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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #3 > Week 14 Predictions!! Surprise Surprise!!
Starting off with the West, we've got really only a couple of good matchups. The others are pretty insignificant games. Here goes nothin...

Austin v. RR: The Red Raiders just haven't been themselves this season. They have always been able to pull off some upsets, but sorry guys, not happening tomorrow.

BYB v. Snipers: Can the Boys bounce back after their loss to Omaha? The Snipers have one of the premier passing games in the league. This should be a great matchup, but sorry knudson. I think the Snipers will pull this out.

Psychos v. Compton: It's Compton. What more is there to say?

More v. Vegas: A good game for More to fine tune their al's in time for MN! Trust me! You'll need it!

Angels v. Ags: Two bad teams, but I think the Aggies will pull this one out.

Pirates v. MN: Pirates have been one of the whipping boys of the West, and well, MN has been the best one to hand them out.

Gotham v. Mojave: Gotham has a nice stat game, and should be able to get things running right for the playoffs.

Perhaps one of the more intriguing matchups of the league, Omaha v. Panthers. No, I'm not saying this because well, it's Omaha. This game has big implications for both teams in the playoff race these last few games. Omaha really only needs 1 win to lock up a playoff spot, and with Cochamba coming up next, well, it's pretty much a done deal. The Panthers are trying to secure the final homefield spot to get those extra Benjamins. Over the past two seasons, the Panthers have had Omaha's number, knocking them out of the playoffs both seasons rather prematurely. Omaha's feeling pretty damn good right now after dismantling the BYB, then #2 in the West. The addition of the new D Al and coordinator have proven to be great for the team. I think, and this is no homerism, that Omaha will pull this one out in a nail biter. Last week, Enright made a 57.5 yard FG for Omaha, and he could be the difference maker tomorrow!

Now onto the East. There are a couple of great matchups, so let's get down to it.

4C's v. Dayton: Dayton has been very quiet, and as stated before, it has to been to their advantage. I look for them to play 4c's close, but won't be able to hang on. 4C's win it in the 4th.

Rebels v. Slayers: A mediocre team against an underachieving team. Slayers will win this one, but neither team will play all that great. The numbers won't tell the whole story!

NC v. Turin: If only mewelde were still the owner of Turin! Not only would this be a great game, but it would be pretty sweet to see how badly Turin get's cockslapped up and down the field! The Nudists are just to dirty to be beaten right now. The sight of floppin cocks scares the shit out of Turin, sending them running off the field. They forfeit, as have others. Robjay and co. start a chant, calling for nakedness all over the stadium. Commissioner Hskrchmps is forced to make a ruling, much to the surprise of the rest of the league. All though he has enjoyed their antics, he has called for them to be removed at the conclusion of the playoffs.

NY v. El Paso: NY should handle this one, although El Paso has been steadily improving. This could be close for awhile.

Shelby v. DC: DC destroyed the Crew last week, regardless of what was done with the Al. Shelby will be no match here.

Kansas v. Chitown: Kansas, you're lucky there are cpu owned.

Tri v. Raiders: TriCity will take these guys out fairly easily

Now, onto the main event of the league this week. We even have a couple of celebrities on hand to watch this one. Standing over on the Stoners sideline is none other that Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong! They brought some hydroponic shit for the Stoners to smoke on. Much to everybody's surprise, it was laced with some psychadelic dust. The Stoners thought they would be ok, so we'll see. On the Brew Crew's sideline, none other than Mike Ditka. Ezo and co. have been working with the HOF coach to improve their defensive strategies. Mike brought some old Cubans and a bottle of booze for their little playbook party. Let's get ready to rumble.

Close matchup the first half. A shootout if you will. Although this one is coming down to defense. The second half, Ezo breaks out some tricks. Factor in the trip that the Stoners have embarked on, and Ezo's playcalling, the Brew Crew start to slowly pull away. The Stoners begin to sober up in the 4th, mounting a comeback. Big defensive play by the Crew end any chance of a comeback. The Crew win this in a nailbiter by 7 or less. The Stoners lose their 3rd in a row. Blame is put on KT for his early season smack talk. Toric loses it, beats him to death with a bong. Sorry KT.

Happy reading all. Sorry, didn't have time for the PR's, but then again, they would've probably been flamed as well by Toric and crew. Good luck to all in your games tomorrow! Can't wait for the playoffs!
lol you are having just too much fun with your predictions since a bunch of naked men have joined the league
Originally posted by robjay08
lol you are having just too much fun with your predictions since a bunch of naked men have joined the league

Yeah, you guys crack me up
Well shit, I was hoping you picked us

I knew better though

One of these times we're gonna prove you wrong, and then.......... you will get mounds of shit thrown upon you!

Thanks for the write-up! Great job boss!
Originally posted by ShakeNBake
Well shit, I was hoping you picked us

I knew better though

One of these times we're gonna prove you wrong, and then.......... you will get mounds of shit thrown upon you!

Thanks for the write-up! Great job boss!

Hey now! I've picked you guys quite a bit. If I smell upset, I have to go with it! Come on now! I told you all if you prove me wrong, I will tell you how good you really are!
wow you are quick hskrchmps, you replied to my response in 32 seconds LOL...I posted it then I looked and seen a somebody has there cursor on the refresh button...haha
Not at all! I'm actually chasin Shake's responses and laughin my ass off!
lol, keep chasin, I'm behind, got some personal things goin on

It's like your trying to hard Husker.
Good game Panters! Didn't count on such a lopsided victory! Saw the Stoners won as well. Congrats guys! Unless you play the Nudists or Omaha, you got my vote!
Originally posted by HSKRCHMPS
Good game Panters! Didn't count on such a lopsided victory! Saw the Stoners won as well. Congrats guys! Unless you play the Nudists or Omaha, you got my vote!

Stalkers always admire there prey! We know we have your vote..

Thrilled to prove you wrong yet again
Last edited Oct 17, 2008 10:54:07
I really don't admire you guys. I was right the last two weeks, and will hope you win your next game as well. It would be nice to beat a 2 loss team right before playoffs start! GL next week, not that you'll need it. Should be an easy victory for you all!
gg brew crew...from the playbook of the scored late which made it closer then it really

but next Husker!!
Originally posted by Robm78
gg brew crew...from the playbook of the scored late which made it closer then it really

but next Husker!!

actually we played another shitty game and should have been beaten by 40.
eh...simulation game... anything can happen

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