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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #5 > Week 3 Power rankings / Week 4 Predictions
Game of the week - Alberta vs. Vikings - An old A5 team looking to prove iteself vs. the only undefeated BBB team remaining. Should be interesting to watch.

#1 Triple B's 3-0

Previous #1
High #1
Low –N/A

Beat up Manitoba like they stole their bike. The game was ugly and it proved that the B’s are definitely the front runner in A-5. This week they face the North Drift who have as much chance at winning as Ragh does passing a freshmen English test. Prediction - TB's by 112.

#2 Unsavory Gentlemen 3-0

Previous #2
High #2
Low #2

Faced a proud Drift team that tried unsuccessfully to throw the UG defense off balance. This week the UG face the Thrashers who lost a nail biter to Rancho. Expect the UG to score early and often. Prediction - UG by 49.

#3 Genosha X-Men 3-0

Previous #3
High #3

Beat up on a cupcake and no doubt thumped their chest afterwords. This week they face one of the tougher BBB teams in Rancho. Expect the game to start close but Genosha to pull away in the end. Prediction - Genosha by 35.

#4 Alberta Irukandji 3-0

Previous #5
High #4
Low #6

Kept up their winning streak vs. a tough PGW team and moved into the top four for it. I still contend PGW can beat em, but they may need to cripple Shifty to do so. This week they face an undefeated Vikings team that is licking their chops at beating a top tier team. This game could get interesting but I just don’t see the Vikings pulling out a W. Prediction - Alberta by 21.

#5 Prince George Warriors 2-1

Previous #4
High #4
Low #5

As much as the UG hated Shiloh, the PGW must dislike Alberta. Their games have been close over the past few seasons but Alberta always comes out in the end. PGW is looking to get back in the win column and have a good chance to do so this week vs. FMMP. This game will be closer than expected but PGW should defeat the Police behind the strong arm of Demarcus Zippo. Prediction – PGW by 14.

#6 Vancouver Vikings 3-0

Previous #7
High #6
Low #9

Absolutely destroyed Ste. Marie and is the highest ranked newcomer to A5. This week they have a chance to pull off the biggest upset of the year by defeating Alberta. The game should be interesting to watch but I have little faith the Vikes can stand up to the offensive or defensive lines and the relentless punishment inflicted by Hangmen Gallows. Prediction – Alberta by 21.

#7 Manitoba Lions 1-2

Previous #6
High #4
Low #7

The poor Lions catch no breaks. The B’s stung their ass and then mounted their head over a fire place. The game was out of reach, as is Manitoba’s chances of making back into the top 5. This week the Lion’s face the Demos who resemble the Prarie View team that lost 100+ games in a row. Prediction – Lion’s by 21.

#8 Rancho Penasquitos Thunderbolts 2-1

Previous #8
High #7
Low #8

Played a great game vs. an old A5 team in the Thrashers, but needless to say, Saskatchewan is not Genosha. Fortunately for the X-Men they play much better football than their owner talks shit. Prediction – Genosha by 35.

#9 Canada Dragons 2-1

Previous #9
High #8
Low #9

Decimated the queens angels. Will move to 3-1 this week as the beat up on Ste. Marie. Prediction - Dragons by 77.

#10 Fort McMurray Mounted Police 1-2

Previous #10
High #10
Low #10

The Police are getting beat like they were in LA after the Rodney King trial. Thing’s only get worse this week as they face a PGW team coming off another loss to the X-Men. Not only did PGW lose again, they lost to a team named the X-Men, they are definitely pissed. The game should be tight though. Prediction – PGW by 14.

#11 North Bay Drift 2-1

Previous #12
High #11
Low #13

Had little chance against UG. Their game planning showed creativity but it failed to gel and left their D open to huge mismatches. This week things only get worse as they meet up with the powerhouse B’s. The game will get ugly quick but expect the Drift to rebound the following week. Prediction – B’s by 112.

#12 Saskatchewan Thrashers 2-1

Previous #11
High #11
Low #12

Played a tough game against Rancho that was one of the week’s best to watch. Still has wrinkles to iron out but have a very active owner and a good group of core players. This week they Thrashers will be decimated by a UG team that is firing on all cylinders. Prediction – UG by 49.

#13 F. Hockey Demos 0-3

Previous #13
High #12
Low #13

The Demos got mounted by the police in a sight that is/would be straight out of Hellboy meets Me, Myself, and Irene. This week the Demo’s may have a chance at pulling an upset against the down and out Lion’s. The Lions should win but expect the Demos to keep it interesting. Prediction – Lions by 21.

#14 Sault Ste. Marie 0-2

Previous #14
High #14
Low #14

Only gave up 90 points this time! Woo hoo! WTF..seriously?!? There are some very good players on this team, it’s a shame that they have that guy Radio, you know the one that Cuba Gooding Jr. played (this guy ), as both offensive and defensive GM. This week they get their asses handed to em by the Canada Dragons. Prediction – Dragons by 77.

#15 the queen's angels 0-2

Previous #15
High #15
Low #15

Cripple fight 2k8 in the making, the queen’s angels and the Care Bears should put up one of the ugliest games of the season. At least this time someone doesn’t score over 100 against the angel’s…maybe. Who effin cares.

#16 Chilliwack Care Bears 0-2

Previous #16
High #16
Low #16

Stat food.

Last edited Nov 18, 2008 06:33:44
Nice job once again. I appreciate the effort.
thanx for these. Im going out on a limb and predicting us to go on a run. Hopefully my team can back me up.
Originally posted by rackhound
thanx for these. Im going out on a limb and predicting us to go on a run. Hopefully my team can back me up.

You guys are playoff bound, that's the good news. The bad news is that it will no doubt be against one of the top 3 teams .
Last edited Nov 17, 2008 12:37:28
Nice job with these, like everyone else has said man. Your predictions have been pretty damn close to the reality, which is freaking hard to do.

I'm hoping to pull off that upset of the year, but it isn't likely unless my guys can run through their D-line.
Once again great read! Except for the part where the Drift lose by 112, that wasn't so much fun to read at all
Last edited Nov 17, 2008 16:29:59
Great, except you are a game late on the Dragons prediction. Even knowing the score your prediction was off by 91 points. Qh well, nobody's perfect, Keep up the great work.
Originally posted by oldbaldone
Great, except you are a game late on the Dragons prediction. Even knowing the score your prediction was off by 91 points. Qh well, nobody's perfect, Keep up the great work.

Sorry bro, drawback of doing it quickly and at work lol. I had Sault Ste predicted right so you could have looked there.
damn Im ready for tonights games.........
Originally posted by rackhound
damn Im ready for tonights games.........

Me too!
Originally posted by SmoothJuice

You have no running game
Originally posted by Oscarr
Originally posted by SmoothJuice


You have no running game

Only 12 rushes your last game and you lost by 2. That explains it all
Last edited Nov 18, 2008 15:33:10
You really have a knack for these Trey!
Originally posted by Oscarr
Originally posted by SmoothJuice


You have no running game

Hahaha, Smooth Juice you suck so much it is almost endearing. Like that whore that should have gone out of the prostitution game fifteen years ago but getting a BJ from her with her dentures out is kinda gross but surprisingly satisfying at the same time.


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