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Man, is anyone else feelin the effects of this? I don't know what it is. I used to be so interested in this game, now I have to force myself to log on and game plan. The funny thing is, I'm not even disappointed with the game structure like a lot of people. Just kinda bored these days I guess.

I really thought the new league and competition would re-spark some interest for me, but it hasn't so far. Hopefully as the season goes on I'll have more motivation.
doc ock
Originally posted by Morphius
Man, is anyone else feelin the effects of this? I don't know what it is. I used to be so interested in this game, now I have to force myself to log on and game plan. The funny thing is, I'm not even disappointed with the game structure like a lot of people. Just kinda bored these days I guess.

I really thought the new league and competition would re-spark some interest for me, but it hasn't so far. Hopefully as the season goes on I'll have more motivation.

You could lose to the Wolves to make things interesting?
right there with you Morphius. just got back from a vacation as well and that's making it hard to just catch up with what's going on
I know what you mean. I don't have to force myself to log on but it's hard to find the motivation to game plan heavily anymore. It can take to much tiiiiimmmmmmmeeeeee. I typically get more interested as the season goes on.
yeah it's called GLBurnout

It's just because it's a constant toll if you want to keep up the gameplan. All the teams do little things that are different, and if your AI isn't right on then you may very well get beat. The constant planning, game reviewing, etc, etc, definitely takes a toll. I try to only do in-depth plans for key games, and hope that our everyday defense takes care of most situations.

It's almost like the AI controls are becoming TOO hands-on, though, if they weren't that hands on, then people would demand that they were. Damned if you do, damned if you don't, I guess it just becomes a matter of whether you enjoy it enough to keep going.

That's probably why it's a good idea to have backup coordinators who know what the team does, so people can take time off and just enjoy watching their players perform rather than worry about the entire team all the time.
Oh and the one thing about GLB and even if you do get totally burned out and start retiring players... no matter what you do, if you put money into the game you're gonna get a chunk of those flex points back, and you'll just be tempted to go back in and re-created new players
I agree...I enjoy GLB. Got hooked; in my 6th Season, like most of you. The AI does take up time and for those that are lucky - you have a great team. Other than that, its so hard to recruit because all these players want MAX CASH and BONUS.

Not sure what I plan on doing next season. I'll finish this one out strong, but will have to see what happens in late December.
Last edited Nov 25, 2008 21:58:39
Originally posted by LA_Sharks
I agree...I enjoy GLB. Got hooked; in my 6th Season, like most of you. The AI does take up time and for those that are lucky - you have a great team. Other than that, its so hard to recruit because all these players want MAX CASH and BONUS.

Not sure what I plan on doing next season. I'll finish this one out strong, but will have to see what happens in late December.

Quit reading my mind you guys..........I'm getting scared

The recruiting part is pushing me over the edge.
Regular season is kind of boring but the final two weeks and the playoffs make everything worth it.
I will just nod in agreement to statements already made here. Burnout, which I had that last season and thought I could shake it off for this season, it has only gotten harder since there are a lot of new teams to learn and try to make a plan for. Free agents are unrealistic for the most part in their expectations and tired of sending offers.

Owners/GMs/OC's have a lot of stuff to deal with and this is a football sim, so I guess its as true to life as can be, but its too time consuming for someone who has very little time already. I think I will just become a player agent soon and get out of team ownership.
Unless you have a group of 5 or 6 Gms that can share the load of scouting, gameplanning and team manageing in general, it is very tough. We tried to recruit this offseason in order to get a little better in a couple positions. It was senseless to even try. We got nowhere. It is real discouraging to not get any offers accepted. It is getting to be more like work than fun for me. I to will be soul searching this off season.
Well this is why I sold my team and didn't go out and make 100 players like everyone else. Once you lower your workload and commitment in the GLB you will feel rejuvenated to comeback.
Originally posted by Mykos
I will just nod in agreement to statements already made here. Burnout, which I had that last season and thought I could shake it off for this season, it has only gotten harder since there are a lot of new teams to learn and try to make a plan for. Free agents are unrealistic for the most part in their expectations and tired of sending offers.

AMEN! Not sure of any GM/Owner that would disagree with that, unless they already have a decent group of friends/players sticking together.
I just like getting on to have cyber sex.
Pansies. Get drunk and THEN gameplan.

That's what I do.

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