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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #3 > INACTIVE FORUMS SUCK!
I'm sick of the inactivity, its almost enough to make me quit GLB. I've been a member since season 2 and it seems like every season it becomes more un-active. Even if you have a winning team people aren't active in the team forums. Everyone seems to be active in expansion team forums though. I love this game but I wish people would communicate more, its half the game.
haleykrl DTD
i feel your pain
well most agents have players on several teams and thats a lot of time to post in all forums.
James Murphy
Who the hell are you?
Originally posted by Ken-SHAMWOW
Who the hell are you?

Hmmmm! Someone just got home from the bar!
Wow, our forums are so nuts with posts I cant come here and harass you guys anymore.

Just tell all those players that are begging to get released from the Norhtern Demons that they have to play out their contracts no matter how much they hate the owner. You could probably cut down on all the angry posts in your forum that way.
Crimson Wolf

4th Quarter had his rights to post in this forum suspended by Pallow, which will contribute somewhat to our inactivity issue. It appears that Pallow did not find humor in 4th Quarter's attempt to lighten the mood around here. 4th will get his rights back in 2 or 3 days. Just in time to smack talk about our win over the Demons and our upcoming matchup vs the Walleye/Wildcats.
Originally posted by Crimson Wolf

4th Quarter had his rights to post in this forum suspended by Pallow, which will contribute somewhat to our inactivity issue. It appears that Pallow did not find humor in 4th Quarter's attempt to lighten the mood around here. 4th will get his rights back in 2 or 3 days. Just in time to smack talk about our win over the Demons and our upcoming matchup vs the Walleye/Wildcats.

No, forum activity is down because it's not a tasteful forum. Not ALL users are into "trash talk", so open user friendly threads and the chances you'll have more forum activity is higher. But when it's back to back to back threads w/ trash talk and user bashing good chance it'll turn people away.

As for "lightening the mood"; There were other ways that could have been done, but opening the IDENTICAL thread that was closed down is not the way. As I noted in the PM w/ 4th QT; As users we ALL agreed to follow the rules when we signed up. "User Harassment" (Bashing/Slander) is a violation. There was a VERBAL WARNING stated in the initial thread. Opening the same thread, including title is an apparent "instigation move". Suggestive thread titles to possibly lighten the mood could have been; "On another note...", or maybe "Aside from Drama", opening up a more appropriate field to spread conversation. Understanding your loyalty to the owner of the team you play on, but the simplest eye can read where it was going;

Originally posted by 4th Quarter
I'm not a big fan of censorship. The thread is reborn!

That's an OBVIOUS statement that DOES NOT suggest he's "lightening" the mood, merely fueling the incident. The rules are extremely simple, following them should be easy. These forums are a privilege, giving you the opportunity to mix it up w/ the rest of the users in the league, neglecting to follow those rules and you risk your privilege. User Harassment, is it that hard to refrain from?
Last edited Dec 15, 2008 20:22:50
Crimson Wolf

1) 4th Quarter never attacked Billman in the thread, he just reopened the locked thread with a post that didnt attack or harass Billsman in any way.
2) Since when does a winking smiley NOT suggest a joking tone?
3) I thought it was pretty obvious that when 4th Quarter re-opened the thread he was taking a shot at the moderator that locked it, and not at Billsman.

If the rules are "extremely simple" as you say, then how is 4th Quarter harassing Billsman without saying a single negative thing about him in the thread? I'd say it's not as simple as you suggest.
Myself & 4th talked about it via. PM (like civilized & mature me, rather than Thread Attacks). I need not go into further details.
A.) Going against a Mod, or taking shots at him WILL result in suspension. They enforce the rule. And I don't think it was very wise to publicly state;
Originally posted by Crimson Wolf

3) I thought it was pretty obvious that when 4th Quarter re-opened the thread he was taking a shot at the moderator that locked it, and not at Billsman.

Really want your team Owner to lose his privileges on the site don't you? I suppose 4th can thank you if Pallow comes across the post, right?
B.) The thread was closed down due to the level of "Player Harassment", so re-opening it only restarts the fire...we're not idiots; That VERY SAME thread that was shutdown would just move into 4th's re-opened Thread. The warning was placed, he re-opened an argument, he landed a minor revoke.

Story over; I'd advise you just let it go before you say anything more that can be held against your team owner at this time in the Playoffs. I've spoken w/ 4th...he doesn't need a middle man.
OMG it's the internet, it's not that serious. Plus, I thought you were done posting Bobby.

I find it odd that we have never had any moderator in here except when you decided to start linking our forum's to the moderators. So no, we have you to thank for Pallow "randomly" stumbling across 4th's thread. I also find it interesting you waited until you lost in the playoffs to start reporting people.

Grow up and get some thicker skin, internet words will not hurt you.
Bobby = drama queen

I love how he says "I need not go into further details." And then lists details A and B


You got your attention Bobby, do you feel better?
Last edited Dec 16, 2008 07:26:21
Say what you please, but the incident was reported BEFORE the game was lost. As for Drama Queen? If I do recall, I've been the less of the drama all season, and put in work for the league, not to mention friendly w/ all users. I find it hard to believe out of NOWHERE I would turn all of a sudden, especially since "my team", is Bretts team, and we lost a few times this season but never once acted out in "poor sportsmanship" when it did happen. So c'mon guys might we come correct next time? I spoke w/ 4th as noted, I explained the situation and reiterated the situation as it wasn't personal. Rules Are Rules, as a user if you DO NOT follow them actions will be taken. The rule is applied everywhere. You accepted the User Agreement, it's your duty to follow everything inside them.

I would APPRECIATE it if you had factual evidence before making accusations. Just a tip for the "know it alls". I didn't ask for attention, maliciously attacking users, that's starving for attention. The site can't afford nonsense from users to hinder the atmosphere for others. Rules apply for everyone, if you can't follow them, than MAYBE the website isn't for you. Bort works far too hard on this site to improve everyday, to allow users to run off other users. I did bring it to the attention of my good friend Pallow. No one would have to be "babysat" if you could follow the out-most simplistic rules and act like civilized humans rather than Kindergarten bullies attacking users for your OWN enjoyment. The issue is through, 4th & I spoke, as I've said, he understands why the suspension was implemented. He's a smart guy, I'm sure he understands now that we just need to respect other users and we ALL can have fun around here inside the lines. It's done...

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