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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #3 > vote for the new commisioner of usa a #3: me
hrskchmps has done a bad commisioner job because hes too sad to care anymore. his huskers got recked by mizzouri. chase daniel and them tigers are too good for those huskers.

please vote for me as the new commisioner because:

phillies fucking own, im not a husker fan, i am not overweight (just my center is), i have a itouch, i have a iphone, i used to work at a ice cream shop (fired because i threw ice cream at a customer), i dont like obama, vote for mccain, i speak spanish (im taking a high spanish class, even though im failing i still speak it )

also: i never got detention this year, and im smart
ok you get my vote
Originally posted by KtOwnsYou
im taking a high spanish class, even though im failing i still speak it

Perhaps your BEING high is making you fail it?
Originally posted by KtOwnsYou
also: and im smart

Last edited Oct 10, 2008 18:13:04
I can't trust a guy that brags about not being a Husker fan.
Originally posted by KtOwnsYou
hrskchmps has done a bad commissioner job because hes too sad to care anymore. His huskers got recked by missouri. Chase Daniel and those tigers are too good for the Huskers.

Please vote for me as the new commissioner because:

Phillies fucking own. I'm not a husker fan, I am not overweight (just my center), I have a itouch, I have a iphone, I used to work at a ice cream shop (fired because I threw ice cream at a customer), I don't like Obama, I'm voting for McCain, I speak Spanish (I'm taking a high Spanish class, even though I'm failing I still can speak Spanish )

also: I never received detention this year, and I'm smart

It's not perfect, but now it's readable
Last edited Oct 10, 2008 19:52:22
Originally posted by keith_dude
I can't trust a guy that brags about not being a Husker fan.

I can't trust a guy that speaks Spanish! Don't we already have too much of that to deal with? Besides, what does the Mizzou-NU game have to do with anything? I hear Baskin Robbins is hiring in your local neighborhoods. You should check them out!
I'm guessing there's about 90 other teams in Division 1 that Missouri would do the same thing to. I'm not too disappointed by that loss.
Originally posted by keith_dude
I'm guessing there's about 90 other teams in Division 1 that Missouri would do the same thing to. I'm not too disappointed by that loss.

That right there tells you a lot about how far the Nebraska program has stepped back.
Originally posted by lawdawg95
Originally posted by keith_dude

I'm guessing there's about 90 other teams in Division 1 that Missouri would do the same thing to. I'm not too disappointed by that loss.

That right there tells you a lot about how far the Nebraska program has stepped back.

That the Huskers can't beat a team that about 90 other teams can't beat?

We know the program is bad. callahan was an idiot, and ran it into the ground...but it's on its way back.
Last edited Oct 11, 2008 15:18:53
There's a difference between getting beat and getting absolutely throttled on your home field.

A Nebraska fan should never be "not too disappointed by" that kind of loss.

sad thing is...callahan kind of ruined it. we've had our moments of grieving. we know the Huskers are not the team they were in the 90's...or even the 80's.

We'll get back. It's going to take a year or two...but we'll get there.
Originally posted by lawdawg95
There's a difference between getting beat and getting absolutely throttled on your home field.

A Nebraska fan should never be "not too disappointed by" that kind of loss.

I'm calling Mizzou to win the National Title. They are a great team, and could beat anybody right now. Tough matchup tonight, but even putting up almost 400 yards of offense, NU couldn't get it done. Nearly took out the 7th ranked team on the road though!
that game was pretty amazing... I didn't think the Huskers had a chance going into the game, but they nearly pulled it off.

Maybe a bowl game is still a shot for us this year after all.
Originally posted by KtOwnsYou

phillies fucking own, im not a husker fan, i am not overweight (just my center is), i have a itouch, i have a iphone, i used to work at a ice cream shop (fired because i threw ice cream at a customer), i dont like obama, vote for mccain, i speak spanish (im taking a high spanish class, even though im failing i still speak it )

Why are you taking spanish when you can't write or present a coherent thought in English? Just saying....

BTW.... KT you have my vote for League Commissioner. That would be a riot!
Originally posted by HSKRCHMPS
I'm calling Mizzou to win the National Title. They are a great team, and could beat anybody right now. Tough matchup tonight, but even putting up almost 400 yards of offense, NU couldn't get it done. Nearly took out the 7th ranked team on the road though![/QUOTE

Now your emotions are bringing on A.O.R. This kinda thing is seldom seen in a man of your youth. It is usually seen in older age men, but recently on this forum you're seeing alot of Husker Fans coming down with it.

facts for A.O.R. provided by the Adult Onset Retardation foundation
Last edited Oct 13, 2008 14:47:00

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