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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #3 > Week 12 - Predictions

Where are they? I can't wait to see this weeks!
well he predicted we would lose to the cha cha's earlier this season so there is the answer you're looking for.
Don't worry fellas. They will be up this evening
The moment has come. Hold on to your beers. Time to see the weekly predictions! We've got some good matchups tomorrow. Here goes, starting with the West!

Omaha v. Angels: Omaha still has some tough ones coming up, so this will be a good tune up game to get ready for 3 of the top teams in the league.

Rocky v. RR: This should be a pretty good matchup. If the RR's can pull an NU this weekend and slow down the potent attack of the Sniper's passing attack, they could have a chance at an upset. It will be close for awhile, but Rocky will pull it off.

Pirates v. Vegas: Vegas is pretty weak, but so is Cochamba. I think the Pirates win this one, but it will be fairly close.

More v. Mojave: Looking into my crystal ball, I see this one over by the end of the 1st. Sorry Mojave, you would have better luck in the D Leagues.

Compton v. Austin: Could we have our first 300 point victory? It will be tough, but if anybody could do it, Austin can!

MN v. Psychos: Sorry Psychos. You all have a good team and are a class act, but I don't think anybody can stop these guys right now.

Gotham v. Ags: Gotham should also handle their business quite easily

BYB v. Syndicate: There's been a lot of trash talk leading up to this one, mainly coming from the new DC of the Panthers. Of course, knudson has been able to get in his shots as well. BYB show why they only have 1 loss, although this will be close. Don't worry though. I have a feeling Omaha will quiet Backdoor Knudson soon!

Now onto the East. I have caught quite a bit of criticism from the likes of folks regarding my predictions. Let's see if I'm a little bit more accurate (not that I haven't been). We have a great matchup tomorrow between two great teams in the East.

Rebels v. Kansas: A tale of two losers. This is tough to pick, but if I have to pick one, I'm picking Kansas

NC v. DC: Although DC has gotten better over the season, I just don't think that they have what it takes to hang. The Nudists, who have been compared to the cavemen from the Geico commercials, were caught swangin their things. JoeVandal and co. were utterly disgusted, losing their pre-game meals. The sick feeling hung around throughout the game, and the scoreboard showed at the final tick.

El Paso v. Chicago: El Paso has been one of those teams who have made great strides, and should have a good game to pad stats tomorrow.

DSBC v. Tricity: This has been a classic matchup between two of the greats in A3 history. Ezo and staff are very eager to get out of this league, as am I! LOL Sorry, Cardinals. Great group of players, but the Brew Crew pull out all stops here!

Shelby v. Raiders: Shelby should have this one. They have played pretty solid, and don't look to be upset here.

NY v. Turin: Had the Turin ownership stuck around, this would have been a pretty good game. Now, it's a stat game for NY

Slayers v. Dayton: This should be a pretty good game! Both teams have been fairly competitive in their days in A3. I look for this to be a close one, with Dayton winning it in the end.

And in our main event of the day, we have those loud mouth pot heads from Cinci in the pink corner. Standing in the brown corner, we have 4C's. This will be a great matchup between two of the best teams in the league. The Stoners have been talkin alot this season, but haven't had the most difficult of schedules. If they want to hang onto homefield advantage, they've certainly got their hands full, starting tomorrow. Alright guys, now for my prediction on this one. I think this will be a close matchup. The winner will likely be the team with the biggest plays and the fewest turnovers. Sorry Stoners, you're a great bunch of guys who make my ass laugh a ton, but I think your undefeated season ends here. It will be a close game, but I think 4C will be ready, and will pull it out in the 4th.

GL to all teams tomorrow. I look forward to reading your responses/flames, although I know the flames will come from Cinci. I'll tell you what, Stoners. You win this game tomorrow, and you got my vote!


Somehow I knew you would pick the Hershey Highway

We can't wait to prove you wrong

It's gonna be a great game but the Stoner's will pull it out 32-24 - Read it, smoke it, live it
Originally posted by ShakeNBake

Somehow I knew you would pick the Hershey Highway

We can't wait to prove you wrong

It's gonna be a great game but the Stoner's will pull it out 32-24 - Read it, smoke it, live it

I'd love to smoke it, but I'm not allowed to anymore! LOL You know how it goes! I really think it's going to be a good game. Had I maybe seen some of the teams you guys played last season (the top ones), and how you performed, it would be different. This is your first true test, even though you have played a couple of pretty good teams and were the victor! Win this, and I will be a believer! You still have some tough ones though. NC and Brew Crew just to name a couple. Not that Omaha is on their level, but I think we'll give you a game as well. At least I hope so! GL tomorrow bro!
Good luck, CCCC. Show us how it should be done.
Finally, we get tested, its about time!

I guess it's time to step it up a notch!

Good luck CCCC, it's gonna be a good one!
Compton v. Austin: Could we have our first 300 point victory? It will be tough, but if anybody could do it, Austin can!

They need 350, the Skulls scored 349
Originally posted by Minnsooner
Compton v. Austin: Could we have our first 300 point victory? It will be tough, but if anybody could do it, Austin can!

They need 350, the Skulls scored 349

Thanks for pointing that out. Didn't realize we had had a 300+ point performance.
I expected that stoner and 4c game to be a lot closer than that
I make sure when I trash talk that my team backs it up! I said we would shut down the BYB and we did. 24-17 Panthers! Watch for us in the playoffs
wow...great game cha cha's! I dont think anyone expected that big of a win.

Yeah, I didn't either. I thought it would be close. I would say Chocolate City found some weaknesses. Time for me to study that one! LOL
Originally posted by HSKRCHMPS
Yeah, I didn't either. I thought it would be close. I would say Chocolate City found some weaknesses. Time for me to study that one! LOL


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