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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #2 > Please show support for this idea before bort picks out what he is doing for next season. It effects YOU!
Here is the link...

Bort didnt like the 64 team idea... so it was redone to reflect 32 team leagues. NFL style, system with divisions, playing each of the teams in your division 2 times a season 1 home 1 away, increase of 4 teams promoted and 8 regulated. drawn out here.

Add your 2 cents into the post, support or hate of it, either way.

Last edited Sep 27, 2008 11:47:30
either way thats whats gonna happen. theres really no discussion, bort is most def gonna do this NFL style I'm sure.
Originally posted by BerkeyTerps
either way thats whats gonna happen. theres really no discussion, bort is most def gonna do this NFL style I'm sure.

How are you so sure thats what he is gonna do? Has he leaked a post that he is leaning this way? If so thats great news. and could you show me this?
obviously i have nothing to show you... come on. it just seems that bort is discussing a lot about some sort of restructuring or polling or whatever and I'd be shocked to not see something happen and he seems to like the idea of the NFL style. and since bort is the boss... well... you know the rest.
Last edited Sep 27, 2008 08:39:03
Originally posted by BerkeyTerps
obviously i have nothing to show you... come on. it just seems that bort is discussing a lot about some sort of restructuring or polling or whatever and I'd be shocked to not see something happen and he seems to like the idea of the NFL style. and since bort is the boss... well... you know the rest.

I suggested the NFL style 2 seasons ago and it was shot down like a japanese zero vs a f22 raptor...

Im just wondering if he will lean that way. i just want people who like the idea to post on that forums they do and if people dont like it, say why and lets see if we as a whole glb community fight out and hammer out the best idea that most will enjoy.
yea i hear ya, not trying to be negative sorry. i've weighed in a few times, i really like the NFL style if those who want can keep our regions
The NFL style is perfect imo, and if it goes to that they should abolish relegations/promotions and such.
post how you feel on that post... add to that thread for ideas.
So has bort weighed in on this?

i made a different proposal since Stobies is different from mine on a different page.

And bort hasnt touched any of these posts yet.
i like promotions..
Bort doesn't give a shit what we think

hate to break it to you

We (Purple Dragons) were asked to put together a comprehensive list of things we felt would make the game improve overall. After brainstorming collectively about it for a couple week, William put together a large well thought out list with explanation on improvement ideas for the game.

Our best guess is he either deleted the email, or ignored it completely.

He's gonna do what he's gonna do, and there isn't a fuckin' thing we can say or do about it.

Want some advice? If you don't like it, do what we did;

Retire all of your players and start newbies with the Flex Point you get from doing so. Then live off of those "Free" Flex Points until you run out - at that time, evaluate the direction the game is going in and decide whether or not you want to "Buy" more Flex Points. If you don't like the new direction, stop buying them.

If enough people do that, Bort will start to listen.
Sik Wit It
yeah, but won't GLB be boring as shit if you do that?

I would rather stay competitive than get blown out every game. And I know you guys are slow-building and planning for the future, but eventually your guys are going to get bored of losing every game by 100+ and just quit. Well at least that's how I see it. I guess you guys can be really dedicated to this game, but it doesn't sound like it.
I guess to clear up my point:

You aren't going to win any votes with the developers while you're pumping money into their pockets buying Flex Points.

When you stop the flow of cash, they start listening more intently. Rather than starting up a thread and bitching about how you dislike the changes and direction, just stop spending money. If enough people stop spending money, the developers will listen.

If they don't, then what are you really losing?
Originally posted by Sik Wit It
yeah, but won't GLB be boring as shit if you do that?

I would rather stay competitive than get blown out every game. And I know you guys are slow-building and planning for the future, but eventually your guys are going to get bored of losing every game by 100+ and just quit. Well at least that's how I see it. I guess you guys can be really dedicated to this game, but it doesn't sound like it.

also, I would like to point out that we have BTB to keep us entertained until the dragons get competitive. Everyone on the team knew and agreed with the rebuild and we are all in for the long haul.

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