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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #3 > Playoff Prediction Thread!!!
Ok, so I wasn't sure whether or not I would predict the whole playoffs right here and now, or do them after each round. I will start them now, and if you guys decide by tonight that you want to see the whole playoff prediction by tonight, I will go ahead and do them as well. So, without further ado, here comes round 1. Starting in the West, as the West is the Best!

#1 MN v. #8 Panthers: These two teams played fairly early on in the season, and it was a pretty decisive victory for MN, as they won it 34-15. The Panthers have a new DC, and soemthing tells me that they are going to study the hell out of that game. I don't think it will really matter, but this matchup should be closer. MN wins 35-24

#2 Austin v. #6 More: Austin won the first matchup in what appears to be somewhat of a defensive battle, 21-6. More has really battled back to have a better season than last, although they lost a couple they probably shouldn't have. They will have a chance at an upset, but will lose by 7 in a shootout. Austin 42-31

#3 BYB v. #6 Omaha: These two teams have somewhat of a storied rivalry since the BDB's joined the league in season 4. Omaha beat them in the regular season a few short games ago 50-35. BYB has a new DC, and showed that their defense may be a little bit stiffer losing a scrimmage after the beatdown by 7 in OT. Omaha has the alltime record against knudson and co. 4-0. Will this mark go to 5-0? Omaha has never made it out of the first round, but with the addition of a defensive genius working with a master scout, Omaha will pull out all stops and win this one in a close contest. Omaha 31-24

#4 Rocky v. #5 Gotham: Rocky has shown two different sides to them this season. They have shown that they can blow out good teams, but lose to teams they maybe shouldn't. Not as bad as in the past, but they are a definite force this season. In the matchup this season between these 2, Rocky pulled out a 24-22 victory. I think Gotham knows what to expect. Can Rocky be a two dimensional team, or can they just throw? Gotham gets revenge and moves up to round 2. Gotham 31-24

Now onto the East

#1 NC v. #8 Dayton: NC absolutely dominated Dayton in their matchup this season 63-7. If that isn't a bitchslap, I don't know what it! NC won't have any trouble here. Akleine, this cockslap's for you bro! NC 42-3 (kidding kleine. gives the readers something to chuckle at!

#2 4C's v. NY: This game wasn't really all that close either in the regular season, with the Hershey Kisses winning it 37-14. NY has just been horrible against some of the better competition, struggling to make it to the playoffs. They're going to struggle to keep this from getting ugly quick. 4C's 38-10

#3 Stoners v. #6 DSBC: Ezo, what's going on there bud? You guys were preseason fav's for awhile until we saw how dominant the Nudists were, and you even played them very close. You lost a couple to some good teams, losing to this Stoner team 20-13. Issues with the d al settings can certainly cost you games you should win (see Omaha, LOL). Stoners absolutely hate me and my rankings, and will continue to do so after this one. I really think Ezo and co. will have their shit straight for this one, and will win it in a close battle 21-17

#4 DC v. #5 TriCity: In their matchup, this game came down to the wire, with DC holding onto a 1 point victory. DC has been considerably better than season's past, but still cannot seem to really handle the great teams of the league. TriCity will pull off the upset, if you can call it that, and win this one by at least 7! Tricity 35-24

There you have it folks! Don't be pissed if I am right. Don't be pissed if I'm wrong. Take it for what you will, and good luck to all in the playoffs! Knudson, you've got a big fuckin target on your back! Omaha's coming to kick BYB's ass for the 5th game in a row!

come one shake...what would this league be w/out you next season?

but only 42-3? What's up with that?
Last edited Oct 22, 2008 17:03:07
Originally posted by keith_dude

come one shake...what would this league be w/out you next season?

but only 42-3? What's up with that?

Taking into account the playoff sims! Everybody knows they are screwy!
here he goes, preparing his excuses.........
Damn... We got a crappy matchup. We still have never beaten Austin, and we've never lost in the first round of the playoffs... I think one of those streaks is about to end.
Originally posted by ShakeNBake
here he goes, preparing his excuses.........

No excuses at all. We're going to win tomorrow! Everybody on GLB who has made it to the playoffs knows that the sims are much different than regular season.
Originally posted by HSKRCHMPS
Originally posted by ShakeNBake

here he goes, preparing his excuses.........

No excuses at all. We're going to win tomorrow! Everybody on GLB who has made it to the playoffs knows that the sims are much different than regular season.

ya some of us have won a bunch of playoff games and lived through them



If the BYB lose tomorrow I am going to cut myself.

On the other hand, if we win, HSKR is gonna cut himself.

I think Nebraska HSKRS show up in this game~ BYB by 10!
BSB by 3
Originally posted by HSKRCHMPS
Originally posted by ShakeNBake

here he goes, preparing his excuses.........

No excuses at all. We're going to win tomorrow! Everybody on GLB who has made it to the playoffs knows that the sims are much different than regular season.

so you think bort changes the sim code for the playoffs? interesting......
Good luck everyone!

exceptions being the Brew Crew
Originally posted by ShakeNBake
Originally posted by HSKRCHMPS

Originally posted by ShakeNBake

here he goes, preparing his excuses.........

No excuses at all. We're going to win tomorrow! Everybody on GLB who has made it to the playoffs knows that the sims are much different than regular season.

so you think bort changes the sim code for the playoffs? interesting......

No. I don't.

Some of the SA's are dependent on "clutch" I do wonder if maybe a big game would be "clutch".
I would just like to beat Austin once in umpteen tries....
STONERS BABY!!!!!! no way we going out like willy lump lump!

ya playoffs are crazy....1 season my other team hollywood stars were undefeated....we got upset in the first round...crazy shit!
Last edited Oct 23, 2008 00:11:56

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