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Forum > Goal Line Blitz > Tactics Discussion > Going for it on 4th down with lead late in game
My team keeps going for it on 4th down late in the game. Even when we have a lead. Today we went for it nursing a 4 point lead with a couple minutes to go. On our side of the field. Other teams stops us and scores a touchdown with the short field.

Can anyone give me some help on how to prevent this? Is their an offensive AI setting I'm overlooking? Right now our team is going with standard AI tactics.

I did some tests and apparently it says with 2 minutes or less, our team automatically goes into "2 minute drill" and passes regardless of down, distance, score, field location, etc etc etc. How do I access the "2 minute drill" settings?

(sorry, I know I should be more familiar with these options, but the team owner just gave me access to "tactics" so I could try to investigate why we keep throwing late in the game and going for it on 4th down)
Last edited Aug 12, 2008 11:51:34
4th quarter inputs override the general ones, so I'd look there for your trouble. Either put a score criteria (like -100 to -1) on the 4th quarter 2 minute drill input, or create an input above it that matches 120 seconds left, score 0 to +100, Down = 4 with an output of Punt!
By 'standard' AI tactics, do you mean the Default settings?
If so, I would reload the Default Preset and then hit update...
Since you 'just got' the ability to set guess is someone else fiddled with the settings and updated. If you never reloaded the Default, there is no way you would know the difference w/out previous experience in the system.

But it is just a guess.
I had this problem as well. I found that one of the Inputs that came with the Offensive AI interface was the so-called "Down Late" input in the 4th quarter section. If you look at the settings for this one, the only criteria is that it is under 120 seconds. There is no criteria for being "down" in the score difference section.

What this means is that in the 4th quarter you will be in the "2 minute Drill" on downs 1-4 the last 2 minutes of the game no matter what the score is.

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