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the mentally ill... effective? useless?
Originally posted by Hokiemon
the mentally ill... effective? useless?

Therapy is the recommended course of action.

You know someone?
Originally posted by soapbox
Originally posted by Hokiemon

the mentally ill... effective? useless?

Therapy is the recommended course of action.

You know someone?

Does the patient have internet access when in therapy tho? If so, I can say without a doubt therapy doesn't work.
Originally posted by Hokiemon
Originally posted by soapbox

Originally posted by Hokiemon

the mentally ill... effective? useless?

Therapy is the recommended course of action.

You know someone?

Does the patient have internet access when in therapy tho? If so, I can say without a doubt therapy doesn't work.

Sounds like first hand knowledge...remember the commercials say if you can't get help at Sheridan, get help somewhere.
I'll be praying for you HokieMun.
Originally posted by SheVegas
Originally posted by Hokiemon

Originally posted by soapbox

Originally posted by Hokiemon

the mentally ill... effective? useless?

Therapy is the recommended course of action.

You know someone?

Does the patient have internet access when in therapy tho? If so, I can say without a doubt therapy doesn't work.

Sounds like first hand knowledge...remember the commercials say if you can't get help at Sheridan, get help somewhere.
I'll be praying for you HokieMun.

Not sure it's first hand knowledge on my part, thus the reason I was asking questions. But since you chimed in.......
Originally posted by SheVegas
Originally posted by Hokiemon

Originally posted by soapbox

Originally posted by Hokiemon

the mentally ill... effective? useless?

Therapy is the recommended course of action.

You know someone?

Does the patient have internet access when in therapy tho? If so, I can say without a doubt therapy doesn't work.

Sounds like first hand knowledge...remember the commercials say if you can't get help at Sheridan, get help somewhere.
I'll be praying for you HokieMun.

Why would he be asking for advice if he's been through it?

Are you really that petty? ($50 says his post is either in denial of the prior statement, or this statement)
Originally posted by soapbox
Originally posted by Hokiemon

the mentally ill... effective? useless?

Therapy is the recommended course of action.

You know someone?

Guys my father-in-law is a psychologist for the county.

I can find help for anyone that needs it. Seriously.
Papa Bear
I knew a social worker who specialized in the mentally ill.

She swore meds would work for most. The biggest problem was keeping the patient on them.
Last edited Sep 25, 2008 07:48:20
Originally posted by Hokiemon
the mentally ill... effective? useless?

This really depends on the cause of the illness. For many that suffer from a chemical imbalance, medication can be very effective.

For the rest, I recommend electroshock therapy. Just stick your fingers in an electrical outlet repeatedly.
Originally posted by PackMan97
Originally posted by Hokiemon

the mentally ill... effective? useless?

This really depends on the cause of the illness. For many that suffer from a chemical imbalance, medication can be very effective.

For the rest, I recommend electroshock therapy. Just stick your fingers in an electrical outlet repeatedly.

How would one get the diseased to do this? Most people with psychosis don't know they are psychotic (of course there are schizophrenics who have come to learn [through treatment] that much of what they're seeing isn't really there [or hearing/smelling/tasting/feeling, and this only applies to the paranoid schizos, not catatonics]).
Originally posted by PackMan97
Originally posted by Hokiemon

the mentally ill... effective? useless?

This really depends on the cause of the illness. For many that suffer from a chemical imbalance, medication can be very effective.

For the rest, I recommend electroshock therapy. Just stick your fingers in an electrical outlet repeatedly.

See, now we're getting somewhere. Nice useful info, thank you packman. Now, how to convince a complete psycho that sticking his finger into an electrical outlet is a good thing...
So what good would his uncle be if he has a chemical imbalance and needed a prescription, odds are he cant write one anyway.
Originally posted by Hokiemon
See, now we're getting somewhere. Nice useful info, thank you packman. Now, how to convince a complete psycho that sticking his finger into an electrical outlet is a good thing...

Oh, if you actually wanted an answer... there are usually three causes for psychological disorders (I'm not a physician so I mean take this with a grain of salt):

-Biological disorders (chemical imbalances, etc) - These are covered in the field of biopsychology. They're usually genetic, physiological processes that affect the brain's functioning. It can include things like the brain not producing enough serotonin (which causes depression), or brain malformation (schizophrenic patients usually have larger than normal brain "holes" [forget the real name for some reason]). The cure for this pretty much has to be medication, as the brain doesn't have full control over it (especially consciously).

-Psychological disorders - If biological disorders are problems with the hardware, then psychological disorders are problems with the software. Includes things like most neuroses (OCD, DID, etc) and a few psychoses (I think it still includes sociopathy). Treatment for this is usually therapy, but in many cases, medication can help (usually the therapy is really the treatment, whereas the medication is mainly palliative).

-Stress disorders - Both of the aforementioned disorders come from within (intrapersonal). This has to do with things outside of a person's control (external events). Things like bad weather, traffic, social problems, etc. The only way to deal with these is to remove the cause of the stress.

The top is the most serious (usually), the bottom is the least (stress < psych < biopsych). However, enough stress can leak over and make a psychological problem, and if that becomes too much of a burden, the body responds and eventually it becomes a biological issue (like PTSD is a psychological disorder that is obviously caused by stress, and that can spawn biological disorders, etc).

That help?
Thanks soapbox, but in all honesty (as you know), I could give a rat's ass about the "why". I was just looking for some "unrequested" help for someone, as I felt today may be the day they "totally lost it", if you know what I mean...

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