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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #5 > Now the demos beat Vancouver?
What an upset that is! Vancouver is always in close games, but lately they can't seem to pull them out. I still think they're dangerous, but at least we know it isn't just top teams that can beat them.
Yeah, that was a shocker for sure.
Agreed. Good game to them.

I'm completely shocked and am gonna have to spend the next few days figuring out how what exactly has cost me 2 games I really think we shoulda won.
Look at the demos trade history...they have retooled with help from their now failed pro league parent team. The y are quickly becoming a force.
Oronis with some detective work. Like it.
Originally posted by pwnsters
Oronis with some detective work. Like it.

The cheap suits and sunglasses hide more than just our lack of gameplanning these last few weeks. Unsavory Gentlemen are sneaky sneaky.
The sunglasses hide my true identity. I'm really this crazy guy from ConAir.
Originally posted by oronis
Look at the demos trade history...they have retooled with help from their now failed pro league parent team. The y are quickly becoming a force.

It's not failed -- we're deliberately trying to get out of CAN Pro because we've been there since Season 1 and it's no fun at all, even when we win (and we're also trying to make some quick cash in the process). So many other CAN Pro teams gut every season though that we can't ever get moved out in any other method, so "gutting" was the only option... The Demons team will be back intact mostly for next year... although you never know, we could all move over here in force in the offseason... ;-)

But yes we had 3 guys come over for a while to try some different things and make a playoff push. We also have some slower-building players finally making impacts. And it also helped that we finally started like, messing with the AI and gameplanning finally this season (I don't believe much had been done previously)...

We said from the beginning that the Demos are going to Play To Win The Game too, Herm Edwards styllleee... It's taken some time and patience though...
Originally posted by Primis
Originally posted by oronis

Look at the demos trade history...they have retooled with help from their now failed pro league parent team. The y are quickly becoming a force.

It's not failed -- we're deliberately trying to get out of CAN Pro because we've been there since Season 1 and it's no fun at all, even when we win (and we're also trying to make some quick cash in the process). So many other CAN Pro teams gut every season though that we can't ever get moved out in any other method, so "gutting" was the only option... The Demons team will be back intact mostly for next year... although you never know, we could all move over here in force in the offseason... ;-)

But yes we had 3 guys come over for a while to try some different things and make a playoff push. We also have some slower-building players finally making impacts. And it also helped that we finally started like, messing with the AI and gameplanning finally this season (I don't believe much had been done previously)...

We said from the beginning that the Demos are going to Play To Win The Game too, Herm Edwards styllleee... It's taken some time and patience though...

When reviewing the Demons, I couldn't believe you guys never got demoted. You've done poorly every season. That really sucks that you couldn't get demoted due to gutting. Most people think of demotion as a bad thing, but it's ultimately done to keep competition for all teams.
Originally posted by oronis
When reviewing the Demons, I couldn't believe you guys never got demoted. You've done poorly every season. That really sucks that you couldn't get demoted due to gutting. Most people think of demotion as a bad thing, but it's ultimately done to keep competition for all teams.

Well, that's CAN Pro (CPL). Every year, at least two teams in each conference gut. Last season I think one conference had 3, and the other 4. And that's PRO. The Demons were 1 of only 2 original Season 1 teams left in the CPL West. Ultimately, we were hamstrung by our group's loyalty and the desire to stay together as a team, while some were slow-building and not many were boosting with Flex. By the time we sort things out, it was too late -- other teams had completed their stadiums and had so much cash to burn that we were small-market. In Season 4 we actually were in the hunt for a playoff spot very late even though we finished at 5-11. I think it was the next-to-last week when the final nail went in the coffin. And then Bort changed Energy and a few other things and we never were able to fully bounce back to where we were...

At first, we wanted to stay in CPL and stay Pro because of the prestige of being a Pro team. After a while though... CPL's rep is just so incredibly-horrible that nobody really cared to stay, and once you get behind there's no real possible way for you to catch back up financially (and any of you that follow the game itself closely will know of some of the serious scandal that went on in CPL the first few seasons... still very hard feelings linger about a lot of that). I don't know if we'll get demoted the natural way or not -- we won a few games before the firesale. We're demoted either way though, most likely. And that's fine if it gets us out of that mess...

What we're doing, few teams in GLB could probably do. Most of our players have little interest in this game outside of the context of our team's community (or our team's system I guess -- we have 2 system teams besides the Demos in other lower tiers).
I stand by my opinion that once a guy is in a pro league he should not be allowed to sign in a non pro league division. I understand that you guys got screwed and are doing the oly thing you can to keep the game tolerable and to a certain extent I don't mean you but its like the real world in that regard to me. Imagine Pro players signing with amateur leagues....

Like I said though I understand your situation I just had to vent that.

should get traded to other pro teams.
Originally posted by Alky
should get traded to other pro teams.

I think the whole point is once they are demoted they plan to move back to that team.

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