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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #3 > Wow....thanks CCCCC
Good job guys. Maybe that'll shut 'em up.

Hopefully we can follow suit next week so they have yet another reason to shut up.
B I T E M E !!!!!

Anybody can drop one game, you think that's gonna shut us up? PSHHHHH

The Nudists are goin down!
dude no bears fan should be talking smack right now.. .. Honest

damm that was one tough team for sure.. we live we learn and we move on.

and we get ready for the next game.
lol shut us up? have to do a lil more then that.....on top of....reg season games me shizzle....all about the playoffs.

Looking forward to the game, guys.

'course, even if we manage to somehow go 16-0, we still have to get by some tough games in the playoffs to even get to the big game. Not trying to be cocky...just having fun.
thats what we all about!!! fun!!! YOU STILL GOIN DOWN!
Mike Jay
We took a beating for sure. It's ok that's how we learn and get better.
Originally posted by ShakeNBake
B I T E M E !!!!!

Anybody can drop one game, you think that's gonna shut us up? PSHHHHH

The Nudists are goin down!

Seems as though with the nutlashing that's been going on this season in the East, it hasn't been the Nudists going down on, I mean to, anyone! Stoners, you're next!
Last edited Oct 14, 2008 07:38:20
Originally posted by ShakeNBake
B I T E M E !!!!!

Anybody can drop one game, you think that's gonna shut us up? PSHHHHH

The Nudists are goin down!

nudist are going down? no
Originally posted by keith_dude

Looking forward to the game, guys.

'course, even if we manage to somehow go 16-0, we still have to get by some tough games in the playoffs to even get to the big game. Not trying to be cocky...just having fun.

keith cocky is ok bro you guys have a great team! were going to try to dent that damm 16-0 thing but it's cool as hell to have a good fight going on..

but the shut us up part . thats not gonna work.. we like to hear ourselves talk too much for that. and it pisses off that guy with the pink logo so you know we can't stop

anyway good luck this game. were gunning for this one.. I'm sure you are as well..
Originally posted by Toric
Originally posted by keith_dude

Looking forward to the game, guys.

'course, even if we manage to somehow go 16-0, we still have to get by some tough games in the playoffs to even get to the big game. Not trying to be cocky...just having fun.

keith cocky is ok bro you guys have a great team! were going to try to dent that damm 16-0 thing but it's cool as hell to have a good fight going on..

but the shut us up part . thats not gonna work.. we like to hear ourselves talk too much for that. and it pisses off that guy with the pink logo so you know we can't stop

anyway good luck this game. were gunning for this one.. I'm sure you are as well..

Obviously, the weed you're puffin on isn't helpin your cataracts. My logo isn't pink. I don't mind your shit talking. You guys have lightened up the board! Bout time too!
Originally posted by HSKRCHMPS
Originally posted by Toric

Originally posted by keith_dude

Looking forward to the game, guys.

'course, even if we manage to somehow go 16-0, we still have to get by some tough games in the playoffs to even get to the big game. Not trying to be cocky...just having fun.

keith cocky is ok bro you guys have a great team! were going to try to dent that damm 16-0 thing but it's cool as hell to have a good fight going on..

but the shut us up part . thats not gonna work.. we like to hear ourselves talk too much for that. and it pisses off that guy with the pink logo so you know we can't stop

anyway good luck this game. were gunning for this one.. I'm sure you are as well..

Obviously, the weed you're puffin on isn't helpin your cataracts. My logo isn't pink. I don't mind your shit talking. You guys have lightened up the board! Bout time too!

I noticed you changed the background so your logo didn't look SO pink... Still pinkish though. Sorry bro.
You know. I don't know why it looks that way to you all. Clearly looks red to me, but trying to get pics off of google images doesn't make it the easiest, considering we can only have pics so big. Any suggestions or help would be great!
Mike Jay
My suggestion:

make it less pink

speaking off lighting up the boards....

that's what us Stoner's do. We light it up! It makes the ass kicking we just received sooo much more palatable. I blame the ass kicking on the steady diet of creampuffs we had been feed up until that point. We got fat and lazy

yeah it looks red to me too

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