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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #4 > Swift's Zeta Power Rankings after 1st Qtr of the season
Ok, so now that we have played the first 4 games of the season, we can start to look at who is the best team in the Zeta conference. It's probably a little early to get a real clear picture, but here goes nothing. I am just looking at the conference games for my rankings so we can compare against the same set of opponents, so it is really only 3 games. I have 4 numbers per team: conference record, overall record, conference record of the conference opponents played, conference record of the conference opponents opponents)

1. Perth Pirates (3-0, 3-1, 6-3, 11-16)
Perth doesn't have the best overall record, but is definitely one of the top teams and has taken out one of the other top teams (Newcastle Mountain Lions). Also, the 3 teams they beat had a collective record of 6-3, so that was a relatively hard stretch that Perth has played so far. Therefore (and because I always underestimate them in the game predictions), I have them as the team to beat! Their only lose was against the top team in the alpha conference. In the next 4 games, the only difficult game will be against Sydney.

2. Devonport Devils (3-0, 4-0, 1-8, 17-10)
The Devils are tied for the best record overall with the Assassins, and have been very impressive in their wins, but they haven't played anyone in the top 8 teams. In fact, the teams they have beaten are 1-8. Because they have the weakest scheduled played so far, I have them as #2. I even thought about making them #3 or #4. W'll see during the next 4 games if they are for real or not as they will face Olden and Wellington.

3. Newcastle Mountain Lions (2-1, 3-1, 3-6, 18-9)
Ok, so I'm sure I'll hear from the Assassins that they should be here, but the Mountain Lions were the pre-season favorite and I am not willing to drop them too far just because they lost one game to Perth. The stength of their opponents doesn't look that good at 3-6, but who those opponents played are a combined 18-9 so maybe they aren't as bad as the 3-6 implies. The Mountain Lions should win the next 4 and be 7-1 at the midway point of the season. The only challenge during the next 4 games will be against Olden.

4. Wellington Assassins (3-0, 4-0, 5-4, 16-11)
I'll apologize to the Assassins right now, because it doesn't seem right that a team tied for the conference lead and with a perfect record should be ranked 4th. And this ranking probably isn't right. They can prove themselves when they play a game against one of the top teams and win it, then they'll definitely move up. They'll get a chance to show off some during the next four games as they will be matched up against the Devils and the STALEYS.

5. Sydney Sea Wasps (2-1, 3-1, 5-4, 15-12)
The Sea Wasps are doing very well. They are 3rd in passing yardage, 1st in passing yds/attempt, and 1st in YAC. They have definitely shown themselves as a playoff caliber team. To break into the top 4 though, they are going to have to beat one of the top teams. It's possible, but they'll have to prove it. In the next 4 games, they have 3 gimme games and one hard game against Perth. At the half way point of the season, we still may not know how to judge the Sea Wasps.

6. DECATUR STALEYS (2-1, 3-1, 4-5, 18-9)
DECATUR is one of the tougher teams to pass on as they allow the 4th fewest yds. They also are 2nd best in forcing fumbles. They had a respectable showing against Perth. The other two opponents were two that the Devils played and they did well, but not as well as the Devils. In the next 4 games, they will get to play two teams right behind them to show this is where they belong and one against the Assassins to try to prove they belong higher.

7. Olden Swillers (2-1, 3-1, 5-4, 11-16)
Olden leads the conference in passing yardage by a large amount. They also ALLOW the least yardage and TDs passing. They have the most rushing TDs and ALLOW the fewest yards rushing. They have the stats to be up in the top group and are definitely a potential playoff team, but they are going to have to show can beat the big boys before they can rise up any further in the power rankings. They'll have a big chance soon as their next 4 games include the Devils, Mountain Lions and STALEYS.

8. Apia Evil (2-1, 2-2, 4-5, 15-12)
Apia is 4th in passing yardage and 1st in completion %. They are also 4th in rushing yardage and 4th in rushing TDs. Plus they like their breakfast, pancake style, as they are 2nd in the number of pancakes. They are currently in the top 8, but will have to make a few statement games to convince us that they should stay here. They have had 3 easy games and one hard game against Perth. In the next 4 games, they will play the team right ahead of them and 2 not too far behind them. They'll either solify themselves as a playoff contender or slip.

9. Newcastle Dream (1-2, 2-2, 6-3, 13-14)
Are they a playoff team or just a good team that isn't quite good enough? They do have the 3rd most rushing yards, are 4th best in yards/completion, are 1st in kick return average, 3rd in hurries, and 3rd in pass deflections. The next 4 games will make or break their playoff hopes as they play 3 of the top 6 teams.

10. Hamilton Falcons (1-2, 2-2, 5-4, 8-19)
They ALLOW the 3rd fewest passing yards per game, they have the 2nd most rushing yards, the 3rd most rushing TDs, and have made the most sacks. They put up a good fight against DECATUR and might have a shot at being a playoff team. In the next 4 games, they have two simple wins, one game against the Mountain Lions and one against Apia. They must win that game if they want to move up in the rankings.

11. Redcliffe Sharks (0-3, 1-3, 7-2, 8-19)
Redcliffe is tied for #1 in FG% and 3rd in avg punting yards. Redcliffe doesn't have a conference win yet, but they have played the hardest schedule so far. In the next 4 games, they will have to prove themselves against Apia if they think they are a playoff team.

12. Intergalactic Sub-Mariners (1-2, 1-3, 3-6, 16-11)
They have the least fumbles so far this season with only 1 and haven't lost any. However, the Sub-Mariners are definitely struggling this season. They have only managed 1 win so far while playing a fairly easy schedule. In their next 4 games, they are likely to only win 1 more.

13. Alaska Wild (1-2, 1-3, 4-5, 14-13)
You have the second best punt return average and are 6th in passing yardage. You don't have any shot at the playoffs this season, but 3 of these next 4 games may be your best shot at moving up in the power rankings a little bit as you play Redcliffe, Hamilton and DHARMA.

14. Saipan Stingrays (1-2, 1-3, 3-6, 15-12)
A CPU owned team that beat a human team. How did that happen? Well Saipan, you will get one more shot towards the end of the season when you play Chippewa. I must say one more thing about Saipan, they have the highest punt return average by far at 50.7 yds/return. They also have the most punts returned for TDs (3 out of 5 returns). That's a little strange, but I have to give you credit for that even though you aren't human and won't read this.

15. DHARMA Initiative (0-3, 0-4, 5-4, 7-20)
Lost to a CPU owned team in Saipan Stingrays. You must win a game before I can allow myself to write about you.

16. Chippewa Predators (0-3, 0-4, 5-4, 11-16)
You won't win a game, so I won't be writing about you - unless of course you upset DHARMA!

Pre-season projects by Syed were (

1. Newcastle Mountain Lions
2. Perth Pirates
3. Devonport Devils
4. Redcliffe Sharks
6. Olden Swillers
7. Sydney Sea Wasps
8. Apia Evil
9. Newcastle Dream
10. Hamilton Falcons
11. Wellington Assassins
12. Intergalactic Sub-Mariners
13. Saipan Stingrays
14. Alaska Wild
15. DHARMA Initiative
16. Chippewa Predators (old Brisbane Troyfins)

Last edited Nov 18, 2008 17:52:09
Great writeup, love reading your stuff Swift.
Switch us and Wellington and I would agree with this. Until we beat someone in the top 5, we don't deserve to be ranked over them.
Thanks for taking the time to educate and entertain the rest of us. Great read.
NML beat my Berlin team by 6 and we have lost 2 games to the 2 best teams in the entire league. They are a quality team and should be ranked right they are.
IU Hoosier
Good job Swift. This is an awfully tough league.
Good read, I like these, keep em coming.
Nicely done always interesting to see other peoples thoughts on the opposite conference since I don't really scout them all that much during the season
Wonderful read, Swift!

A pleasure to read, bud. AA#4's lived up to its billing for sure!
Originally posted by Swift

14. Saipan Stingrays (1-2, 1-3, 3-6, 15-12)
A CPU owned team that beat a human team. How did that happen? ...
I have to give you credit for that even though you aren't human and won't read this.

The AI's are... learning... and they see ALL.

Next thing you know, that team will rename themselves the Hal 9000's
Great writeup, and Thanks for DECATUR!
Great job....can anyone do Alpha?
Great write up Swift.
Nice job swift. Hopefully Apia can get some quality wins the next couple of games and make the top of this conference more interesting.
As someone with a player on Waikiki when Apia was down in AA7 we all know the truth. Even your owner admitted it. that Apia sucks..... I mean c'mon we all know you winning that conference was a fluke. I bet Newcastle had their AI set to kick 70 yard field goals all game. Actually you guys can coach I will tell you that. When you get enough levels on your players you will be bad men in this conference. I just hope that we (Devonport) will be graduated up by then.


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