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well i did mine for the last game and it all seemed to work out fine, however, i had my settings to 100% run when leading by 1 or 50 points with less then 240 seconds in the 4th quarter, but we still passed it like 6 times in the final 5 minutes. im not complaining. we did win, im just wondering what kinda possible non match i would have had.. i was only up by 30, and it was less then 4 minutes in the 4th and i even had the ball spot set for anywhere on field..maybe ill go back and look.
Have you tried the defensive AI tester?

My guess is you triggered an input further up the list.
i see.. ok i move up my speical lil settings towards the top.. that way when that situation comes up. it will read it first hopefully. doesnt it go from top to bottom during the quarter, cause i had 1rst downs and the top than 2nd downs and then 3rd downs.. and then 4th downs at the bottom,, so if i wanted to make my run the clock option work.. ill put it at the top. so when that situation comes around then it will see it better, cause i had it at the bottom.. and i see where the problem was now..cause on other downs in the 4th even when i was leading, i had the set for 900 seconds or less. which is the whole quarter. so the run the clock option never kicked in, cause it kept seeing the other ones first, the normal plays during the quarter, i get it.. thanks.
No problem!

And as you said, the general rule of thumb is specific inputs above general ones.

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