zeta Division Champions and now Champions of the entire Western Europe BBB #14. We done! Let's take a look at the highlights:

There was a lot of chatter on the league forum about the WR Screen play. How to stop it, whether or not to run it etc. If you haven't noticed I used to run it exclusively for the first quarter. Now I am mixing it up with some runs out of the same formation in the first quarter. But Florence was not ready for it at all. Third play of the game, Trivilus Nightblade hits Man Bear Pig 2 for a 50-yard TD and it was on:

Reading 7 - Florence 0

They get the ball back and on 3rd and 6.5, Glen Quagmire gets giggidy with it:

We get the ball back, Tessa and Loki gives us a nice return:

Marley for 12:

4th and 2 from their 39.5, Marley gets 3.5 for the first down:

Tom Von Brady hits Dallas Cougar for a 22-yard TD to cap the drive:

Reading 14 - Florence 0

They start to drive, but this sack by DJ Killer puts the kibosh on that drive:

Our turn again, and again we drive down the field and punch it in the end zone. Big Arm to Stephan Largent for the TD:

Their turn and we get, back to back to back deflections to force a three and out. Klepto, Anthony Bordain and Klepto:

They punt, but force a fumble on the punt and recover it:

No worries, as Courtney YourMyHero steps up with a sack:

Glitz Pistol gets a huge deflection on third down and they have to punt again:

We are backed up on our own 7, when they force another fumble and recover it:

They convert that into a TD and our lead it cut to 14:

We trade punts a few times and then they force another turnover. Their third in the last few minutes. But our defense again stands tall, Pack Mann with the deflection here:

So three turnovers and they could only muster 7 points out of it. Nicely done by us. We get the ball back and hang on to it this time. We drive right down the field and score on this short TD pass from Big Arm to Dallas Cougar:

Score at the half: Reading 28 - Florence 7

They get the ball first and we go deflection crazy again. Back to back deflections and a diving tackle to force a punt. Anthony Bordain, Klepto Maniac and Glitz Pistol starring:

We drive down and kick a FG to make it 31-7.

Then on their next drive Passrush McGee gets a nice sack here:

We force a punt and they force another fumble, but this time they do not recover it. Our offense goes to work and Big Arm is heating up. Here he hits Man Bear Pig 2 for 19:

Big Arm to Stephan Largent for 18.5:

Big Arm to Man Bear Pig 2 for a 12-yard TD:

They drive back and get an early 4th qtr FG to make it:
Reading 38 - Florence 10

But we quickly match the figgie and after another stop we drive and get another TD. Big Arm to Largent again, this time on a short TD:

Final score: Reading 48 - Florence 10

Some interesting stats from the champ game:

Big Arm 14/15 for 128 yards and four TD's!!! That is a 93% completion percentage. Triv and Brady also completed 63%+ of their passes.

Florence QB's completed 27% and 14% of their passes. Can you say smothering defense?

Florence actually did a good job bottling up our running game. And forcing fumbles. But Marley still averaged 4.5 yards a clip and broke 6 tackles.

ihaskicker too was perfect on the day, 6/6 XP and 2/2 FG's.

Our punt returns today were excellent. Ryan the Lion averaged 16 yards a return. Tessa and Loki averaged 23.5 per return and Glitz ran one back for 18 yards. Considering their punts only averaged 38 yards, those returns were huge.

D'Angelo Allison grabbed five pancakes from the FB spot despite only being in 21 plays since we ran a lot fo single-back formations.

On defense, Glitz had four pass defenses. Four different players recorded sacks. And Roger Gracie led the way with 5 tackles in only 26 plays. No one had more than one missed tackle. And if not for that turnover deep in our end we pretty much kept them off the board.

Pop that champagne boys, you have earned it!!!

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