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Forum > South Atlantic Pro League > Africa Conference > TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONS II - SIGN UP ASAP

Cutoff should be Sunday. I don't have time to PM everyone this year, so you have to have your owner post in that thread. Any Pro team that made the playoffs in season 4 that wants to get in, can sign up, but I can't guarantee you will get in. The strength of this league just isn't quite on par with the other leagues yet. The USAORG team is a lock though if they want to mix it up with the big boys. Good luck.
Botswana has requested in...
What about a new Africa Pro Team that has won 2 championships and is the most winningest team in African History?
Originally posted by GSUFan513
What about a new Africa Pro Team that has won 2 championships and is the most winningest team in African History?

Originally posted by majech
Botswana has requested in...

There is a great forum for this thread:
Originally posted by majech
Botswana has requested in...


not quite up to the levels needed yet to compete with teams full of level 35's and level 36's.

Maybe next year...
Originally posted by Painmaker
There is a great forum for this thread:

no one goes to that forum. this one will do.
Originally posted by SteelersInsider
Originally posted by majech

Botswana has requested in...


not quite up to the levels needed yet to compete with teams full of level 35's and level 36's.

Maybe next year...


Tell the Monkeez or Outlaws or Ridgebacks, all of whom we beat despite being outleveled, that the Bugeaters are too low level to compete. Our "too low to compete" team has been the #2 seed in PRO LEAGUE playoffs in each year of its existence.

I see you have a Pro League team, Adriana Lima Beans, filled with level 33-36 players. According to your reasoning, surely our group of 25-29 scrubs can't hang with your 33-36 players. And I'm sure that you wouldn't have snubbed us if our "too low to complete" players were 33-36 instead of 25-29.

How about a scrimmage game between the Bugeaters and the Lima Beans? It only stands to reason that if we are beating the teams that we have been and after we REFRY your Lima Beans that we must NOT be “too low level to compete.” So what do you say? Lima Beans v Botswana?
Last edited Sep 29, 2008 08:15:49
I give Steelerinsider the credit for organizing this tourney. But this tourney is a joke.
Originally posted by majech

Tell the Monkeez or Outlaws or Ridgebacks, all of whom we beat despite being outleveled, that the Bugeaters are too low level to compete.

5 Damn INT's!!

Bad Game, I'm sure it will be better later on.

We got Simmed, enough said.
Originally posted by GSUFan513
What about a new Africa Pro Team that has won 2 championships and is the most winningest team in African History?

too bad you cant beat one of the more repected teams of the Lion conference

Happy GSUFan?
Last edited Sep 30, 2008 14:42:04
Originally posted by UncookedBacon22
Originally posted by GSUFan513

What about a new Africa Pro Team that has won 2 championships and is the most winningest team in African History?

too bad you cant beat one of the more better teams of the Lion conference

the more better teams? man I wish my english was 'more better'
Originally posted by GSUFan513
Originally posted by UncookedBacon22

Originally posted by GSUFan513

What about a new Africa Pro Team that has won 2 championships and is the most winningest team in African History?

too bad you cant beat one of the more better teams of the Lion conference

the more better teams? man I wish my english was 'more better'

Originally posted by GSUFan513
Originally posted by UncookedBacon22

Originally posted by GSUFan513

What about a new Africa Pro Team that has won 2 championships and is the most winningest team in African History?

too bad you cant beat one of the more better teams of the Lion conference

the more better teams? man I wish my english was 'more better'

Right along with your grammar?

Heads up. Sentence police just rolled in.
Last edited Oct 1, 2008 13:39:13
Originally posted by majech
Originally posted by SteelersInsider

Originally posted by majech

Botswana has requested in...


not quite up to the levels needed yet to compete with teams full of level 35's and level 36's.

Maybe next year...


Tell the Monkeez or Outlaws or Ridgebacks, all of whom we beat despite being outleveled, that the Bugeaters are too low level to compete. Our "too low to compete" team has been the #2 seed in PRO LEAGUE playoffs in each year of its existence.

I see you have a Pro League team, Adriana Lima Beans, filled with level 33-36 players. According to your reasoning, surely our group of 25-29 scrubs can't hang with your 33-36 players. And I'm sure that you wouldn't have snubbed us if our "too low to complete" players were 33-36 instead of 25-29.

How about a scrimmage game between the Bugeaters and the Lima Beans? It only stands to reason that if we are beating the teams that we have been and after we REFRY your Lima Beans that we must NOT be “too low level to compete.” So what do you say? Lima Beans v Botswana?


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