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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #4 > Swift Predictions for Game 13
Game 13 Predictions

#1 Wellington Assassins (12-0) vs #4 Perth Pirates (9-3)
So, Wellington is still on a roll - can anyone stop them or will all be assassinated? Meanwhile, Perth's ship has been broadsided the last 2 games and is in danger of sinking - can they right their ship? Wellington has been in a nice position all season, following Olden and Newcastle for each opponent. Perth has to correct what happened the last 2 games or the Assassins will follow that same plan to the same result. In the end, the Pirates get bashed once more as Wellington sends Perth to Davey Jones' Locker. Good news for Perth? The next 2 opponents are gimme' games and then they end the season against the floundering Devils. Wellington wins by 14, 35-21. (Correction, I accidentally had 45-21.)

#2 Olden Swillers (11-1) vs #11 Hamilton Falcons (5-7)
Olden has been plowing the way for much of the season. The Falcons won't cause much of a bump along the way, as Hamilton is just too out-manned for this matchup. Olden has the easy DHARMA next and then ends the season with the Sea Wasps and the Dream. Will they be looking ahead and forget about this game? Could that cost them? No. Sorry Falcons, but you are done for this season. You are about to get plowed under by the Swillers, the Dream and the Assassins. Olden wins this game by 140, 147-7.

#3 Newcastle Dream (10-2) vs #9 Redcliffe Sharks (6-6)
Newcastle is having a great season and will roll through the next 3 opponents, leading them up to their end of season matchup against Olden. Until then, Redcliffe will be the only team to slow the Dream down a little. Redcliffe has had a descent season, but are in the middle of the trio of triumph as they get the Dream this week and the Assassins next week. Then Redcliffe will have a challenge in the Sub-Mariners before ending with a romp. If they can pull out the slight upset of the Sub-Mariners, then they can end their season with a respectable 8-8. However, for this week, they better put on a few extra pads and be prepared to get the ball run down their throat. Newcastle feasts on sushi and downs the Sharks by 32, 42-10.

#4 Sydney Sea Wasps (9-3) vs #14 DHARMA Initiative (1-11)
Sydney is on a winning streak and will stretch it further this week as they face the hapless DHARMA "Can't find any" Initiative. The Sea Wasps will be on cruise-control this week as they plan for the following week matchup against the Mountain Lions. As for DHARMA, they obviously checked-out a long time ago (Did they ever check-in?). I don't expect DHARMA to score any more points this season. Sydney in a not-so-close one, but 154, 154-0.

#6 Newcastle Mountain Lions (8-4) vs #7 DECATUR STALEYS (7-5)
Newcastle pulled out a victory against Devonport last game and DECATUR fell to Sydney, meaning of the three #6 teams last week, the Mountain Lions were the only ones to win, so now have sole possession of the #6 ranking. DECATUR will do their best to upset that this game. This will be a really good battle. Newcastle always plays better than their scouting report indicates. And DECATUR has been playing really solid, steady games of late. Both teams will be in the playoffs, its just a matter of in what position. Looking at the rest of the schedule, DECATUR will have the advantage in holding the #6 seed if they can win this game. But #6 or #7, take your pick, you'll be either playing the Swillers or the Dream. I'll go out on a limb for this one and pick Newcastle by 3, 27-24.

#7 Devonport Devils (7-5) vs #9 Apia Evil (6-6)
As darkness filled the stadium, not an angel to be found. This is no battle of good vs evil, just a contest within the dark side to see who stays and who goes: Devils vs Evil. The Evil is making their push for the playoffs and this is one step that they must take if they are to march into the post-season. The Devils it seems are more like Smurfs and willing to give the ball away rather than fight. If they play nice against the Evil, it will be yet another long day for Devonport. If the Evil wins the turnover battle, then they will be victorious in this game by 3. However, if the Devils can find a way to win instead of to lose a game, then they should be ok. While I hate to do this (because we lose when I do), I think the Devils solve the issue and tell the Evil to wait for another day to try to move up in rank. Devonport by 7.

#12 Intergalactic Sub-Mariners (3-9) vs #16 Chippewa Prey (0-12)
Does anyone really care about this game??? I suppose the Sub-Mariners do. Well, Intergalactic, you should enjoy this game. It will be your most fun for the season. Intergalactic by 100, 110-10.

#13 Alaska Wild (2-10) vs #14 Saipan Stingrays (1-11)
I almost forgot this game as the cellar dwellers unite. This is probably best classified as a gathering rather than as a battle. While Alaska may be in the cellar, they rule the cellar as they are a step above the other 3. So this won't be a close game as the Wild will lord it over the Stingrays to keep the peeking order intact. Alaska wins by 49, 62-13.

That wraps up this week's report. Let the games begin!
Last edited Dec 4, 2008 16:57:55
Best writeup yet, but it had to be now that Playoff implications are in effect. If you ever want a job as a Team Reporter you let me know bro. Your shat is always entertaining. Thanks from The Decatur Staleys!
Yes, we have a chance. Swift picked himself.

<----pokes at voodoo doll
Originally posted by SpreadThePink
Yes, we have a chance. Swift picked himself.

LOL, it's sad but so true!
Last edited Dec 4, 2008 12:34:28
You went against Perth, I bet they are extatic!
slight mistake on your Perth spread swifty, you picked a +14 for wellington and your score indicates a +24.

Anyway looks like some boosting or leveling up happened on the wellington side overnight, flattered they would take us so seriously after losing 2 straight.

Originally posted by RedskinOne
slight mistake on your Perth spread swifty, you picked a +14 for wellington and your score indicates a +24.

Anyway looks like some boosting or leveling up happened on the wellington side overnight, flattered they would take us so seriously after losing 2 straight.

No one boosted, (all level 29+ did at the begining of the season and all below that level will boost before playoffs) but my slowbuilding tackles finally dumped points and that seemed to push the blocking up to a 57 and our overall up to a 54.
Last edited Dec 4, 2008 15:49:31
Swift, I could almost see you dragging your feet and fighting yourself before finally picking the Devils. Torture, you just knew you were going to jinx yourself. That was great. lol
Nicely done, Swift.

Great write-up.

(And I'm not just saying that because you said good things about us! )
Originally posted by Meatdawg
You went against Perth, I bet they are extatic!

Nah, the underdog magic wore off againt Olden. LOL!
Originally posted by Swift
Originally posted by SpreadThePink

Yes, we have a chance. Swift picked himself.

LOL, it's sad but so true!

Getting close. Nawing on fingers.
Last edited Dec 5, 2008 09:42:56
Good game today between Apia and Devonport.
GG Perth
Yep, nail bitter for sure.

Really tough league we got here.
GG Wellington. You earned it.

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