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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #2 > Laying the groundworks for this board
Prince Darius
Ok this is a board that will be respectful to me and my friends. So number one, no one post off topic. I will page a GM to remove your post. All topics must pertain to USA A. if u want to talk about michael vick, theirs a fucking board called off topic, go post it their.

number two, any post or thread that has the words cunt, a racist word, or puts down another team, i will page a GM and hopefully you'll get banned for a few days. No one is allowed to put anyone down.

no posts about the old days in the BBB leagues or whatever. those days are over it, so get over it and move on. try to create a legacy in this league.

any post where the USA A league teams try to act like their better than the former BBB teams, stfu. you werent good enough to move up, so eat my shit. you respect everyone and will give you respect.

no avartars that have sexy stuff in it. some of us go to work and have gf's that look over are backs. i know some of u are in your basement and have a lock on your door and can surf the net while porn runs in the background, but for the rest of us, give us respect. i got GLB blocks at work a few months ago because the queers decided to sex up their avartars. either get a gf or get a life.

ok now that i have laid the groundwork for this board, lets enjoy Season 6.

mmm i shouldn't take my current frustration out on you.

but seriously. you are NOT going to change this forum with your "im the leader follow my orders" that won't fly in here. you will not influence my posting nor the posting of others, and if i want to tell you how shitty your player and or team is, i'll tell you how shitty your player and or team is.
Last edited Nov 1, 2008 18:16:04
Just one question, and no disrespect intended. Believe me, I for one know that to get it you have to give it. But, were you hand picked to be the forum police for this forum or did you just take it upon yourself to do so. Just curious, and like I said, no disrespect intended.
OP reported for bad language in the post.

Well, no, but I felt like it.
Prince Darius
Originally posted by Odie
Just one question, and no disrespect intended. Believe me, I for one know that to get it you have to give it. But, were you hand picked to be the forum police for this forum or did you just take it upon yourself to do so. Just curious, and like I said, no disrespect intended.

i decided to be the forum police because i believe in a clean and non-dirty board.

and ihasusername, get a clue. i dont care. you dont even have a character in the league, so why even post here? i dont get it
I've been here the last 5 seasons. You haven't.

I don't think I'm the one that needs to get a clue.
SHUT THE FUCK UP DIM! You are a dumb ass and sorry that you middle school doesn't allow this in their library. Everyone this dipshit is so annoying and thinks he is all that and a bag of chips.
You are a moron and i can't wait for you to get banned for good!
and so it starts...
You know, you had a shot at this, seriously. It was completely possible that you could have laid the ground work for a clean forum, regardless of your past forum performance.

However, you totally went about this the wrong way, and you're only going to get one response from people. Your reputation may not have preceded you, but you at least started out with a bang telling people that you are in fact an asshole.

Nice thread title forum police.
Originally posted by Prince Darius
Ok this is a board that will be respectful to me and my friends. So number one, no one post off topic. I will page a GM to remove your post. All topics must pertain to USA A. if u want to talk about michael vick, theirs a fucking board called off topic, go post it their.

number two, any post or thread that has the words cunt, a racist word, or puts down another team, i will page a GM and hopefully you'll get banned for a few days. No one is allowed to put anyone down.

no posts about the old days in the BBB leagues or whatever. those days are over it, so get over it and move on. try to create a legacy in this league.

any post where the USA A league teams try to act like their better than the former BBB teams, stfu. you werent good enough to move up, so eat my shit. you respect everyone and will give you respect.

no avartars that have sexy stuff in it. some of us go to work and have gf's that look over are backs. i know some of u are in your basement and have a lock on your door and can surf the net while porn runs in the background, but for the rest of us, give us respect. i got GLB blocks at work a few months ago because the queers decided to sex up their avartars. either get a gf or get a life.

ok now that i have laid the groundwork for this board, lets enjoy Season 6.

Wow, just wow. Who died and made you dictator?

These boards have the most entertaining league boards I have had the privilege of posting on in GLB since season one (even Dav's antics just livened the place up). If you don't like what is said here why don't you just not read them? Your need for strict organization and a G rating shouldn't outweigh the majority of folks right to have fun (do you know what the word fun means or should I send you a link to its definition?).

Have a nice season.
Originally posted by Defeugo
Originally posted by Prince Darius

Wow, just wow. Who died and made you dictator?

These boards have the most entertaining league boards I have had the privilege of posting on in GLB since season one (even Dav's antics just livened the place up). If you don't like what is said here why don't you just not read them? Your need for strict organization and a G rating shouldn't outweigh the majority of folks right to have fun (do you know what the word fun means or should I send you a link to its definition?).

Have a nice season.

I think you need to send that link...
Oh and when he talks about a "girlfriend" he means his mommy.
is my avatar to sexual for your darius?

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