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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #2 > I Retract My Statement
In a previous thread, I was having a civil debate with Defeugo. He and I talked over PM, and really, there were no hard feelings between us. We were on the same page that the discussion was mature, and civil.

No sooner than I could say "Let the trolling from the Caps commence," (and, I actually did) here they came a trollin'. I allowed myself to get sucked in by their antics. They succeeded at what they wanted to do; irritate me.

I later said I'd leave this forum for a while, but why should I? Why should any of us let their personal attacks over the internet bother us to the point that we not engage with the rest of the league in a civil manner?

I retract that. I will not leave the forum. Instead, I will continue to chat with the other folks on here who want a place that can have friendly trash talk, good competitive banter, and so on.

Furthermore, as far as I am concerned, The Washington Caps are no more. I will never again acknowledge the existence of any of them. No witty retorts. No sarcastic comments. No pleading them to stop being trolls.

I urge the rest of you to do the same. Let them break the rules and get in trouble. They will eventually dig their grave. Don't let them take you down with them.

We have a good league here. Several great teams. Let's freaking enjoy that, and have fun. After all, this is just a game.
Bravo. I don't understand why some people allow people like that to bother them. I guess with all the years I've played online games and have dealt with people like that, I learned how to just not be bothered by it anymore. It's just not worth it.

They will stop if ignored. They are only fueled by people who get worked up. If they don't get that reaction, then they get bored. They also will not be part of any reasonable conversation. When you call them out (in a civil way) they stay away from those posts. They only respond to posts where people are worked up and name calling, etc. But sometimes, it's not worth the time to make an educated post to make them look dumber than they already make themselves look. Ignoring it is the overall best action.
I honestly don't understand how they think they're improving this forum. Since they have increased the ammount of crappy posts I find myself coming to the forums and just click on topics to get them marked as read versus actually sitting and reading the threads. I find it more of a hassle now to come in and weed through the crap in order to get to the decent topics.

And I don't think they'll stop if ignored, the threads just won't get as long. You'd think that being suspended from the forums would stop them too, but that hasn't happened yet. I'm certainly not going to hold my breath for the forums to improve. It used to be ok with the trash talking that went on in BBB#4, and then it just spiraled out of control, with Prince Darius leading the pack. He just never got reined back in. Oh well, it is what it is.

Agreed. They took the fun out of the league a long time ago.
Originally posted by DrkSandman

I retract that. I will not leave the forum. Instead, I will continue to chat with the other folks on here who want a place that can have friendly trash talk, good competitive banter, and so on.

ah, so the post where i paralleled your self-imposed exile with the fact the you knew most of the caps team was banned struck a little too close to the truth, huh? had to come back to prove that statement wrong, eh?

the bottom line is that you enjoy bickering back and forth with the caps and when they aren't around, these boards are a lot less fun for you. when i called you out, you "changed your mind" about leaving the boards, i'm assuming just to prove me wrong. but hey, you don't respond to caps, whether it be through words, or actions just to disprove their brilliant hypotheses.
Sandman, you can't take the high road when you yourself were a huge instigator of this fucking shit. Darius didn't make you troll his threads.

That being said, I'm getting excited to be your teammate at seasons end.
Originally posted by hooptie33
Sandman, you can't take the high road when you yourself were a huge instigator of this <edited for content>. Darius didn't make you troll his threads.

That being said, I'm getting excited to be your teammate at seasons end.

Do you mean last season when he was making fun of you guys by acting just like you, but none of you seemed to understand?
I totally agree Drk. The Toros used to be very active on the BBB3 forums. But here, what's the point?

Their are a lot more people who want to have civilized conversations than there are Caps. You guys are cool by me.
Originally posted by reece555

They will stop if ignored.

I'm not sure about that lol.

Also, just for general knowledge. Known multi-accounters will not be allowed on my team, regardless of how good their players are.
Originally posted by dc_txtech
I totally agree Drk. The Toros used to be very active on the BBB3 forums. But here, what's the point?

Their are a lot more people who want to have civilized conversations than there are Caps. You guys are cool by me.

ok, cromag. civilized people usually have stronger grasp on the English language and know the difference between there, their, and they're.
Originally posted by brownryango
Originally posted by dc_txtech

I totally agree Drk. The Toros used to be very active on the BBB3 forums. But here, what's the point?

Their are a lot more people who want to have civilized conversations than there are Caps. You guys are cool by me.

ok, cromag. civilized people usually have stronger grasp on the English language and know the difference between there, their, and they're.

Is grammar really that important on a message board?

Why pick apart a valid post with insignificant grammar errors?

I totally agree with what he said. I used to enjoy going on the BBB#3 boards but here it's just a stupid waste of time.
Last edited Dec 10, 2008 10:05:48
Originally posted by brownryango
Originally posted by dc_txtech

I totally agree Drk. The Toros used to be very active on the BBB3 forums. But here, what's the point?

Their are a lot more people who want to have civilized conversations than there are Caps. You guys are cool by me.

ok, cromag. civilized people usually have stronger grasp on the English language and know the difference between there, their, and they're.

The words ok and civilized need to be capitalized. "Ok, Cromag.", is not a complete sentence and as you have it there is no need for the comma. Also you need to put an a in front of the word stronger.

And with that I am done responding to the Caps posts.
I'm glad you aren't leaving DrkSandman. I appreciate your contribution to these boards.
Originally posted by dc_txtech

And with that I am done responding to the Caps posts.

That's the best news I've heard all week.
Yeah, people like that usually do this to get a reaction to make themselves feel cool. If you ignore them, they will stop. Lets all make these forums fun, BBB3 forums used to be a pretty good time. We can have a fun, valid forum with 31 teams

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