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Please stop PMing my players to join your team if they ever decide to leave mine. Its a pretty lame thing to do. I would advise all other owners in this league to post something to their players warning them of this guy. That's a pretty shitty thing to do.
Oh yeah....and you might not want to PM on of my GM's in the future. ....

Dumb ass
You're going to be surprised at the guys leaving. Tell them not to pm me.
Last edited Dec 15, 2008 04:04:17
You prick. My players are setting you up. I hope everybody in this league knows you are a piece of shit who goes after other teams players. I hope the mods take your team.
C'mon guys; This thread was uncalled for. This matter could have been addressed a bit more maturely. Remember other people have to read in here as well.
Originally posted by BobbyBlackk
C'mon guys; This thread was uncalled for. This matter could have been addressed a bit more maturely. Remember other people have to read in here as well.

How would other teams know that Billsman was going after players if it was handled privately.
I'm not touching on 1 Person; Both Agents. It's one thing to make a point of it, but that's all. Don't need to "bash" anyone.

Rules don't state that you can't contact players on other teams in "recruiting". The players OBVIOUSLY had contracts ending this season. Don't we ALL contact players who will be FA's in the offseason? Is that a part of recruiting? And NO I'm not defending Bill, but he IS playing by the rules. Case & Point; Bill can offer them a "better" playing situation if they're not getting the PT on cw's team, or offer them more money than cw's is. Unless he's OPENLY saying; "DO NO RESIGN w/ the Whistler Warriors" he's not in ANY wrong.

Each Agent/GM/Owner is open to discuss terms w/ ANY Player leading into the offseason, thus "Offseason Recruiting", the terms can begin at ANY time in the season. It's cw's duty to beat Bills offer and "deal". Personally, instead of wasting time griping about another agents recruiting tactics, I'd be working my fingers to assure the "resign", am I wrong? Back & Forth "bashing" is a bit much.

* Contacted a Mod to lock the thread.
My issue is contact current players on my team that are under contract. Contact them when they are free agents. I wouldn't do this to anybody else in our league. Its a pretty douchebag move in my opinion. I just figured that the other team owners should be aware that this is going on and who is doing it.
Yeah, I understand where your coming from, but to be honest; We can't expect everyone to think on the same level. Recruiting early is a form of recruiting at whole. It's like a professional athlete being scouted while he's still under contract w/ another team. There's no rule against it. It's on you to beat his offer if you'd choose to stick w/ the player...not "bash" him for having a forward and early recruiting process. That's all I have to say. Sorry if I put a "damper" on someone's attempt to use this as a form of user harassment. He does have players that read inside this forum, as you wouldn't appreciate someone "throwing dirt on your name" where your players can read, the same respect should go for Bill. Nothing against you at all cw, nothing by any means. Understanding you may think; I don't care what people have to say..etc..etc.., but in the eyes of your player your their advised official on the team. As a team we feel a sense of pride towards our Owners & GMs.

All in all, I'm just stating, it may be best to go about it a little differently, is that fair? For instance;

- Contact team owners, allowing them to forward along to their players and personnel
- Or addressing your frustrations without using User/Player Names and/or Team Names. You & I both know people will question, so taking it to a private base such as PM is a bit more proper. "Trash Talk" is one thing, but harassment and slander is a different level.


Originally posted by cwcapper
Please stop PMing my players to join your team if they ever decide to leave mine. Its a pretty lame thing to do.

Something like that, addressed toward him in particular is something that should be PMed. Just an example.
Last edited Dec 15, 2008 10:42:40

that is the Players looking for teams thread. I'd be willing to bet that most if not ALL those players with good builds looking for teams are under contract still. It seems to be a common practice, players and teams looking for replacements during the season correct?
If a Player posts in the looking for a team thread, then they are actively looking, and I see no problem with that. I've seen owners try and pull all kinds of BS, PM'ing players under contract that are not actively looking. I've had an owner contact a player on my team and say that he would be moved to backup on my team next season, because I have an agreement with someone new to replace him, and that he shouldn't sign with my team again. This of course was untrue, and was just an A$$hole thing to do.

Scouting a player is one thing, anyone can do that, but in the NFL for example, you can't talk to a player under contract without permission from the team he is on.

If the player is a FA, or plans on being an FA, than fine, go for it. But to target players that haven't declared themselves as FA's is underhanded imo.
haleykrl DTD
Originally posted by Supahfli
If a Player posts in the looking for a team thread, then they are actively looking, and I see no problem with that. I've seen owners try and pull all kinds of BS, PM'ing players under contract that are not actively looking. I've had an owner contact a player on my team and say that he would be moved to backup on my team next season, because I have an agreement with someone new to replace him, and that he shouldn't sign with my team again. This of course was untrue, and was just an A$$hole thing to do.

Scouting a player is one thing, anyone can do that, but in the NFL for example, you can't talk to a player under contract without permission from the team he is on.

If the player is a FA, or plans on being an FA, than fine, go for it. But to target players that haven't declared themselves as FA's is underhanded imo.

100% agree,

if the player is not looking, leave them alone

PM's sent
Last edited Dec 15, 2008 11:38:34

*******ITS A FREE FOR ALL NOW*******
Originally posted by BobbyBlackk
Yeah, I understand where your coming from, but to be honest; We can't expect everyone to think on the same level. Recruiting early is a form of recruiting at whole. It's like a professional athlete being scouted while he's still under contract w/ another team. There's no rule against it. It's on you to beat his offer if you'd choose to stick w/ the player...not "bash" him for having a forward and early recruiting process. That's all I have to say. Sorry if I put a "damper" on someone's attempt to use this as a form of user harassment. He does have players that read inside this forum, as you wouldn't appreciate someone "throwing dirt on your name" where your players can read, the same respect should go for Bill. Nothing against you at all cw, nothing by any means. Understanding you may think; I don't care what people have to say..etc..etc.., but in the eyes of your player your their advised official on the team. As a team we feel a sense of pride towards our Owners & GMs.

All in all, I'm just stating, it may be best to go about it a little differently, is that fair? For instance;

- Contact team owners, allowing them to forward along to their players and personnel
- Or addressing your frustrations without using User/Player Names and/or Team Names. You & I both know people will question, so taking it to a private base such as PM is a bit more proper. "Trash Talk" is one thing, but harassment and slander is a different level.


Originally posted by cwcapper

Please stop PMing my players to join your team if they ever decide to leave mine. Its a pretty lame thing to do.

Something like that, addressed toward him in particular is something that should be PMed. Just an example.

I see your side of it, but the reason I posted it here was to scare him off from doing it to the rest of you. I know which players are staying and which ones are leaving on my team. Also, there are tampering laws in the NFL for contacting players under contracts.
Originally posted by Supahfli

Scouting a player is one thing, anyone can do that, but in the NFL for example, you can't talk to a player under contract without permission from the team he is on.

100% inaccurate; If a player's contract is due to end the end of the season, he/she is declared a FA Option. It's a clause in ALL NFL Contract (You can download copies of NFL Contracts from various agencies). A team DOES NOT own the "rights" to a player. You MUST contact the agent/agency regarding the player, not the team. How do I know this? A friend of mine, who I played High School ball with enters the 2009 Draft lottery. Likelihood of him being drafted in top rounds is slim, but he has to have a representative at the draft. Only sport where you HAVE TO CONTACT THE TEAM is in hockey and soccer. Due to player unions, a team doesn't have "front ownership", so to speak of a player.

Now to STRESS yet again on GLB; There is NO WRITTEN RULE that states you MUST wait until Free Agency or Contact the Team, 'nor does it state you CAN'T contact an agent even if he has listed he "wants" free agency. To each his own on here. We all think differently yes, but we all DON'T work the same. Drag it out however you please. At the end of the day; Bill followed the rules.

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