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Forum > South Atlantic Pro League > Africa Conference > Lion conference, Contenders and Pretenders
1) Charlie Don’t Surf (9-3)

Most Impressive Victory: 13 – 9 vs Cape Verde Kings
Most Puzzling Defeat: 9 – 41 vs Angola Dream

Analysis: Charlie Don’t Surf has had their share of luck this season but it would be unfair to them to say their record is entirely because of that. Quite to the contrary good teams create their own luck and this is a case of that. With an impressive passing game and a stout run defense they are surely going to be a force to be reckoned with come playoff time. Charlie has a history of long playoff runs that seem to come up short, but this year just might be there’s.

Verdict: Contender

2) Djibouti Jackels (8-4)

Most Impressive Victory: 63 – 10 vs Cameroon Outlaws
Most Puzzling Defeat: 31 – 38 vs Nigeria Nightmares

Analysis: Tricon’s slow build team has been flying up the ranks of Africa and now sits at #2 in the Lion conference. They haven’t been consistant each time out, but they’re always a threat considering that they own impressive victories against both CDS and CVK and the dominating game vs Cameroon. The loss to Nigeria is quite puzzling but on the same token Djibouti was within 1 TD and has been in all of their losses. The two headed rushing attack of Greased Pig and Simeon Craig leads this team and they are solid everywhere on defense. Quietly this team has become one of the best in Lion, perhaps among the best in all of Africa

Verdict: Contender

3) Cape Verde Kings (8-4)

Most Impressive Victory: 48-34 vs Somalia Wasps
Most Puzzling Defeat: 20 - 41 vs Djibouti Jackels

Analysis: One of numerous inconsistent teams in Lion conference, Cape Verde has had moments of brilliance. They’ve won and lost in both shootouts and in defensive struggles. Despite the inconsistency they were one play away from being the #1 team on this list but as is they are #3. There’s no denying that Cape Verde has the players and can put together a solid gameplan, but can they do it on a regular basis and make a run in the playoffs? Big tests before the end of the season against Angola Dream and Botswana Bugeaters will shed some light but right now the answer is no.

Verdict: Pretender

4) Rwanda Royal Knights (7-5)

Most Impressive Victory: 35 – 20 vs Dar Es Salaam Warrior Kings
Most Puzzling Defeat: 34 – 38 vs Wolfenstein Werewolves

Analysis: Any team that beats Cape Verde and Djibouti must be a contender, right? But wait, how can a team be a contender if they lose to Wolfenstein and Russian Tractor? Such is the dilemma with Rwanda Royal Knights. The offense on this team is not very explosive, the defense is not that stellar but they’ve won games. I give them all the credit in the world for their gameplanning and they could upset someone in the playoffs but in the end I don’t see how they have enough talent to keep up with the top teams in Lion.

Verdict: Pretender

5) Cameroon Outlaws (7-5)

Most Impressive Victory: 40 – 28 vs Charlie Don’t Surf
Most Puzzling Defeat: 16 – 41 vs Rwanda Royal Knights

Analysis: This team was buried 8 feet under after a 63 – 10 loss to Djibouti. Unfortunately for the rest of Lion, the undertakers failed to fill in the grave and somehow Cameroon has clawed their way back to being the #5 team in the conference. This team scores points like crazy and moves the ball on offense. Defensively there are some holes but when you’re on a 5 game winning streak you feel like you can beat anyone, and rightfully so.

Verdict: Contender

6) Dar Es Salaam Warrior Kings (7-5)

Most Impressive Victory: 27 – 24 vs Djibouti Jackels
Most Puzzling Defeat: 16 – 34 vs Cameroon Outlaws

Analysis: Another in the myriad of inconsistent teams, the recent field goal win vs Djibouti was quite impressive. Their losses have all come against respectable teams no doubt but if you’re going to be a contender you’ve got to be able to step up against the top competition and on the whole, they haven’t done it. A win vs Charlie Don’t Surf would go a long way towards changing my mind but I just don’t see it.

Verdict: Pretender

7) South African Ridgebacks (7-5)

Most Impressive Victory: 52 – 28 vs Windhoek White Rhinos
Most Puzzling Defeat: 31 – 35 vs Botswana Bugeaters

Analysis: After 5 games this team was flying high on top of Lion Conference. They went into week 6 against a once struggling Botswana team and lost a heartbreaker and haven’t been able to recover since. The team went 1-5 over their next 6 after the hot start, the one win was against a Somalia squad that had turned CPU. The win against Dar Es Salaam helped their chances a lot but they have to face some hungry competition still and I don’t believe this team holds on to their playoff spot.

Verdict: Pretender

8) Botswana Bugeaters (7-5)

Most Impressive Victory: 43 – 17 vs Angola Dream
Most Puzzling Defeat: 27 – 34 vs Angola Spider Monkeys

Analysis: The bugeaters talked quite a bit over Killertoad ranking them in the bottom group of Lion. After the first four games they did little to prove him wrong with their lone win coming against a relatively weak Elephant conference opponent. However this team rebounded to win 6 out of 7 with their lone loss by a mere 5 points to #1 Charlie Don’t Surf. 2000 yard back Matthew Bowen makes this team tough along with the possibility of some level 40 equipment. I think the loss to Cameroon was, while a setback, an anomaly and this team makes for a very tough first round matchup.

Verdict: Contender

9) Nigeria Nightmares (7-5)

Most Impressive Victory: 38 – 31 vs Djibouti Jackels
Most Puzzling Defeat: 7 - 51 vs Angola Dream

Analysis: They beat Djibouti and nearly had Cape Verde and for defensive coordinators around the league they are as their name suggests. However defense wins championships and they have given up over 30 PPG to Lion conference teams. This team could sneak into the playoffs but I cant seem them being a threat unless their defense finds some magic.

Verdict: Pretender

10) Angola Dream (7-5)

Most Impressive Victory: 41 – 9 vs Charlie Don’t Surf
Most Puzzling Defeat: 17 – 43 vs Botswana Bugeaters

Analysis: This team absolutely obliterated Charlie Don’t Surf, Nigeria and Angola Spider Monkeys, three very tough teams. On the same token they got demolished by Botswana Bugeaters and Sierra Leone Stallions. Even in this crazy conference this team is the epitome of Jeckel and Hyde. Do they take weeks off from gameplanning? I cant decide what happens but you never know what to expect from them making them a scary first round opponent for anyone. Tough games against Rwanda, Cape Verde and Djibouti are still on the schedule and the rest of the playoff teams in Lion conference would rather see this team watching from home. In the end though, playoffs or not, I just don’t think they can make it all the way to the finals.

Verdict: Pretender

11) Windhoek White Rhinos (6-6)

Most Impressive Victory: 42 – 28 vs Wolfenstein Werewolves
Most Puzzling Defeat: 24 – 47 vs Rwanda Royal Knights

Analysis: Windhoek has been up and down but at this point in the season the picture seems pretty clear. They’ve taken care of the teams they are supposed to beat, but are unable to come up with wins against the better teams in Lion additionally they have likely the toughest schedule from now to the end and I cant see this team in the playoffs.

Verdict: Pretender

12) Angola Spider Monkeys (5-7)

Most Impressive Victory: 27 – 21 vs Rwanda Royal Knights
Most Puzzling Defeat: 33 – 41 vs Nigeria Nightmares

Analysis: One of the most disappointing teams in Lion this season, Angola had tons of promise. But some tough breaks have cost them and at 5-7 I think they’re just too far out to make it. An upset against CDS isn’t completely out of the question but on the same token their other 3 games aren’t gimmies either and any slip up will keep them out. 8 – 8 wont cut it and I think this team is on the outside looking in, but they’re a lot more dangerous than that record shows and if they keep on it I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see them on top of Lion next season.

Verdict: Pretender

Wolfenstein Werewolves, Tanzania Morning Wood, Somalia Wasps and Sun City Undertakers have been eliminated from the playoffs so they get no writeup. However I will say that Tanzania is poised to return to grace next season and Papa Bear is one of the classiest owners in Africa and his team will contend for the playoffs as well. Somalia was tough before they went CPU and Sun City I wish the best but this league just proved a bit much for them.

Now that I’m done, flame away!
Last edited Dec 5, 2008 12:50:49
Wow nice write up jvguballa

Can we expect this every week?

Thanks again for doing this.

Originally posted by tricon
Wow nice write up jvguballa

Can we expect this every week?

Thanks again for doing this.


lol no, but maybe once the playoffs start
WOW, that was awesome!!! I like the way you did rankings and the Pretender/Contender labeling. That's one of the best write-ups I've seen.
Well the rankings are just the order they're listed on the conference standings, I didnt put thought into those. Truth of the matter was I could sit at work for an hour and get paid, or leave. I chose the former and used the time to make up this. Glad some of you enjoyed it.
Originally posted by jvguballa

11) Windhoek White Rhinos

Most Impressive Victory: 42 – 28 vs Wolfenstein Werewolves
Most Puzzling Defeat: 24 – 47 vs Rwanda Royal Knights

Analysis: Windhoek has been up and down but at this point in the season the picture seems pretty clear. They’ve taken care of the teams they are supposed to beat, but are unable to come up with wins against the better teams in Lion additionally they have likely the toughest schedule from now to the end and I cant see this team in the playoffs.

Verdict: Pretender

Nothing is worse then being tagged a "Pretender"... we do definitely deserve it at this point though!
I'm trying to brush up on tactics and getting this train back on the track... but you guys don't make it easy! There are some very good teams, Owners and GMs in this APL. My hat goes off to all of ya!

Its not over yet though... we are going to kick and fight till the very end!

Very good write up jvguballa! Thanks for doing it!!

Last edited Dec 4, 2008 22:41:18
Nothing but respect for your team Steve, but it wouldnt be an interesting read if I marked every team as a contender ya know?

Dont think for a minute that I'm overlooking you as we do play you next game.
Originally posted by StiffarmSteve

Nothing is worse then being tagged a "Pretender"...

Its not over yet though... we are going to kick and fight till the very end!
Last edited Dec 4, 2008 23:52:08
4) Rwanda Royal Knights
Most Impressive Victory: 35 – 20 vs Dar Es Salaam Warrior Kings
Most Puzzling Defeat: 34 – 38 vs Wolfenstein Werewolves
Originally posted by jvguballa

Analysis: Any team that beats Cape Verde and Djibouti must be a contender, right? But wait, how can a team be a contender if they lose to Wolfenstein and Russian Tractor? Such is the dilemma with Rwanda Royal Knights. The offense on this team is not very explosive, the defense is not that stellar but they’ve won games. I give them all the credit in the world for their gameplanning and they could upset someone in the playoffs but in the end I don’t see how they have enough talent to keep up with the top teams in Lion.

Verdict: Pretender

Pretender tag does hurt, but the loses that we have taken doesn't allow us to scream contender. The loss to the Werewolves doesn't make me feel bad, Papa Bear runs a great team and is having more problems with this great conference. I only have one change to your great post:

Most impressive Victory: 34-27 vs. Cape Verde Kings

A team with "NO TALENT" beats a loaded King team......

Originally posted by jvguballa
Nothing but respect for your team Steve, but it wouldnt be an interesting read if I marked every team as a contender ya know?

Dont think for a minute that I'm overlooking you as we do play you next game.

I totally understand jvguballa! Your calling a spade a spade...

Originally posted by majech
Originally posted by StiffarmSteve

Nothing is worse then being tagged a "Pretender"...

Its not over yet though... we are going to kick and fight till the very end!

That was me after the game yesterday! I swear I was talking to myself out loud at work yesterday...
"We are better then this! Blah blah blah..." haha

Last edited Dec 5, 2008 07:17:51
Not sure if anyone remembers this or not, but it wasn't that long ago that the Jackals lost 3 games in a row. The Jackals went from one of the most competitive early in the season to ummm do we even belong here

Sledge and I dug in and refocus our goals to just somehow acquire that 8th playoff spot just to make the dance.

Know this, except for a few teams, any team in this Lion Conference can beat any other team on any given day.

Five games left, it could turn south or go north very quickly for anyone.

BTW, I personally like this conference very much the peeps here are First Class (No cry babies here /cough like the USA Pro).


I completely agree with tricon! A love a challenge... and being in the conference has definitely been challenging to say the least. I'm trying to get a playoff spot and also not trying to get bumped back down to the AAA at the same time! That's how competitive this conference is. Everyone I have talked with personally has been great... I'd like the make the Rhinos stay here a long one!

This should be an interesting finish!
awesome job!!!
Great write-up! I like the fact that you held no punches even with us ! I hope everyone takes the criticisms in stride as he even got his own team
Papa Bear
Outstanding work!

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