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My predictions. Feel free to disagree with me, as I'm sure some of you most definitely will.

Easy wins today:

Saskatchewan Thrashers over Hudson Bay Hornets
St. Catharines Stompers over Care Bears
UG over Rum Runners
Triple B's over Hudson Hitmen
Port Dover Panthers over Harbingers
Regina Pounders over Queen's Angels
Canada Dragons over Ontario Flyers


Prince George Warriors over the Storm Troopers
Cold Lake Freeze over Demos
Toronto Thunder over the Genosha X-men
Alberta Irukanji over Alberta Gamblers
Manitoba Lions over Thunder Bay Hitmen
FMMP over St. John's Fog Devils
Rancho Thunderbolts over Windsor Warhammers
Vancouver Vikings over New Jax City Hustlers

Won't call my game since I'm biased.
Also, that would be 10-6 West over East.
Last edited Nov 12, 2008 14:49:50
Man your game is tough to call. I could see it go either way. I was leaning your way after looking at both rosters, but in the end chemistry is too big of a factor. Eagles beat the Drift 35-31.

I also like the Hitmen to upset the Triple B's in overtime.
Not that it will happen, but I sure would like it to.

Also I think the following to win

Last edited Nov 12, 2008 15:52:53
Originally posted by Vysie
Man your game is tough to call. I could see it go either way. I was leaning your way after looking at both rosters, but in the end chemistry is too big of a factor. Eagles beat the Drift 35-31.

I also like the Hitmen to upset the Triple B's in overtime.
Not that it will happen, but I sure would like it to.

Also I think the following to win

With that chemistry difference between Drift and Eagles, you are looking at less than 1% of a performance difference. Chemistry really doesn't mean jack squat unless you are talking about a 100% team vs a 40% team. Even then, it'll only sway close games. Bort himself said chemistry doesn't do more than 10%. He also uses some form of diminishing returns on just about everything. So if 0 chem is -10%, 70% overall vs 85% overall is like -2% vs -1% or something non-gamechanging.

I don't think chemistry is game defining, but I feel it is a game changing effect. What I mean is that with a high chemistry you will be more likely to have a pulling guard make the key block that springs your HB for that 80 yard TD.
At least that is how I have always envisioned it. Either way we will see what we are all made of as we finally get to the games that matter.

Warriors come out and play!!!!!
Im still laughing 20min after seeing the score to the Saskatchewan-Hudson Bay game.
Well I'll take 2 out of 15 wrong I guess. FMMP and Toronto Thunder letting me down. And the Drift pulling out the W to start the season.
Last edited Nov 12, 2008 20:10:19
damn we only won 216-0 but i would have been prouder if it would have been the highest won but anyway we will face hudson so i cant wait to see by how much we will win
Originally posted by ploije
damn we only won 216-0 but i would have been prouder if it would have been the highest won but anyway we will face hudson so i cant wait to see by how much we will win

I'll one up you, We gotta play Chilliwack next game.
I'm curious as to why you thought FMMP would beat the Fog Devils?

Did you make the pick before we got our QBs?
pwnsters, you should have known better asshole, why the hell would you choose an incomplete team to win against a complete, i think we deserve a little more credit than that, winning last 10 games in a row last season, here's a fuckin tip don't make bullshit predictions if you don't know what you're talking about, you don't see me making any dumb predictions, take a clue from the people who have gave predictions before, they explain why they think which team will win, good game to toronto, sorry if pwnsters got your hopes up, he/she's an idiot
Originally posted by Ragh9364
pwnsters, you should have known better asshole, why the hell would you choose an incomplete team to win against a complete, i think we deserve a little more credit than that, winning last 10 games in a row last season, here's a fuckin tip don't make bullshit predictions if you don't know what you're talking about, you don't see me making any dumb predictions, take a clue from the people who have gave predictions before, they explain why they think which team will win, good game to toronto, sorry if pwnsters got your hopes up, he/she's an idiot

A little harsh don't ya think? I was happy you guys crushed the frost but generally it's difficult to get someone to do these type of polls, I should know.

I will post a power ranking and game predictor sometime today now that the first games have given us a true sense where teams stand, especially now that they have their true gameplans in place.

Originally posted by Oscarr
Originally posted by Ragh9364

pwnsters, you should have known better asshole, why the hell would you choose an incomplete team to win against a complete, i think we deserve a little more credit than that, winning last 10 games in a row last season, here's a fuckin tip don't make bullshit predictions if you don't know what you're talking about, you don't see me making any dumb predictions, take a clue from the people who have gave predictions before, they explain why they think which team will win, good game to toronto, sorry if pwnsters got your hopes up, he/she's an idiot

A little harsh don't ya think? I was happy you guys crushed the frost but generally it's difficult to get someone to do these type of polls, I should know.

I will post a power ranking and game predictor sometime today now that the first games have given us a true sense where teams stand, especially now that they have their true gameplans in place.

Ignore the troll...he's a douche apparently. Looks like the bastard child of Druez and Druez's mom.
Originally posted by Ragh9364
pwnsters, you should have known better asshole, why the hell would you choose an incomplete team to win against a complete, i think we deserve a little more credit than that, winning last 10 games in a row last season, here's a fuckin tip don't make bullshit predictions if you don't know what you're talking about, you don't see me making any dumb predictions, take a clue from the people who have gave predictions before, they explain why they think which team will win, good game to toronto, sorry if pwnsters got your hopes up, he/she's an idiot

Grade A asshole.
Actually you won your last 9 games in a row last season before being bitch slapped in the first round of the playoffs.

Lets look at those wins:

8 GEN PRI W21-31 - Quality win against a good team
9 GEN SAU W73-3 Cupcake last season, still needing a lot of work
10 GEN MAN W13-48 - Quality win but one that happened before Manitoba cleared the cobwebs.
11 GEN FHO W51-17 Cupcake
12 GEN CHI W10-82 Cupcake, since demoted
13 GEN CHI W42-35 A team that never gameplanned, EVER, and you barely pulled out the W. They were so good they disbanded and are now CPU owned
14 GEN BUF W3-38 A cupcake that you managed a whopping 38 points against.
15 GEN PII W55-17 Worst team in the league since demoted
16 GEN ALB W16-13 One of the worst East teams, now defunct or demoted

So out of your last NINE games you had two quality wins, the rest were vs. competition that combined, barely won 30% of their games. Seriously, you wanted respect from that?

Your first 7 games last year you went 1-6 and the only W was against a very outmatched Saskatchewan team that managed to keep it close.

ding! Lunch is served.

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