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Forum > Pacific Pro League > Oceania Conference > Fulgin: Owner of the Sea Turtles
Just wanted to give everyone in the Pros a heads up as to the actions of one of the owners in this league. I'm currently the owner of Chip Lohmiller, the Turtles kicker. I was traded to their team mid-season 3 and played through this season.

During this season I hit level 24 and asked for level 24 upgrade money. Fulgin payed me that money and increased my contract to expire day 40 of season 6. I ASSUMED I would be staying. I had to reason to believe otherwise.

Today I get a PM telling me he's had a kicker being built up to join this season and it'e my job to look for a trade. I asked to be released instead seeing how he knew this info and STILL gave me a contract extension.

Currently, he's banned me from the forums and refuses to cut my kicker. I'm fine with being replaced. I just want to be released. Had I not taken the upgrades, my contract would have expired a day ago.

So am I wrong at being pissed? I know it was my mistake for not making sure I was the future at the position. Lesson learned.

I hope the other Turtles read this and know I'm getting screwed over. In the end, he gets to keep a K hostage. So what. I hope it was worth it.

Last edited Sep 12, 2008 20:00:25
I dont think he is being completely unfair. Sounds like he will trade you anywhere you would like to go (hence the reason he asked you to find a team instead of him finding one for you... should be happy to choose where you get to go). There really is no need for 2 kickers on a team and it would be a financial waste to keep you on the team (seriously doubt he wants to hold you hostage). It would also be a waste to release you after having just paid for the expensive lvl 24 equipment upgrades (he did do you a favor by paying for that). I can understand being upset at being replaced on a good team but I dont think its too much to ask to return the favor (assuming he has been a good owner/manager to this point) and allowing to get something in return...

He did ME a favor by giving me upgrades? lol...I would have never taken them had I known I was not the future at the K position.

Dont you think if he knew about this other kicker, he should have said something at SOME point? He said nothing and instead lead me to believe I was sticking around. He didn't do me any favors by giving me equipment. He did his TEAM a favor by having his player upgraded to the best of his ability.

If I could give the upgrades back, believe me I would.

I tend to believe the ONLY reason he extended my contract was so that he COULD get something in return. He can sit my player all he wants. He's level 27 so it's not like I miss out on a lot of in-game XP.

I'll lose at most 2 levels....but probably only 1 this season. Oh well. I'm on teams with owners who would much rather just cut a player to keep them happy than to be a dick and play hardball. To each his own....

Playing hardball with a kicker is lol funny though.
Last edited Sep 12, 2008 20:25:09
Bottom line is this for me.

Up until this point I believe I had been a good team-mate and player. I questioned some of the teams tactics at times but who doesnt. Fulgin would come explain why things are done a certain way and it would be left at that. I basically came to the conclusion that he was going to run the team the way he wanted no matter what was suggested.

2 playoff losses later and he were are.

I signed that contract extension in good faith that I would be returning. Had I known there was another kicker lined up, I would have never signed it nor worried about level 24 upgrades.

HE was the sly and shaddy person. HE extended my contract with knowledge. Do you guys ask your owners when you sign for bonus equipment whether a replacement is on the way?

Neither did I. I guess that was my big mistake.
I normally take the players side on these things, and I can understand your gripe to a point, but if he's offering a trade to the team of your choice, I think you should just accommodate his accommodation.

Consider it a win-win. You still get to pick your team, and he gets some reimbursement for the bonuses he invested in you.
Originally posted by TesT

HE was the sly and shaddy person. HE extended my contract with knowledge. Do you guys ask your owners when you sign for bonus equipment whether a replacement is on the way?

In answer to this question, no. But I also don't assume I'm always going to be in an owners plans.

Originally posted by McGruffHawk
I normally take the players side on these things, and I can understand your gripe to a point, but if he's offering a trade to the team of your choice, I think you should just accommodate his accommodation.

Consider it a win-win. You still get to pick your team, and he gets some reimbursement for the bonuses he invested in you.

No teams I want to go to need a kicker.

Here's the guy he's going to bench all season.

The specials are low....but that's where S5 points were going to go.
Last edited Sep 12, 2008 20:55:48
Originally posted by McGruffHawk
Originally posted by TesT

HE was the sly and shaddy person. HE extended my contract with knowledge. Do you guys ask your owners when you sign for bonus equipment whether a replacement is on the way?

In answer to this question, no. But I also don't assume I'm always going to be in an owners plans.

Like I said...that was my mistake. On all my other teams I assume I'm going to remain where I am unless the owner tells me otherwise. Its a shame he couldn't offer me the same courtesy those other owners have.
Originally posted by TesT
No teams I want to go to need a kicker.

Whether you are traded or are released you are going to go to a team of YOUR preference (whether or not it is a team you really want to go to).

I just dont see the problem with this reasoning... "Consider it a win-win. You still get to pick your team, and he gets some reimbursement for the bonuses he invested in you."

Personally, if I was playing for an owner/team that had been fair to me and was told I was not in their futures plans and was given the option to be released, I would have suggest to that owner that he trade me (to a team of my preference obviously) so as to do whats best for the team that I once/probably still care about.

To each their own.
And he wanted my FA CBs for a 1-15 team he GMs....

lmao....what a joke. Yeah, I'll let you screw me over on the Turtles and bring 2 more players to a team you GM!!!!! WHERE DO I SIGN?
Originally posted by beenlurken
Originally posted by TesT

No teams I want to go to need a kicker.

Whether you are traded or are released you are going to go to a team of YOUR preference (whether or not it is a team you really want to go to).

I just dont see the problem with this reasoning... "Consider it a win-win. You still get to pick your team, and he gets some reimbursement for the bonuses he invested in you."

Personally, if I was playing for an owner/team that had been fair to me and was told I was not in their futures plans and was given the option to be released, I would have suggest to that owner that he trade me (to a team of my preference obviously) so as to do whats best for the team that I once/probably still care about.

To each their own.

why the hell should he get anything for the bonuses he paid? NFL players walk with millions of teams money each season....for NOTHING in return.

I can't take 200K with me? lol....dude.

Like I's ok. My K is the guy I'll retire first when or if I need extra FP down the road and he's to the point where in-game XP is right around 100....or less! So if I sit for 2 full seasons, I might miss 3 total levels which would put me at level 33 instead of 36 if I continue to boost.

Big deal.

It was just a very shaddy owner move and one he'll regret at some point. What goes around comes around. A lot of his players are on other teams with me and know that I'm not a distraction to the team. I just do my own thing and make suggestions when necessary. All I ask in return is a fair shake and obviously that was too much in this case.

I'm pretty much done with it. People might not see my side and that's ok. I would have never done such a thing as an owner or GM and none of my other owners have every blind-sided me in such a way.

lol...he traded me.

Unless the team is one I'm already on, then I feel bad for the sucker who clicked accept!
I was 100% forthright in offering the Kicker by Test to trade. A team decided that he was worth minimum money even with the problems.

Did test mention that I offered to let him pick the team he went to for Minimum money.

When he asked me for money to upgrade his equipment at level 24, I extended the contract till the end of season 6. He accepted. There was NO communication about it.

I was under the impression until the end of this season that he was going to a team he has other players on but that coach changed his mind at the end of the season. I committed to a young kicker that another agent created, so felt I needed to follow through with that player and sign him.

When test started insulting me and threatening me, I just put him on the trade block. I was honest that he had problems, and he sold for 250k anyways. I feel fine as I got the 200k I invested in his equipment back, plus a little of his Salary.

He did not mention that he is still threatening me, and has made absolutely unfounded accusations against my team of people having multiple accounts. I'm glad to have him of my team after discovering how viperous of an owner he actually is.

I stand by my decision to offer to send him to a team of his choice for minimum money.

I'm not threatening you at all. I gave you a heads up as to the complaint I filed with support. That's being FORTHCOMING something you obviously can't do as an owner. You cant even take the time to tell me the team you traded me to.

It would have been nice had you or someone else in the loop TOLD me of these plans to move my kicker at the end of the season. It's nice to know I'm being shopped around with no knowledge at all.

You're nothing but a punk owner who relies on his GMs to do his work. The owners who I respect, have no problems with me at all. You never earned that respect from me nor will you ever.
Last edited Sep 12, 2008 23:24:55

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