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Forum > South Atlantic Pro League > Africa Conference > From a fellow APL team owner
Stop hating each other and attacking each other BEFORE any team can beat USAORG/LOL in a playoff game, otherwise, all the shouting match means absolutely NOTHING.

Every time I see there are some arguing on the league forum, I shake my head and sigh.
Anyone can take those PC BS GG thread all you want, but when we fight with each other, we got weakened.
I can almost imagine USAORG/LOL members laughing where we couldn't see them.
We should really divert our energy, and work together to beat USAORG/LOL in a playoff game first.

Before any team can do that, your team is no better than mine, and my team is certainly no better than yours.
No matter where you are from, we are probably just a bunch of losers behind USAORG/LOL in APL.

As a fellow team owner in APL, please think about it when you pass judgments on another team.

Now, to keep record of a piece of my writing from being flooded. I would like to reiterate my opinion as a team owner in APL since day 1 here.

Sorry, I have different opinions about recruiting.

Take my own team as an example.

We are a group of friends in real life who want to play GLB together and have fun.
Recruiting only means picking up some important pieces to us.
We don't completely replace our friends with higher level total strangers, like some teams may do.

I get to know them because my players play on other teams.
I trust in them, and they trust in me as an owner, and the decide to have their higher level players join my team.

My team gets better every season, and it shows on our record.
I'm not bragging. I'm just quoting what I saw from League forum.
However, I still don't feel as much fun as I should be getting if I'm in another league, not with USAORG/LOL dominating APL like this.

Championship is our ultimate goal and we're certainly heading toward that direction, but it's not an immediate goal.
Having fun is more important to me.

Sooner or later, my friends and players on our team are going to lose interest and want to leave my team, because they don't feel the fun we should be getting.

Where's the fun in that!?
Where's the competitiveness in that!?

Let's face it. We don't have a realistic chance at the Conference Championship, not to mention the League Championship.
However, we beat Lions Champion or very high seeds in scrimmage games consistently, the latest victims being Angola Dream and Nigeria Nightmares.
I know it didn't mean much because they are scrimmages, but it means something for me to consider what Elephant Conference will be without USAORG/LOL.

Take Zambia Zombies as an example.
They won AAA and got promoted to APL last season.
They are a great team and very organized, and it doesn't need any more proof.

And now they are on the verge of disbanding. It will happen as soon as the end of Season 6.

Take Tsavo Maneaters as an example.
They are a great team to start with in APL snice Season 3. They recruit very well. They have great gameplan because they beat us and most other teams consistently.

See where they are now??

I do think my team have a realistic chance to beat Tsavo Maneaters or Zambia Zombies.
Guess it will make it "competitive".
Too bad I will never have the chance to prove it against Maneaters, and will only have 1 season left with Zombies.

It makes me feel sad about APL.
Please don't tell me to sell my team and leave APL, because I'm sure some people will start saying bad things to me.

I see not many people are picking up on me or blasting me, and I deeply appreciate it.

I think teams and players should stop arguing with each other, and start thinking what we're saying.
your right, they should disband LOL and divide up the players among the rest of the APL in the name of competition.
Originally posted by zbuckley
your right, they should disband LOL and divide up the players among the rest of the APL in the name of competition.

That would sure make the APL very competitive, great suggestion...Although I would feel bad for the LOL members who are friends...I think a better suggestion would be for Hokie to ask to be placed in a conference that would be competitive for the Borg.

Great post Byang.....Let me ask you Byang ever notice that you or I have never once ripped on a new APL team....Although the Org likes to twist it to make it look like I am???? Also it is fun to see that everytime a new team comes to the APL, one of the Borg members are the first to say hi, welcome to the APL, man more great competitive teams are here....When they are really thinking...yes, more AAA teams who think they are so good, can not wait to slaughter them...Like lambs to the slaughter house.....
Again great post Byang.
Originally posted by BYANG

As a fellow team owner in APL, please think about it when you pass judgments on another team.

Best part of the post. Too bad you can't do as you suggest.
Originally posted by SheVegas
Originally posted by zbuckley

your right, they should disband LOL and divide up the players among the rest of the APL in the name of competition.

That would sure make the APL very competitive, great suggestion...Although I would feel bad for the LOL members who are friends...I think a better suggestion would be for Hokie to ask to be placed in a conference that would be competitive for the Borg.

Great post Byang.....Let me ask you Byang ever notice that you or I have never once ripped on a new APL team....Although the Org likes to twist it to make it look like I am???? Also it is fun to see that everytime a new team comes to the APL, one of the Borg members are the first to say hi, welcome to the APL, man more great competitive teams are here....When they are really thinking...yes, more AAA teams who think they are so good, can not wait to slaughter them...Like lambs to the slaughter house.....
Again great post Byang.

I can see why hokie has stopped responding to your posts. He's far smarter than I and I just can't help myself LOL.

Originally posted by zbuckley
your right, they should disband LOL and divide up the players among the rest of the APL in the name of competition.

"wealth redistribution" eh?
Originally posted by MattyP
Originally posted by zbuckley

your right, they should disband LOL and divide up the players among the rest of the APL in the name of competition.

"wealth redistribution" eh?

yeah it's only fair
What do you want us to do BYANG? Disband our team so that someone else will get a shot?

And I'm serious here, not trying to flame you. What is your suggestion?
How does getting rid of the competition make a league more competitive?

I've always wondered this.

Edit: And no, this isn't just because I'm on the LOLs right now. I was the same way the last two seasons with the 'Yotes.

E2: And this isn't an admonition of your post, BYANG. I personally think it's a pretty good idea. This is to the people that say, instead of finding a way to beat the top teams, the top teams should just leave so that there's (though they won't say it) less competition and they'll have more of a chance to win.
Last edited Oct 31, 2008 07:22:39
Also BYANG the only people we laugh at are those associated with ABD...
Originally posted by soapbox
How does getting rid of the competition make a league more competitive?

I've always wondered this.

Edit: And no, this isn't just because I'm on the LOLs right now. I was the same way the last two seasons with the 'Yotes.

E2: And this isn't an admonition of your post, BYANG. I personally think it's a pretty good idea. This is to the people that say, instead of finding a way to beat the top teams, the top teams should just leave so that there's (though they won't say it) less competition and they'll have more of a chance to win.

Lets say you Have a 500 pound sumo wrestler with 15 other 100 pound wrestlers.....That league is not competitve because the 500 pound wrestler always wins the league....By having the 500 pound wrestler join a league with other 500 pound wrestlers...It would make the league more competitive...Does that make sense???
Originally posted by MattyP
Also BYANG the only people we laugh at are those associated with ABD...

See Byang you can try your best, but they won't hate you.....I have the special touch of making the Borg look stupid, and they know it, that is why I get the hate.....Hate me all you want, but I love me some me!!!
Originally posted by SheVegas
Originally posted by soapbox

How does getting rid of the competition make a league more competitive?

I've always wondered this.

Edit: And no, this isn't just because I'm on the LOLs right now. I was the same way the last two seasons with the 'Yotes.

E2: And this isn't an admonition of your post, BYANG. I personally think it's a pretty good idea. This is to the people that say, instead of finding a way to beat the top teams, the top teams should just leave so that there's (though they won't say it) less competition and they'll have more of a chance to win.

Lets say you Have a 500 pound sumo wrestler with 15 other 100 pound wrestlers.....That league is not competitve because the 500 pound wrestler always wins the league....By having the 500 pound wrestler join a league with other 500 pound wrestlers...It would make the league more competitive...Does that make sense???

To call that uncompetitive is a bit misleading. It's not the 500lb dude that's not competitive. It's the 100lb guys.

But what you're saying is also misleading for another reason. This is a pro league... it's where the best come to play. In real life, a good example of a pro league might be the NFL. Let's go with that analogy.

Should the Steelers of the 70s or the 49ers of the 80s (or the Packers of the 60s or the Browns of the 50s) move to another pro league because they were so dominant in that era (Steelers won 4, 49ers won 3, Packers won like 8, Browns won a bunch too)? It's a pro league, so of course not! If the best are the best, they shouldn't be faulted for their success.

Or, since you might say there's no draft, what about college? USC wins the Pac-10 pretty much anually nowadays. Should they move into another conference? Should the teams at the bottom of each BCS conference form their own conference to make things more even?

It sounds like you're saying that (using the analogy) USC and WSU wasn't a competitive game because USC wouldn't let it be competitive (because they were too good). However, the game wasn't evenly matched because USC was competitive and WSU wasn't able to compete.

In AAA or below, I'd certainly agree that the top teams should move up a league, but to be forced out of a region's PRO league because they're too good for the other PRO teams? A Pro league is supposed to be the highest level of competition, and I think everyone would agree that Lake Opeta is in the group of the highest level of competition in the Africa leagues.

This is all I have to say about the subject. I may or may not address questions (I will if they're good questions), and I'm expecting most of this post to be ignored. However, repeating it multiple times won't do any better so now that you have my opinion, I'm out. I don't think most of the argument that LOL should leave the APL is about an intellectual debate anyways.
Originally posted by SheVegas
Originally posted by MattyP

Also BYANG the only people we laugh at are those associated with ABD...

See Byang you can try your best, but they won't hate you.....I have the special touch of making the Borg look stupid, and they know it, that is why I get the hate.....Hate me all you want, but I love me some me!!!

We don't "hate" you. It's an internet game, loldots.

Here's why we laugh at you: because you continue to make an ass of yourself.

BYANG has his views and is entitled to them (as you are yours) but he's doesn't come across as a moron, he doesn't try to flame and derail everything, etc.

EDIT: well in the intent of trying to clean up the forum and not scare off any more potental posters, I think I'm going to go soapbox's route and try to stop responding to this garbage. Anyone that wants my views on the matter, well ... you can look around the forum and find them pretty easily.

Anyone that wants to have a civilized discussion on ths subject: go ahead, I might add something, I might not.
Last edited Oct 31, 2008 08:07:43

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