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Great interconference matchups today! Let's see if the West will win it!

Comp v. Chi: Hmmm..I think Chicago will still win this even though they are a cpu team. LOL

Austin v. Tri: Should be good for a little while, but I think Austin will pull it out

RR v. KS: Red raiders should add another victory here

4C's v. Rocky: Can the Chocolate Highway stop the passing attack? This will be a close one, but 4C's wins it

Angels v. El Paso: El Paso should win this easily

Slayers v. Vegas: Slayers should be able to pull this out as well

Gotham v. DC: Another great matchup. DC has been a tough team, but not against better competition. I look for Gotham to win this

More v. Turin: Nice warm up game for the playoffs for More.

Brew v. Ags: Brew will handle these guys, hopefully!

NY v. Mojave: Nice stat game coming for NY

Shelby v. Pirates: Could be a good game, although I look for Shelby to handle busines

BYB v. Dayton: Good matchup here for maybe the 1st half, by BYB will pull through and win this pretty convincingly

NC v. Psychos: Sorry Psychos, but this won't be close. Another cockslap coming up!

Omaha v. Cinci: Who will change their avatar? A lot of build up here. Cinci has beaten a couple of pretty damn good teams in the Brew and Tri, but can they beat Omaha, whose won 5 straight? Sorry, but I'm going with Omaha here

Panthers v. Rebels: Panthers will dominate here!

MN v. Lewiston: Could it be any easier? Another stat game for MN!

Sorry guys. Not the typical write up, but I've been busy at work today. Wanted to get something up. GL with your games, and let the Stoner flames begin!
Nice write up! I think Rocky will win though. Today will prove that the West is better!
What would be interesting is West Vs East wins.... something tells me it will be pretty lopsided to the west!
We did the west versus east a couple of seasons ago and the east won most of the games...but the ones that the west won were dominating performances (and the west won the one that matters, the Championship).
Originally posted by sew3663
We did the west versus east a couple of seasons ago and the east won most of the games...but the ones that the west won were dominating performances (and the west won the one that matters, the Championship).

All in all, it really don't matter, thats why we play the games, right now the Nudists are undefeated, I did not expect this and we have went through some tough opponents to get here and I think we would fair pretty well with most teams the West has to offer, I know there is a undefeated team in the West also, and I look forward to the possibility of playing them

Now lets get ready for the Playoffs...hopefully it gets started on time, I have a feeling the Stoners are going to be asking to delay the games a few days so they can figure out what the hell is going on in Cincinnati...
Originally posted by robjay08
Originally posted by sew3663

We did the west versus east a couple of seasons ago and the east won most of the games...but the ones that the west won were dominating performances (and the west won the one that matters, the Championship).

All in all, it really don't matter, thats why we play the games, right now the Nudists are undefeated, I did not expect this and we have went through some tough opponents to get here and I think we would fair pretty well with most teams the West has to offer, I know there is a undefeated team in the West also, and I look forward to the possibility of playing them

Now lets get ready for the Playoffs...hopefully it gets started on time, I have a feeling the Stoners are going to be asking to delay the games a few days so they can figure out what the hell is going on in Cincinnati...

It'd do them better to have figured out what was going on in Omaha before the last game.
West is now proven to be better than the east! And just to add something in... Minnesota Im sorry that we have to end your 33 game win streak. Im sorry but we deserve to move up to AA so we are going to have to eliminate you in round 1. Go Panthers! (And Dolphins)
Originally posted by Dolfan03041992
West is now proven to be better than the east! And just to add something in... Minnesota Im sorry that we have to end your 33 game win streak. Im sorry but we deserve to move up to AA so we are going to have to eliminate you in round 1. Go Panthers! (And Dolphins)

You dissapear when your team starts losing and now your back, welcome back..

Anyways, unless the entire West went up against the Nudists, you never know whos better :-D
No I disappeared because of College Entrance Exams and trying to decide what to do with my career as a TE (deciding whether or not to accept a scholarship to Ball St) so I have been busy. And we will show you who is better when we meet you in the Championship game!
Originally posted by Dolfan03041992
No I disappeared because of College Entrance Exams and trying to decide what to do with my career as a TE (deciding whether or not to accept a scholarship to Ball St) so I have been busy. And we will show you who is better when we meet you in the Championship game!

Well thats a good excuse, best of luck with that...

Now Im just gonna wonder why you havent created a GLB TE
I did. I retired him when he was a lvl 10 because nobody would send me contract offers.
Originally posted by Dolfan03041992
No I disappeared because of College Entrance Exams and trying to decide what to do with my career as a TE (deciding whether or not to accept a scholarship to Ball St) so I have been busy. And we will show you who is better when we meet you in the Championship game!

You have to get past Omaha first dolfan! Last meeting, we dominated. 23 points if my memory serves me correct! GL in the playoffs to all teams! We're gunning for ya!
Originally posted by robjay08
Originally posted by sew3663

We did the west versus east a couple of seasons ago and the east won most of the games...but the ones that the west won were dominating performances (and the west won the one that matters, the Championship).

All in all, it really don't matter, thats why we play the games, right now the Nudists are undefeated, I did not expect this and we have went through some tough opponents to get here and I think we would fair pretty well with most teams the West has to offer, I know there is a undefeated team in the West also, and I look forward to the possibility of playing them

Now lets get ready for the Playoffs...hopefully it gets started on time, I have a feeling the Stoners are going to be asking to delay the games a few days so they can figure out what the hell is going on in Cincinnati...

Nudist, however profane, have an excellent team.
Where's KT? I knows he's online! LOL None of the 3 that have talked the most have checked in yet? WTF? LOL
Originally posted by HSKRCHMPS
Where's KT? I knows he's online! LOL None of the 3 that have talked the most have checked in yet? WTF? LOL

They came, saw, and ran away. I'd be embarrassed.

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