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Theo Wizzago
Ok. So a team I OC for, on my preset Depth Chart, I have a Center playing at TE 1 and TE 2. This is because we only have 1 blocking TE and he's a STOP type. So, on some rush plays I have that set that way to have a blocker at TE.

However, when I pass, the TE, in ALL my passing plays, is always taken from the TE or BTE (depending on 1 or 2 TE formation) slot on my ODC preset. So anyone... ANYONE in TE 1 or TE 2 should be on the bench. And that's EXACTLY how it works when the play is one of Borts... but NOT how it works in the O-play creations I make.
TE selected in the Package is TE... not TE 1 or TE 2. And yet... there he is. Mr. Center, the backup "blocker" at TE 1 in my ODC Preset... in the game and running a route.
Different play... same damn thing. WTF?

The ONLY thing I can think of is that the BTE position, inside the package, is set to TE1. But that's still whack because there is NO BTE in either of those formations and the play SHOULD take, from the ODC Preset, the TE slot as it is selected.

Has anyone else had ANY issue with your ODC preset and O-play creations not matching up right? So far it's ONLY been the TE slot. It has happened before (damn if the Center didn't make the catch!) but I wrote it off as a one time 'glitch'. I still took the time to be 100% sure that my ODC preset was correct and that my plays inside the Packages were also matched up. Then... this sh*t happens!???!
I just finished checking (again) every damn thing and it's still in line as it should be. And still, Bort's plays... set EXACTLY THE SAME as mine... do NOT have this issue. Only the created plays.

Reaching out to the GLB community to see if it's showed up for anyone else. Thanks in advance.
Edited by Theo Wizzago on Sep 12, 2023 12:04:00
That HB in replay 1 must be a beast. triple coverage
Theo Wizzago
Originally posted by Border Runners
That HB in replay 1 must be a beast. triple coverage

Likely caused by the stupid TE issue. I mean, if tagged, likely the double coverage the TE would've gotten shifted to the HB instead.
Refrigerator Perry.
TJ Spikes

The bird is the word

Theo Wizzago
So ran it with the other team I OC for and not one single problem. Still don't know if bug or not but I'm gonna wipe ODC preset and rebuild from scratch. Maybe that'll solve it.
Don't panic!
Originally posted by Theo Wizzago
So ran it with the other team I OC for and not one single problem. Still don't know if bug or not but I'm gonna wipe ODC preset and rebuild from scratch. Maybe that'll solve it.

Hey Theo, since it's buggy with one team and not another, on the one where it IS buggy, check the "Formations" tab on your Depth Chart page, see if there are any TEs or other positions specified on that page for some or all of the formations. I don't know how many times something getting set in that Formation Specific Override page has messed stuff up for teams, and it sounds like that might be what's going on.
Theo Wizzago
Thanks Sluggy. Nailed it.
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Edited by rowot on Sep 16, 2023 13:01:38

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