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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #4 > Oh Shit! I almost forgot the Licks this week! Game 6
Ok - So, I'm leaving tomorrow for a nice 4 day fishing trip, so this will probably be it till Sunday night...

Bengals (4-1) Vs Raiders (0-5)

The Raiders are the BEST 0-5 team out there, the've had a tough schedule. But, they are still like a used tampon in the trash so far. Unfortunately, The Bengals will win this week.

Bengals 35(57) Raiders 17(31) +1 I shoulda remembered the shootout

Bolts (4-1) Vs Lesbians (1-4)

There is NO reason why the Lesbians can't suck out and beat the bolts. Except I've picked the upset already this week. The Lesbians have given up the halftime scissoring session this week, while the bolts are planning thier victory celebration.

Bolts 42(34) Lesbians 31 (20) +1

Squirrels (4-1) Vs Sidewinders (0-5)

The Sidewinders will keep Nic company in the cellar again, as they will be left slithering back after being trampled by the Squirrels.

Squirrels 48(31) Sidewinders 13(6) +1

Greyhounds (3-2) Vs Cougars (2-3)

This will be a good game, if you like crazy orgies filled with fat chicks. What does that reference too? I dont know, but it sounded good. The greyhounds will keep pace wiht the cougars, and chase them like a fake rabbit.

Greyhounds 54 (35) Cougars 43 (6) +1

Alcoholics (3-2) Vs Lynchberg Lightning (0-5) (Was the!)

The Boozers will puke on the lightning, making a horrible hissing sound as they fizzle out. The Hawks/Lighting, threw me off by changing team names, so I will give this win to the Alcoholics

Alcoholics 56(23) Lightning 12(7) +1

"Strap On" Game of the week:

Wildcats (5-0) Vs Naturals (5-0)

Wow...this should be as good as watching a Jenna Jameson on another girl flick! One team will have a shot at being perfect, the other will be looking up a skirt for the rest of the season. Who will it be? Level wise, it looks like the Nat's are ready, but...

Wildcats 27(30) Naturals 23(10) +1

"Out of the Closet" Upset Special:


LUEshis (4-1) Vs Bigga Bois (1-4)

This has upset special written ALL over it. Sorry BB, but I have to put the challange to you. IF you are bigga bois, you WILL rip the heads off the LUEshis and crap down thier neck.

Bigga Bois 27(12) LUEshis 24 (34) -1 of course

"Lick" of the week:

Nation (4-1) Vs Nic (0-5)

WHEN WILL SOMEONE LEAVE THIS CELLAR RACE??? When they play each other, and Nic will be left drinking wall beers with cigarette butts in them.

Nation 93(77) Nic 6(3)

There ya have it - 29-11 so far this year, 1-4 in Upsets. I think I'll be 1-5.

And yes, I still have this avatar. I think it's sticking!

If I dont talk to ya's, have a safe weekend, and drink ALOT of milk for strong bones. Not BONERS Domer, Bones...

Yep..1-5 in upsets. 37-12 So far this year. Have been easy games. If I can, ill try to do game 7, if not...ahve a great weekend.
Last edited Oct 2, 2008 16:04:42
Why not just post aterdays match ups as well. You know a two for one picks before you leave. Also how dare you tell the opponents your going fishing for a few days before you tell your fellow team "mates". On that note your fired on grounds of picking the Lesbians to lose again.
Sorry KC - It's a ploy. I'm really just getting drunk and spying on them.
naturals look forward to the challenge
I'm sure you do! It will be a good game. It was a coin flip, to be honest.
Originally posted by Legirard Von Drarigel
Sorry KC - It's a ploy. I'm really just getting drunk and spying on them.

You must be drunk becuase you just gave away your plow dumb@ss. You should be cut for that to. lol
Shit, just talk DC into cutting me...

Anyone need a newly specially equiped lvl 32 receiver with 99 Str, 99 blocking, 10 catching and 14 speed?
Were keeping the player but firing the agent. We found a way do not ask how. All the GM's came together and put it to a vote your fired as the WR GM but there is still hope for your other player in the farm team.
Originally posted by Legirard Von Drarigel
Shit, just talk DC into cutting me...

Never going to happen --you're stuck with us for life, just hope your player can hold up after our intense "team meetings"
Originally posted by StinkCheese
naturals look forward to the challenge

I look forward to the game today. I think you guys have us a little on player levels, probably not a lot, but you have us just the same. We're hoping to at least have a close game one way or another.

And so far, we have only one player who is boosting for our game today. I guess, everyone is saving their points to add to equipment. Bummer there, I was hoping to get at least a few.

We had one player last game who boosted. We won the last game, but I'm sure that's not the reason.

Man, no love for the Lynchburg Lightning. We may not win, but it can't be that bad of a loss. We've been closer to better teams. I took over the gutted Hawks midway last season and am scrapping to get this team up a notch. As you know, not fun resurrecting a dead team, but we've got a decent start. My kingdom for WRs above 25 and active.
Lets get em! Right, going fishing. You're just sniffing around your own locker room...
Looking forward to it Fandom. One interesting stat I noticed was the hurries and sacks TC has racked up against our O-Line giving up no sacks and only 2 hurries all season. I think this is the key to the game. But, maybe we're not giving you an opportunity to get to our QB because we're running. Then again, maybe we're using reverse psychology. Or maybe even double reverse psychology which would just be psychology in the first place.
Originally posted by xnahog
Looking forward to it Fandom. One interesting stat I noticed was the hurries and sacks TC has racked up against our O-Line giving up no sacks and only 2 hurries all season. I think this is the key to the game. But, maybe we're not giving you an opportunity to get to our QB because we're running. Then again, maybe we're using reverse psychology. Or maybe even double reverse psychology which would just be psychology in the first place.

This was the first time against A. Brown. Not sure if any O-Line cn handle him.

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