Originally posted by FatLoad
Originally posted by Dudly
Originally posted by FatLoad
How high is it? If it is only one or two you probably wouldn't notice it. The higher it is the more noticeable it would be.
I'm not sure this is true, I've read that SA's work on a percentage "ladder" (what follows will be very far from precise or accurate but I hope convay my overall understanding of how SA's work). Basically, you with a +1 SA you have a %50 chance of recieveing a bonus to your preformance, if that %50 is activated, and you have a SA+2, you have a %45 chance of recieving another bonus. If that bonus comes into play, and you have the SA at +3, you have a %40 chance of that bonus being triggered...
Like I said, this is nothing close to glb scripture, just what I've pieced together.
You think you read something? Try reading the SA description. Some give a higher bonus. Some have a higher chance of being activated. But either way, it would be more noticable if it were higher. Of course if a player isn't very good they can have all of the SA's maxed out and they still wouldn't notice any difference.
Wow man, way to be a dick about it. He was just giving his opinion lol..