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Forum > Europe West BBB Leagues > Europe West BBB #3 > EW BBB#3 Poster Power Rankings
These rankings are derived from a formula that I have come up with to rate people's posting on these boards. While I will not reveal the formula (the mathematical equation used is for my sole use) I will name everything that was involved determining peoples ratings.

Awesomeness- a variety of things determines ones awesomeness, and it comes in many forms. Not everyone can be stallyns, but that doesn't mean that you don't have a some awesome in you.

Contributions- Once again, comes in a variety of ways. Included in contributions is thought provoking threads and posts; discussions of things related to this league; well though up statements ideas; encouraging other participation; and several other factors that I consider.

Charisma/Swagger- the top posters always have something special about them. They know it and other see it. If you are wondering whether or not you score high in this aspect, it is safe to assume that you don't

Activity- Regularity is a must to be considered a mainstay of a forum. Some people seem to pop up every once in a while with strokes of genius, and then disappear. Some good posters have decided to take their ball and go home, thus dropping their rating (not that they care, since they no longer read).

Blatant hating/ flaming/ and whining deducts points from poster's over all ratings. This prevented some good posters from making the top 10.

1)Rygar- scored high in all areas, particularly awesomeness. contributions are there, but needs to strengthen them a little bit. always has great avatars.

2)Mortalq- power rankings are awesome, and appreciated. thus he gets a huge bump in a few areas. activity is an issue, but when everything you say is worth while, hard to argue.

3)xcesiv7- Awesomeness is there, but needs a little work on contributions and charisma.

4)Tobewon- Has been dropping classics lately. Scores well in many areas, but not great in all.

5)BottleofBeer- Hits and misses on his posting, but overall pretty good for forum. Having own thread, whether in jest or not, helped awesomeness. However, sexual fantasies about other posters hurt his overall awesomeness rating.

6)Jestoker- Very good poster, but can go MIA at times. Also, his awesomeness takes a hit for taking things too seriously and avatar.

7)AWOPBodd- steady in forum activity and awesomeness, but needs to work on a few other areas that determine a great poster.

8)Redass Ranch- says some great things, but is inconsistent in a few other areas. would be ranked higher with a little more activity, as long as it didn't take away from his posting quality.

9)Stuartlan618- Would rank much higher if he would work on his awesomeness. Lots of worth while contributions earlier, but not so many lately. His subliminal jabs at some people also hurts his overall ranking. However, I wouldn't be surprised if he moves up the list before season's end.

10)mcallero- high ratings in many areas, however his awesomeness takes a hit for making this list. it it contradicts his usual lethargy, which helps in making him an awesome poster. could move up if contributions can scratch out the awesomeness deduction for making a poster power ranking.

Close to hitting top 10- zezima, mv thunder, voegma, tikigods
Last edited Dec 8, 2008 11:46:37
Its an honor to be #1.. i dont even know what to say right now.. I'm a bit choked up..... I didnt even have a speech prepared....
Darn it! I got votes but not enough to make the top 10. Man, to make that Top 10, that would have been awesome. In fact the highlight of my day, maybe even my week. So here's to the voters...may you lead an awesome life and have pleasant awesome thoughts all the long days of your life.

You know what we would be awesome. Maybe the spreaders of awesomeness could explain to everyone in one thread, start one if you must, the theories of awesomeness. We would like to know the history behind it, the rules if you want to call them that etc... You have giving some tidbits here and there, but in today's society of fast paced information, we need it spelled out in one place. Thank you for listening and looking forward to seeing your beliefs, thoughts and world changing ideas, in one place so I can learn from them and understand.
Wow, it is seriously an honor just to be mentioned in this group of absolute awesomeness. I feel mcall is being somewhat harsh on himself, which in return is actually somewhat awesome within itself.

Great post.
Wait a minute, I am feeling a little disrespected. Rygar, the number one poster in your rankings, had this to say earlier on:

Originally posted by Rygar
Originally posted by derek_beaty

Originally posted by voegma

These guys are ruining the forums with their retarded posts.

I come here to read the forums and interact with the folks on here but these guys are way over the top and have made it very unenjoyable.

Hold on, let me step out of character for a moment...ok, ready.

Are you kidding? Ruining the forums? Last time I checked, GLB is for fun. We choose to have fun when we post. Somebody is taking this game way to seriously. Come on man, you even own the Purple Nurples. Sounds like there is a fun person in there just waiting to come out. Why don't you, instead of complaining, join in on the fun?

Ok, let me get back into character...

Stallyns > Purple Nurples

Just Sayin'

This is the response of the century!

Originally posted by Rygar
derek beaty> everyone else

Remember, derek_beaty is awopbodd. I think I should be higher than number 7, js. Great job though on the write-up. Mcallero, you are definitely excellent to everyone!
Last edited Dec 8, 2008 07:16:19
Originally posted by AWOPBodd
Wait a minute, I am feeling a little disrespected. Rygar, the number one poster in your rankings, had this to say earlier on:

Originally posted by Rygar

Originally posted by derek_beaty

Originally posted by voegma

These guys are ruining the forums with their retarded posts.

I come here to read the forums and interact with the folks on here but these guys are way over the top and have made it very unenjoyable.

Hold on, let me step out of character for a moment...ok, ready.

Are you kidding? Ruining the forums? Last time I checked, GLB is for fun. We choose to have fun when we post. Somebody is taking this game way to seriously. Come on man, you even own the Purple Nurples. Sounds like there is a fun person in there just waiting to come out. Why don't you, instead of complaining, join in on the fun?

Ok, let me get back into character...

Stallyns > Purple Nurples

Just Sayin'

This is the response of the century!

Originally posted by Rygar

derek beaty> everyone else

Remember, derek_beaty is awopbodd. I think I should be higher than number 7, js. Great job though on the write-up. Mcallero, you are definitely excellent to everyone!

I tend to agree with this, you're top 5 for sure!
The fact you misspelled my name is a slap in the face to me and my family. Prepare to duel!
Originally posted by Xcesiv7
The fact you misspelled my name is a slap in the face to me and my family. Prepare to duel!

Fixed. I sincerely apologize for any pain i have caused you or your family.
AWOP, you have top 5 potential in you, but you are just a little raw. iron out the rough edges, and add a little range in to your posting and you will probably move up to the top 5 when I update it.
Originally posted by mcallero
Originally posted by Xcesiv7

The fact you misspelled my name is a slap in the face to me and my family. Prepare to duel!

Fixed. I sincerely apologize for any pain i have caused you or your family.

We shall forgive you...this time.
Originally posted by voegma
You know what we would be awesome. Maybe the spreaders of awesomeness could explain to everyone in one thread, start one if you must, the theories of awesomeness. We would like to know the history behind it, the rules if you want to call them that etc... You have giving some tidbits here and there, but in today's society of fast paced information, we need it spelled out in one place. Thank you for listening and looking forward to seeing your beliefs, thoughts and world changing ideas, in one place so I can learn from them and understand.

Was my list of awesome things not enough for you?
Redass Ranch
Ranked number Eight. First of all, it is of great honor & Awesomeness to even be thought of let alone be ranked. Funny thing about Eight, it is what I just did at my local Chucky Cheese, after I left eight dollars on the counter at my local tee-shirt shop when I picked up the "fake jersey" of LeRoy Pudge, who after early promise he eight chit and hasn't been seen or heard... By the way, at season's end we should call the poster of the year the "Mcallero" award for bringing to our cognitive awareness the Awesomeness within this league & forum, all too often we wonder thru our drunking stupors, blind to the world around us, missing the signs of Awesomeness... but not in this WEBBB forum, thread, after thread, after thread, brings it to our fore front and just about slaps you up side the head... that Awesomeness is not something you go looking for... it is for the truly blessed... and it is here... right now, so I say... chit gotta go, out of time at the Internet Cafe.
You have some good idea RR, I like what you did there. That's what separates the great from the good. You have something special in your posting abilities. Whether you like me or not (LOL) I think you bring something to the board.

Originality= Awesomeness (under certain circumstances) and you bring a unique style to the threads... your contributions are appreciated.

Thread. Fail.

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