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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #4 > Game 3 Lesbian Licks for Western Conference
So, now that I see the LUElinks have thier panties in a bunch from Week 2 thread, maybe they'll turn into lesbians and scissor us? I'll leave that up to the owners....

NOW - Back to the vaggie sammiches...

Wildcats (2-0) Vs Cougars (1-1)

A CATFIGHT! JUST WHAT WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOR! But I have a feeling the wildcats are filling thier pillows with full soda cans to give some extra hurting. If you ask me, a jello wrestling match would be better and more exciting...

Wildcats 34 (50) Cougars 13 (13) +1

LUEshis (1-1) Vs Raiders (0-2)

Urban Undead? Never quite heard of a LUElink or a LUEshis, and after trying to read some about it, I got a headache. So - I know one thing - they will beat the raiders, and probably big. Sorry Raiders, you may stay in the cellar after this one.

LUEshis 56 (52) Raiders 10 (31) +1

Texas BB (1-1) Vs Greyhounds (1-1)

The Greyhounds come off a decisive victory last week, and are still chasing the rabbit. It is going into the BB endzone this week. Alot. BB will try to chase the Greyounds, but the sound of the zippers will only scare the greyhounds more. HINT TO BB: Wear a Kilt next time!

Greyhounds 42 (27) BB 28 (0) +1

Bolts (2-0) Vs Sidewinders (0-2)

The Bolts, coming off a big win agains the alcohoics, will find a much easier week. The only rattle the sidewinders will have left will be the ones in thier hands as they go "ga ga, da da" after being knocked into the last decade.

Bolts 72 (45) Sidewinders 13 (20) +1

LICK of the week
I cant just choose 1 this week...

Naturals (2-0) Vs Hawks (0-2)

Natural(ly), the Hawks will have thier silicone implants implode this week, and it will cause them to fall from the sky - or the fence post. It'll hurt, but they will soar one of these days.

Naturals 76 (48) Hawks 3 (17) +1

Squirrels (2-0) Vs Nic (0-2)

There are quite a few LICKS this week, I am going to lay off Nic for one game. But the squirrels wont unfortunately. They will make Nic thier prision bitch this week.

Squirrels 128 (77) Nic 3 (0) +1

"Out of the closet" Upset

If I go by Sprocket (who does awsome research) - it would be

Bengals (1-1) Vs Alcoholics (1-1)

This could be a great game. Or the Alcoholics could start to stagger and see double. If the alcoholics keep the ground game alive - they will have beer goggles and be all over the Bengals and need to pull a coyote the next morning. If they are sober, the Bengals will Eat them alive - and spit.

Alcoholics 28 (21) Bengals 27 (22) -1

"STRAP ON" Game of the week. It could also be the upset, but...I have to go with a different game:

Lesbians (1-1) Vs Nation (1-1)

This looks to be a challanging game for both teams - Oakland to try to dominate the Lesbians, and for the Lesbians - They will try to have the Nation come out of the closet. But, being dominated fits some of the Lesbians who wear leather UNDER thier uniform (KC?).. The Lesbians should prevail in this one though..

Lesbians 35 (17) Nation 28 (19) -1

Once again - DO NOT BET MONEY ON MY PICKS - Though, if you did you'd still be a winner --- So far.

6-2! Better than a hot stick in the eye
15-9 overall...
Last edited Sep 26, 2008 17:58:16
Watch yourself there man your lucky your not getting cut for that statement.
nice thank again
lol KC You DO read this - Wait till Next game, I've got a good one for DC or Domer...
Last edited Sep 25, 2008 09:57:25
Good stuff Von D!

Hopefully your gay ass WR doesn't fumble 4 times like last game
DC - It was 1 Fumble....and um..shit.

I had juice on my hands from halftime still...
Last edited Sep 26, 2008 06:33:43
Well well..
6-2 This week...
I seem to recall reading something about a big blowout...

Hrm..I dont see the blowout there Oaktown..1 touchdown for my UPSET pick GG man, ya'll played well.

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